I had what I thought was a very good reading with her several weeks ago although all predictions for me are way further out. But I will tell you what I liked most. I started by asking “I would like a reading about my love life if there is anyone new...” and she stopped me dead in my tracks: SHUSH GIRL! Don’t say anything else! That’s enough! All you need to say is I want a reading about my love life. Because guess what? Someone can hear that and they can tell you what you want to hear!
And that was Allllll I said. So I loved her because she did that. I barely said anything and SHE was the one to stop me from saying any more. And she gave a really great read on my past and present so I did like her and I would recommend her. Although fair warning she’s hard to understand and least for me because she has a thick accent. Also she had a style that might not be for everyone and did curse a bit but she felt so bad about it lol - just her style. She had a very big personality so she might not be for everyone but I really liked her.