Author Topic: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?  (Read 10772 times)


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Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« on: June 25, 2017, 12:56:32 PM »
A few weeks ago I closed down my keen account once and for all. The other day I looked through my bank account transactions and realized that in 2017 alone I spent upwards of 5,000 dollars on keen readings, I'm sharing this with you guys although it is embarrassing for me because I really want us all to free ourselves of this obsession and live in freedom. If this person is really meant to be with you, then it will happen when it's meant to, it sucks thinking about the things I've been wanting to do but cannot afford at this time because of the money I've spent on readers. I hope this helps someone.

Offline mystery123

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2017, 02:24:11 PM »
Exactly what I did over last two days. I calculated that i have spent 6000 dollars in 2017 on all psychic services. I could have taken a UK and Europe trip and stayed at 5 stars.

It's not to say that what readers predicted was absolutely wrong, out of 400 readers I read with, maybe 4-5 were right about the outcome of me and POI and not working out, but then also they were not right about his feelings, but all of it is pointless now. I have to take responsibility too of getting addicted to readings.

I also realized that I had put my life of hold. Even when readers said he is flakey, won't change much, but he has feelings for you, I figured God will listen to me and perform a miracle because if he has feelings then he can change, right? Easy thing to do for God! When Zadalia, Judi, Lollie the empaths said he is busy right now and you will see some change in July August, I started thinking he has feelings until he himself told me he has feelings but for someone else. I felt my world fell apart. Even when Kisha said she didn't see a connection but I wouldn't care as I would have gained clarity and have an affair in June with a new guy, it didn't happen like she said, there was no new guy, I still hurt and the connection happened and is breaking now. I guess I just made my own expectations.
Regardless of what any reader said, I was so convinced that God/Universe will do a miracle! Haha. I am so mad at God and myself.

Anyway, I think good readers do see somethings but they also just get visions and premonitions, so they might see a reconnection and it happens but they don't see the whole picture. Maybe for some people they do, and I am one of those they didn't connect wirh to give whole picture.

Definitely not worth 6000 dollars. Lesson learnt- readings should be done in moderation. Set a balance and don't let them mess up your head. Believe what you see.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 02:25:59 PM by mystery123 »

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2017, 02:32:23 PM »
Exactly what I did over last two days. I calculated that i have spent 6000 dollars in 2017 on all psychic services. I could have taken a UK and Europe trip and stayed at 5 stars.

It's not to say that what readers predicted was absolutely wrong, out of 400 readers I read with, maybe 4-5 were right about the outcome of me and POI and not working out, but then also they were not right about his feelings, but all of it is pointless now. I have to take responsibility too of getting addicted to readings.

I also realized that I had put my life of hold. Even when readers said he is flakey, won't change much, but he has feelings for you, I figured God will listen to me and perform a miracle because if he has feelings then he can change, right? Easy thing to do for God! When Zadalia, Judi, Lollie the empaths said he is busy right now and you will see some change in July August, I started thinking he has feelings until he himself told me he has feelings but for someone else. I felt my world fell apart. Even when Kisha said she didn't see a connection but I wouldn't care as I would have gained clarity and have an affair in June with a new guy, it didn't happen like she said, there was no new guy, I still hurt and the connection happened and is breaking now. I guess I just made my own expectations.
Regardless of what any reader said, I was so convinced that God/Universe will do a miracle! Haha. I am so mad at God and myself.

Anyway, I think good readers do see somethings but they also just get visions and premonitions, so they might see a reconnection and it happens but they don't see the whole picture. Maybe for some people they do, and I am one of those they didn't connect wirh to give whole picture.

Definitely not worth 6000 dollars. Lesson learnt- readings should be done in moderation. Set a balance and don't let them mess up your head. Believe what you see.

Very well said!

Offline njlady

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2017, 04:57:51 PM »
I spent close to $1,000 over a two month period (mostly on Keen) this year after a really upsetting incident.  Then I spent a few hundred on a relationship matter on CP.  I'm pretty much done for now,  If some things one of the readers told me tun out to be true, then I am sure as hell calling her back because they were pretty unlikely as far as I know, lol.  Otherwise, I'm done except for my normal get a general reading every year or two.

In 2016, I spent about $35, 2015 zero, 2014 zero, 2013 about $50

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2017, 06:06:33 PM »
Personally I'm fine with people post both positive and negative experiences with psychics. One can post how many they called and what they cost. What I can't stand is someone being attacked for either there positive or negative experience.
I like many others have talked to many and spent a fortune and I can't confirm much. Bottom line yes lots of gifted people can tell you how someone feels, what happened in past. BUT VERY FEW CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE.
If you see a post you don't like then move on.

Offline Alchemist13

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2017, 06:57:06 PM »
Jesus Christ..

Why can't this website be used to strictly review psychics?

It really has become people just throwing their own pity parties, long waffling posts about personal issues and making the assumptions that everyone who reads with psychics is naive, addicted, obsessed with a person who doesn't love them and just getting scammed with incorrect predictions/readings.

The energy on this forum is really bad.

And now we have a newbie complaining....pfft

Offline mystery123

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2017, 07:36:39 PM »
Jesus Christ..

