Author Topic: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me  (Read 20019 times)

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2018, 02:36:23 AM »
Totally agree... No one has the right to be so judge mental. Terrible. Don't like something don't agree skip post and move on. Plenty of other post here to read.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2018, 02:21:00 PM »
I do see how some of the posts towards OP can seem judgmental, but he is posting for opinions and feedback, no? 

You can't possibly think that everyone on a forum is going to just coddle him and tell him his behavior is normal and all will be ok.  that's not the way it works and there's nothing productive about it...especially when it seems his behavior is so erratic.

Offline Beesa

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2018, 02:50:06 PM »
Don't really mind the stuff with all his talk about POI and the back and forth, whatever, it's frustrating but his own thing. The only thing that's annoying is the multiple threads, I just wish they're either combined or put in the right forum, like vent or my story or whatever, because its distracting and repetitive.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2018, 03:44:50 PM »
I do see how some of the posts towards OP can seem judgmental, but he is posting for opinions and feedback, no? 

You can't possibly think that everyone on a forum is going to just coddle him and tell him his behavior is normal and all will be ok.  that's not the way it works and there's nothing productive about it...especially when it seems his behavior is so erratic.

Giving him constructive criticism is ok but some are just down right hateful. Again, if you don't like his posts, don't read them! No One has been appointed counselor of the day. We can all be considered nut cases because we are calling psychics about a person that most likely has moved on, has no interest or the relationship is over for good.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2018, 03:58:09 PM »
I do see how some of the posts towards OP can seem judgmental, but he is posting for opinions and feedback, no? 

You can't possibly think that everyone on a forum is going to just coddle him and tell him his behavior is normal and all will be ok.  that's not the way it works and there's nothing productive about it...especially when it seems his behavior is so erratic.

Giving him constructive criticism is ok but some are just down right hateful. Again, if you don't like his posts, don't read them! No One has been appointed counselor of the day. We can all be considered nut cases because we are calling psychics about a person that most likely has moved on, has no interest or the relationship is over for good.

Are you the new moderator?  I am not clear on why you are taking this so personally.  And I don't think everyone is calling about a POI that has no interest in them....and I don't think calling psychics makes us "nut cases"...THAT is judgmental. 

I honestly just felt like he maybe could benefit from help outside getting readings...if that came off as cruel, I do apologize to him. 
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 03:59:59 PM by sawthelight »

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2018, 04:07:18 PM »
I kind of feel he just posted this to save face..if you will. After everyone told to get help etc don't seriously believe this? Save face from what exactly, a bunch of total strangers on the internet who rant a bunch of nonsense every time he posts?

Because he seems like a know it all who doesn’t listen to anything but what HE wants to hear. You seriously believe his behavior is normal and healthy?!? 

Two days after he posts that she was supposedly playing games again, and 90% of the people said he needs therapy and not psychics, he comes back with completely opposite news?  Please. It’s obvious he’s got a few screws loose and for that matter, so does the girl he’s talking to. I’m starting to wonder if this whole thing is even real

It's one thing to share opinions about a situation-- and hopefully that can be done in a way that's kind and constructive--and another altogether to label people.

Taking the conversation to where people are talking about another member in third person as if he doesn't exist (even though he is actively posting on the thread) is extremely rude, in my opinion.

Calling someone a liar, when we really don't know the whole story, is about as judgemental as it gets.

And name-calling (screw loose, not normal) is just plain mean.

I agree, just ignore posts if you don't want to read them. If you want to share your opinion about his situation (constructively) or ask people to post on the right thread... fine, but I say keep the mean comments to yourselves.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 04:14:03 PM by doubleoh8 »

Offline journalmuse

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2018, 05:52:49 PM »
😂😂 What can I say, love me some Dr. Seuss 😂

On a serious note, I get where Journal* is coming  from, but it’s not that simple to just ignore it. That’s the problem with people these days, they just ignore things and hope it gets better when the opposite occurs. Sure, we don’t know LostSoul, nor do we have any obligation or responsibility towards him.  Perhaps when he sees that the general consensus on this forum is that he may just be FAR out there and require help beyond that which a psychic can provide, he can take the proper steps to get that help. We’re all a little crazy anyway since we’re on this forum to begin with lol, but there’s a limit. I’ve read a lot of stories on here and not one has made me feel so uncomfortable as his...

Plus, as previously mentioned, it's MULTIPLE topics across all kinds of threads, including unrelated threads. It'll confuse the hell out of anyone who comes across this site looking for guidance as far as psychic accuracy etc, which really, is what this site is about in the first place. A generic, "they're all right!" and less than 24 hours later, "they're all wrong!" isn't helping anyone on here.

