Author Topic: Has anyone read with Alison Shine  (Read 35558 times)

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Has anyone read with Alison Shine
« Reply #75 on: December 21, 2018, 06:17:51 PM »
I go back and forth about her. I used to read with her every now and then. Some things she says make sense and some things are not accurate, they don't happen. I can't say that she is oh so good because I feel like okay the things she says that make sense and are accurate, maybe it's just guessing. The way she phrases things make you feel like she really knows what she is talking about. I still don't know if she uses a bunch of gimmicks or not.

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she does pick up some information, maybe sometimes she interprets it wrong, and maybe sometimes she embellishes things just to keep the conversation going. My chats with her end up being 30 to 40 minutes because she types a lot and I always feel like oh no, I can't end the chat early what if she says something important. But this to me is a bit of a scam. She should give you information and then stop at some point. Or else we could go on for hours.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Has anyone read with Alison Shine
« Reply #76 on: December 22, 2018, 12:30:15 AM »
I go back and forth about her. I used to read with her every now and then. Some things she says make sense and some things are not accurate, they don't happen. I can't say that she is oh so good because I feel like okay the things she says that make sense and are accurate, maybe it's just guessing. The way she phrases things make you feel like she really knows what she is talking about. I still don't know if she uses a bunch of gimmicks or not.

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she does pick up some information, maybe sometimes she interprets it wrong, and maybe sometimes she embellishes things just to keep the conversation going. My chats with her end up being 30 to 40 minutes because she types a lot and I always feel like oh no, I can't end the chat early what if she says something important. But this to me is a bit of a scam. She should give you information and then stop at some point. Or else we could go on for hours.

Yeah she's much more affordable/more accurate if you read with her from her site. You'll get a more focused /accurate reading there as she hs some time to complete it and to focus on a question.

I found that, yeah she's an automatic writer so she just keeps going and going. So I discovered that you just have to interrupt her with your questions or direct her and just end it when you want out or else she'll keep going and going.

Ahh, I see. Ok that makes sense...the automatic writing. Cause I was thinking...does she ever stop? Lol

I might try her from her site. I've read with her a few times and some things she said are deep and seem to be accurate.

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Has anyone read with Alison Shine
« Reply #77 on: January 14, 2019, 09:06:04 PM »
I love this lady. Anyone read with her lately?

Offline kitegirl

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Re: Has anyone read with Alison Shine
« Reply #78 on: May 21, 2019, 09:15:59 PM »
Hi, I read with her a couple of times over the past months! I have to say.... so far she is really good!
When I saw good, I find her a big help in understanding my POI current actions in greater detail.
The first time I read with her she told me we would have an 'honest conversation' in a couple of weeks and to prepare myself with the clear message I want to give.... she hit the nail on the head.
I mean I have spoken to many other Psychic's none of them were able to tell me this type of information.

I sometimes get lost in the reading and for sure have to read it back afterwards. But I think it is great how much detail she can provide.
I do find it hard to sometimes get a clear answer from her though, which leaves me a little bit more confused sometimes.

Overall though I think she is a really strong!

Offline honeybee28

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Re: Has anyone read with Alison Shine
« Reply #79 on: September 23, 2019, 09:08:36 PM »
I read with her a few times a while back, and at first I was super intrigued by her, but I remembered that really, after re-reading the convos, it was a lot of fluffy spiritual talk, but really all over the place.