Why can't this website be used to strictly review psychics?

It really has become people just throwing their own pity parties, long waffling posts about personal issues and making the assumptions that everyone who reads with psychics is naive, addicted, obsessed with a person who doesn't love them and just getting scammed with incorrect predictions/readings.

The energy on this forum is really bad.

I'm not throwing a pity party, this forum is about psychic reviews as well as our own experiences with psychics, I simple wrote out my experience, you're free to not look if it's so offensive to you. And writing such a negative and condescending response somehow improves the energy of the forum? Please take it somewhere else.

Or maybe she was referring to my comment, but that's fine, I am sorry it bothered you so much and brought on so much negativity to your life. But you never know what someone else is going through and maybe just making one comment here makes them feel better and reading other people's experience makes it easy on them. I know it helped me just sharing my experience and then when others provided their insight. You don't have to participate and can easily ignore.
Sending you positive vibes now.

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2017, 07:57:50 PM »
I think the majority of people on this forum don't mind the negative. Most people want to hear both sides, and I like reading about people's experiences. It makes me feel better knowing i'm not the only one who has a psychic addiction. I don't see why the forum should have to change in any way just because a few new people don't like the "energy" of it.. Overall,  I have found this forum to be very insightful, it has definitely stopped me from calling and wasting money on bad psychics.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2017, 08:19:38 PM »
Personally I'm fine with people post both positive and negative experiences with psychics. One can post how many they called and what they cost. What I can't stand is someone being attacked for either there positive or negative experience.
I like many others have talked to many and spent a fortune and I can't confirm much. Bottom line yes lots of gifted people can tell you how someone feels, what happened in past. BUT VERY FEW CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE.
If you see a post you don't like then move on.

The posts around this forum lately go beyond posting positive and negative experiences, though. Posting a review of positive and negative experiences is just saying "read with so and so..they said gave me some predictions which turned out to be negative/positive."

Lately all the post have been basically group therapy or people just posting about their personal problems and preaching on their "psychics sell fairytales" soap boxes.

The actual reviews are becoming so hard to find because every other post is a long drawn out story of addiction. This place is psychic reviews not psychic addicts anon.. I thought someone started a separate group/website for that anyways

Maybe people should be mindful of posting in the correct section. There is a Vent section and a My Story section, and a Keen and CP section.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2017, 03:36:18 AM »
Jesus Christ..

Why can't this website be used to strictly review psychics?

It really has become people just throwing their own pity parties, long waffling posts about personal issues and making the assumptions that everyone who reads with psychics is naive, addicted, obsessed with a person who doesn't love them and just getting scammed with incorrect predictions/readings.

The energy on this forum is really bad.

I'm not throwing a pity party, this forum is about psychic reviews as well as our own experiences with psychics, I simple wrote out my experience, you're free to not look if it's so offensive to you. And writing such a negative and condescending response somehow improves the energy of the forum? Please take it somewhere else.

Or maybe she was referring to my comment, but that's fine, I am sorry it bothered you so much and brought on so much negativity to your life. But you never know what someone else is going through and maybe just making one comment here makes them feel better and reading other people's experience makes it easy on them. I know it helped me just sharing my experience and then when others provided their insight. You don't have to participate and can easily ignore.
Sending you positive vibes now.

I wasn't speaking about anyone specifically. Every other post lately in all areas of the forum have been about a lot other than providing objective reviews.

Here's an idea:  Don't  come on the forum if you're not happy with it. It's pretty freaking simple.   

I think it's important to let people know the potential dangers of psychic readings. Financially, emotionally and spiritually.  In 2015, I spent $4,000 in ONE month!!!!   I won't even look at the total I spent.  It's important to hear other experiences. 

Provide objective reviews?  How about REALITY. The reality is many of us have spent thousands of dollars only to have NOTHING come true and be fed a fairy tale.  I don't know how much clearer we can get.  Sorry if it's negative but my goodness! What are we suppose to say?  "Yes, I spent thousands of dollars and nothing came true but the readers are amazing and honest"!!!  Bullcrap.   If those of you who are complaining about the negative posts, I suggest you really look at yourself as to why you are so upset with them.  Could it be that they are bursting your hopeful bubble and you don't want to hear it?  From what I can see, it's all new people getting upset.  Just stick around a while and when you too have spent thousands with nothing coming true, you will join us in the "negative debbie downer" group.  I promise

Offline bstalling

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2017, 04:38:20 AM »
Jesus Christ..

Why can't this website be used to strictly review psychics?

It really has become people just throwing their own pity parties, long waffling posts about personal issues and making the assumptions that everyone who reads with psychics is naive, addicted, obsessed with a person who doesn't love them and just getting scammed with incorrect predictions/readings.

The energy on this forum is really bad.

I'm not throwing a pity party, this forum is about psychic reviews as well as our own experiences with psychics, I simple wrote out my experience, you're free to not look if it's so offensive to you. And writing such a negative and condescending response somehow improves the energy of the forum? Please take it somewhere else.