EDIT: I mistakenly called you Journey, not Journal.

That's OK I kinda like Journey too :)

I honestly get where you're coming from especially with the multiple threads, I just cringe sometimes when the messages turn personal because I feel like it's not going to help anything and may come across as mean, even though I know that's not the intention behind it.


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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2018, 06:05:12 PM »
Does anyone else not see what's going on here?

lostsoul209 and Still tired connected on this forum and have fallen in love. All these threads are written in code. They are working out their relationship issues publicly, but not wanting to be obvious about it.

(As an example, "the gym" is code for "the time we had sex".)

Baypark1 is lostsoul209's side chick. Once she figured out what's been going on here on the forum, she came here to defend her man.

sawthelight is lostsoul209's ex and is still bitter about the breakup.

Seeing an opportunity to make some extra money, bstalling created a Keen listing and has been doing readings for lostsoul209, Still tired, Baypark1, AND sawthelight about this love triangle...or square.

Give it a few more weeks. Someone is going to snap and start sharing screen caps of DMs, nude selfies, and audio clips of predictions made.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline Baypark1

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2018, 11:46:07 PM »
I do see how some of the posts towards OP can seem judgmental, but he is posting for opinions and feedback, no? 

You can't possibly think that everyone on a forum is going to just coddle him and tell him his behavior is normal and all will be ok.  that's not the way it works and there's nothing productive about it...especially when it seems his behavior is so erratic.

Giving him constructive criticism is ok but some are just down right hateful. Again, if you don't like his posts, don't read them! No One has been appointed counselor of the day. We can all be considered nut cases because we are calling psychics about a person that most likely has moved on, has no interest or the relationship is over for good.

Are you the new moderator?  I am not clear on why you are taking this so personally.  And I don't think everyone is calling about a POI that has no interest in them....and I don't think calling psychics makes us "nut cases"...THAT is judgmental. 

I honestly just felt like he maybe could benefit from help outside getting readings...if that came off as cruel, I do apologize to him.

I'm not taking anything personally, I'm standing up for him because you all are really out of line.  I never said everyone is calling about a POI that is not interested in them, but let's be serious here,if a POI was interested in being with you, they would be.  PERIOD. You all are saying lostsoul is not stable and has issues.   NONE OF US ARE STABLE AND WE ALL HAVE ISSUES otherwise we wouldn't be calling psychics.  I was the leader in having issues and instability. I paid ALOT of money to be able to say that.  Thank GOD I don't call anymore and I'm sorry I came back here to check in.  It surely wasn't worth this!!

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2018, 12:40:19 AM »
No one posting on this board deserves to be berated. I totally agree with @Baypark... He has never attacked or said a bad word about anyone. He has only posted about his situation. God sake leave the man alone.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2018, 02:14:19 PM »
I do see how some of the posts towards OP can seem judgmental, but he is posting for opinions and feedback, no? 

You can't possibly think that everyone on a forum is going to just coddle him and tell him his behavior is normal and all will be ok.  that's not the way it works and there's nothing productive about it...especially when it seems his behavior is so erratic.

Giving him constructive criticism is ok but some are just down right hateful. Again, if you don't like his posts, don't read them! No One has been appointed counselor of the day. We can all be considered nut cases because we are calling psychics about a person that most likely has moved on, has no interest or the relationship is over for good.

Are you the new moderator?  I am not clear on why you are taking this so personally.  And I don't think everyone is calling about a POI that has no interest in them....and I don't think calling psychics makes us "nut cases"...THAT is judgmental. 

I honestly just felt like he maybe could benefit from help outside getting readings...if that came off as cruel, I do apologize to him.

I'm not taking anything personally, I'm standing up for him because you all are really out of line.  I never said everyone is calling about a POI that is not interested in them, but let's be serious here,if a POI was interested in being with you, they would be.  PERIOD. You all are saying lostsoul is not stable and has issues.   NONE OF US ARE STABLE AND WE ALL HAVE ISSUES otherwise we wouldn't be calling psychics.  I was the leader in having issues and instability. I paid ALOT of money to be able to say that.  Thank GOD I don't call anymore and I'm sorry I came back here to check in.  It surely wasn't worth this!!

