Supernatural intervention-- she's awesome at predicting what's about to happen within the next 3 weeks; always ask questions because sometimes the stuff she says seems confusing or unclear but if you ask questions youll get full explanations .. she was the only person who saw the pending break up, and pulled apart the erratic behavior of when he would come back (he's been wishy-washy, but she predicted all the of the timelines of his return);
Mysticalcraft Arriana- she has predicted very specific things in my life, and relationship (her timing isn't eh greatest, but in hind sight she's always correct, and if she is not correct, she will apologize, take accountability, and look into things) Ive found her to be incredibly consistent, and accurate. She is the only one who saw that he was spiraling into depression, when all others told me things were great, and we would be okay.
Dragonfly dancer has been right about a ton of small things like behaviors, things that were about to happen, but her overall timeline of things have been wrong, however for her price, the things that she notes are mainly relevant, and consistent
InMyHeart--Tammy? She notes a ton of relevant things, her timing is also poor (for me) but she has been correct on many weird topics, and overall consistent on her prediction.