I was re-reading some of my old journals from when I first started calling readers about a long lost love and I will say that North Star Julie was the most accurate in terms of what was happening at the time. She picked up on his emotional state and accurately predicted no contact on a certain occasion when I was hoping it would happen. (she gave reasons why and it sounds very right)
Overall, she was spot on about this person (I would call regularly about him) but the long term prediction didn't happen.
I read with her just a few months ago when she started taking callers again and asked about this former love who has been with someone for a few years. She was honest and didn't feed me a bs story about how he misses me all the time, etc. but rather that he does think of me from time to time and he did think of contacting me in the past.
Her take is that he won't be with this person forever and he'll think of me a lot more when the relationship ends. Who knows... while Julie is quite accurate, she has also been very wrong about other scenarios.
I wish she were online more often as her availability is sporadic.
I agree with what others have said about readers having different strengths and that has been my experience.
fwiw, NO one picked up on this former love having a gf in his life. You'd think that would be significant for them to pick up but I found out on my own and while it wasn't a complete shock (given that we haven't spoken in quite some time), I was mad at readers more than anything else.
Maybe they couldn't pick it up and they'd give me all this gobbly gook about Spirit not giving information, etc. It still made me really mad and question readers, even the best ones.
I've read with the famous Yona a few times and while she's very ethical, she's just okay imo. She has given me some cliched stuff which I dismiss and has also made some rather far fetched predictions that aren't related to what I was calling about. (I'll see if those predictions come to pass given her track record)
A few of her short term (minor) predictions happened although she did get the person mixed up in one of them which seems to be the norm for her.
Yona did pick up on this former love when I first read with her (and each time after that) and she got a re-connection with him for closure but the story kept changing with each read.
She didn't pick up on the gf when I first with read with her and it came up in the last read and I think it's because I had found out about it. So I do believe the cards are good at picking up the current energies. She gave some very cliched lines about their relationship which I found disappointing.
I don't like how she repeats herself and I won't be calling her again.
I haven't had a read in a month's time which I'm very proud about and I may contact a couple of long time faves but it's with the usual caveats.