You seem a bit controlling.  You cannot dictate how others post, or how they are going to respond to OP's constant vents or rants, or whatever you want to call them.  And Lostsoul called everyone a bunch of bitches a few months back, that I remember...because they weren't feeding into his crap.  Here is is: "So when you do as they said they blamed on your energy. You just nitpick my post you don't even read all the story. I won't post here anymore too much bitches just want to tell my own psychic experiencing, If it fate like all the psychic said shouldn't it happen no matter what?"

You can pretend you are so above all that still call (some of your other posts have this condescending attitude, like oh, I'm so much smarter than you and so much more enlightened now that I stopped calling), but bottom line is, your situation is your situation, and not everyone mirrors yours.  Yes, calling psychics is probably not the most healthy thing to do for most, esp. when done obsessively, but to say all of us are unstable and have issues that call is insulting as well as hypocritical.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #41 on: February 27, 2018, 04:27:14 PM »
Ok whatever you say dear. I am in NO way hypocritical because I had a severe addiction to calling so I DO know how damaging calling can be to your emotional stability.  I am no better than anyone else because again, I had a severe addiction. I've just come out on the other side.  I must have hit a nerve with you.  Go ahead and cop an attitude with lost soul. Grace and empathy goes a long way. Kindness as well. Have a great day. I'm done with this. Waste of my time

Offline sawthelight

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2018, 04:36:01 PM »
Ok whatever you say dear. I am in NO way hypocritical because I had a severe addiction to calling so I DO know how damaging calling can be to your emotional stability.  I am no better than anyone else because again, I had a severe addiction. I've just come out on the other side.  I must have hit a nerve with you.  Go ahead and cop an attitude with lost soul. Grace and empathy goes a long way. Kindness as well. Have a great day. I'm done with this. Waste of my time

the hypocritical part was you calling others "unstable" and that we ALL have issues because we call, when we were saying similar things about Lostsoul being unstable because of his behavior and erratic posts and suggesting to him maybe, just maybe, readings aren't the best avenue for him.  which is the whole point of the ten paragraph sagas you have posted in the past.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2018, 04:44:49 PM »
Ok whatever you say dear. I am in NO way hypocritical because I had a severe addiction to calling so I DO know how damaging calling can be to your emotional stability.  I am no better than anyone else because again, I had a severe addiction. I've just come out on the other side.  I must have hit a nerve with you.  Go ahead and cop an attitude with lost soul. Grace and empathy goes a long way. Kindness as well. Have a great day. I'm done with this. Waste of my time

the hypocritical part was you calling others "unstable" and that we ALL have issues because we call, when we were saying similar things about Lostsoul being unstable because of his behavior and erratic posts and suggesting to him maybe, just maybe, readings aren't the best avenue for him.  which is the whole point of the ten paragraph sagas you have posted in the past.

LOL I don't know how many times I have to say that I was extremely unstable and the calling only made it worse.  Trust me, I am NO better than anyone else.  As i've matured, I've found that a kinder approach with people is best.  If you all feel that your approach HELPED lostsoul, I'm pretty sure you are wrong.  IF he is unstable or damaged, the approach you all took could very well send him to a place that could be damaging.  Our words can destroy a person.  If you're so concerned about him, take it to PM instead of doing it publicly.   Every person that is calling on a regular basis has issues.  Normal people don't call regularly, maybe ONCE a year.  Calling psychics regularly is NOT normal.  Now that I'm away from calling and have broken the addiction, I see that now.  I hope everyone else will eventually see that as well.  I'm not judging anyone either, so don't go there. I know this because of 4 long and very expensive years of calling and being completely obsessed, not able to do focus on anything else.  @Lostsoul, I hope you stop calling and stop coming on here.  You are better than this and don't deserve the treatment you get here.  :)

Offline helloworld

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Re: WOW my poi tell her feeling for me
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2018, 07:14:10 PM »

As i've matured, I've found that a kinder approach with people is best.  If you all feel that your approach HELPED lostsoul, I'm pretty sure you are wrong.  IF he is unstable or damaged, the approach you all took could very well send him to a place that could be damaging.  Our words can destroy a person.  If you're so concerned about him, take it to PM instead of doing it publicly.   Every person that is calling on a regular basis has issues.  Normal people don't call regularly, maybe ONCE a year.  Calling psychics regularly is NOT normal.  Now that I'm away from calling and have broken the addiction, I see that now.  I hope everyone else will eventually see that as well.  I'm not judging anyone either, so don't go there. I know this because of 4 long and very expensive years of calling and being completely obsessed, not able to do focus on anything else.  @Lostsoul, I hope you stop calling and stop coming on here.  You are better than this and don't deserve the treatment you get here.  :)

So true and well said.