Or maybe she was referring to my comment, but that's fine, I am sorry it bothered you so much and brought on so much negativity to your life. But you never know what someone else is going through and maybe just making one comment here makes them feel better and reading other people's experience makes it easy on them. I know it helped me just sharing my experience and then when others provided their insight. You don't have to participate and can easily ignore.
Sending you positive vibes now.

I wasn't speaking about anyone specifically. Every other post lately in all areas of the forum have been about a lot other than providing objective reviews.

Here's an idea:  Don't  come on the forum if you're not happy with it. It's pretty freaking simple.   

I think it's important to let people know the potential dangers of psychic readings. Financially, emotionally and spiritually.  In 2015, I spent $4,000 in ONE month!!!!   I won't even look at the total I spent.  It's important to hear other experiences. 

Provide objective reviews?  How about REALITY. The reality is many of us have spent thousands of dollars only to have NOTHING come true and be fed a fairy tale.  I don't know how much clearer we can get.  Sorry if it's negative but my goodness! What are we suppose to say?  "Yes, I spent thousands of dollars and nothing came true but the readers are amazing and honest"!!!  Bullcrap.   If those of you who are complaining about the negative posts, I suggest you really look at yourself as to why you are so upset with them.  Could it be that they are bursting your hopeful bubble and you don't want to hear it?  From what I can see, it's all new people getting upset.  Just stick around a while and when you too have spent thousands with nothing coming true, you will join us in the "negative debbie downer" group.  I promise

Honestly, I think deep down this is what a lot of newbies want to read on here. I had that mentality when I first came, but as time went on, I understood. I've spent thousands over the years and only a handful of readers got things right, and I absolutely believe that good psychics are out there. But they are just hard to find.

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2017, 04:48:34 AM »
Yep. There's levels to this madness.  After spending thousands over the course of 4 years, I consider myself to be an expert LOL (and it's not something to be proud of)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 04:54:09 AM by wildfox87 »

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2017, 04:53:15 AM »
Jesus Christ..

Why can't this website be used to strictly review psychics?

It really has become people just throwing their own pity parties, long waffling posts about personal issues and making the assumptions that everyone who reads with psychics is naive, addicted, obsessed with a person who doesn't love them and just getting scammed with incorrect predictions/readings.

The energy on this forum is really bad.

I'm not throwing a pity party, this forum is about psychic reviews as well as our own experiences with psychics, I simple wrote out my experience, you're free to not look if it's so offensive to you. And writing such a negative and condescending response somehow improves the energy of the forum? Please take it somewhere else.

Or maybe she was referring to my comment, but that's fine, I am sorry it bothered you so much and brought on so much negativity to your life. But you never know what someone else is going through and maybe just making one comment here makes them feel better and reading other people's experience makes it easy on them. I know it helped me just sharing my experience and then when others provided their insight. You don't have to participate and can easily ignore.
Sending you positive vibes now.

I wasn't speaking about anyone specifically. Every other post lately in all areas of the forum have been about a lot other than providing objective reviews.

Here's an idea:  Don't  come on the forum if you're not happy with it. It's pretty freaking simple.   

I think it's important to let people know the potential dangers of psychic readings. Financially, emotionally and spiritually.  In 2015, I spent $4,000 in ONE month!!!!   I won't even look at the total I spent.  It's important to hear other experiences. 

Provide objective reviews?  How about REALITY. The reality is many of us have spent thousands of dollars only to have NOTHING come true and be fed a fairy tale.  I don't know how much clearer we can get.  Sorry if it's negative but my goodness! What are we suppose to say?  "Yes, I spent thousands of dollars and nothing came true but the readers are amazing and honest"!!!  Bullcrap.   If those of you who are complaining about the negative posts, I suggest you really look at yourself as to why you are so upset with them.  Could it be that they are bursting your hopeful bubble and you don't want to hear it?  From what I can see, it's all new people getting upset.  Just stick around a while and when you too have spent thousands with nothing coming true, you will join us in the "negative debbie downer" group.  I promise

Honestly, I think deep down this is what a lot of newbies want to read on here. I had that mentality when I first came, but as time went on, I understood. I've spent thousands over the years and only a handful of readers got things right, and I absolutely believe that good psychics are out there. But they are just hard to find.

Of course they want to hear happy endings and positive outcomes. We all did/do. I was the same way. I remember reading a post when I first found this forum from someone that had spent something like $47000 on keen. Nothing came true. Not ONE thing.  Did it stop me? Nope. We all think "that won't hapoen to me" and maybe it won't.  I wish I would have taken the first reading, locked it away and kept living my life. Instead, i became consumed with readings and obsessing. Maybe too many readings screw up the outcome. Who knows. Bottom line, is, if someone doesnt like a topic, they have a choice to not read it. Dont like the forum? Dont come back. We all have choices here. Don't complain about negative/realistic comments and reviews. Its your choice to be here and read them

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2017, 03:13:16 PM »
I probably spent thousands LOL I dont even want to check it.

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Guess How Much I've Spent on Keen In 2017?
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2017, 04:34:54 PM »
Same here spend thousands and not one thing has come to pass. Now I'm only calling psychic every 2 weeks trying to stop calling.