Author Topic: Updates - How's everyone doing?  (Read 57393 times)

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2011, 07:40:32 PM »

I am so glad that you are starting to think less and less of the guy!!

As i was reading your story, I was thinking hmm the psychics tell her that the guy and his wife were like a was done and now he had to just get rid o it. At the same time, what if the wife were to call the psychics, I just have a feeling that they would tell her that her husband will turn around and he will come back---he loves her etc etc etc. The other woman  is just temporarary etc etc. I dunno just a thought. Cuz we all seem to be hearing what we want to hear!

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #61 on: February 05, 2011, 08:02:31 PM »
KiraKira, I'm so glad you're healing.  Sounds like you are very strong.  I know I have appreciated your perspective on the psychic readings.  I'm sure we've all wondered if we're getting the truth from time to time and this is one of the main reasons we all met on the complaint board, as well as the comraderie and support.  There are quite a few frauds in the industry and we wanted to see objectively if predictions were unfolding as predicted.  I know I have been aware of making too many calls to CP throughout the past few months, but everyone's journey is different.  Sometimes people need some hope to get them through the roughest of days.  I think deep down our own intuition tells us whether there is really a connection with our loved ones or not, although we want a little more insight on what's going on with them or what they're thinking, etc.  Validation is something I think we are most searching for.  If we really believed it was completely over, we would've already moved on just like you.  Personally, I spent 20 years with this man and I feel like I've known him very well, we share a child together.  It's hard for me to imagine that he would just pack up and leave without looking back.  He seems so conflicted and confused, but I see flickers of the man I used to know.  He contradicts himself.  His tone and emotions don't match the words he says.  The words can be cruel, but his tone says it's all a front and show for her.  I'm not willing to let him off the hook for what he's done, as a matter of fact I tell him exactly how it is, just like I always have.  I feel like he has issues he needs to deal with and under the right circumstances, I may be able to forgive him.  Stay strong and we are all here to support you.

Offline Libra

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #62 on: February 05, 2011, 09:39:39 PM »
Kirakira, if you don't mind, who did you read at CP with and who was wrong?

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Relationships and Obsessions
« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2011, 10:15:30 PM »
We all tend to obsess with the other person, their situation and their thoughts, but how do we even know if thy are truly right for us? How many times did we meet this amazing guy, who was a best friend and had all the great qualities, and later after years went by it turned otherwise. How many of us went into relationships even though we knew that there are problems showing up already?
It is very hard to stop thinking about that other person, but this reveals a problem with many of us are struggling with and it is FEAR OF BEING ALONE. The underlying cause of that is LACK OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR OURSELVES. If people have true unconditional love for themselves, they don't obsessively need that person to be with them and validate them.
If you are loving yourself unconditionally, you don't need to obsess about anything else, you are OK by yourself. However we human beings, have needs to mate and look for relationships. But we must remember that the relationship is just an enhancement, an addition to our amazing existence by ourselves.


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #64 on: February 05, 2011, 10:36:30 PM »
Moneta- exactly.  That's all I'm saying.  Question motives, of them and ourselves. There is a lot of profit happening at that company.  And personally, I spent money for false hope that I should not have because for me finances are very very VERY tough. I wish I had been able to read posts like these and find a supportive group of people with similar things going on at the time.  I think I would have reconsidered the calls and gained some strength. So that's why I'm still here.

AngelG- I just don't even know what to say to you. Twenty years is such a long time, it must be very difficult to say the least. You must have every emotion in the book going on. I wish strength and resolution for you. I don't know how old you are, and although 20 years is a long time, I bet you have 20 or 40 or more years to go, so no matter how you go it, I hope you will be happy again soon. Remember life is full of unexpected turns and twists, you never know what's on the other side. You might find a new life and new love that you never imagined would exist! I'm not telling you what to do, just thinking about the women I've known who have gone through this.

libra- I sent ya a recap  ;) 

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #65 on: February 06, 2011, 01:09:11 AM »
To be honest only one psychics at CP held me on the phone just to keep the minutes going and it was Anya Dawn. Unfortunately her readings weren't consistent. And when she ran out of predictions she started flattering me saying "wow, you are doing so well, you are great person, and so on, and so on...." seemed she could go, and go for hours if I stayed on the phone. So that was the only one bad experience, I had. Other psychics I read with, just answered my question and let me hang up. Which is very fair, I think.

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #66 on: February 06, 2011, 02:31:47 AM »

I just want to start by saying that since I am the one who spoke about that we are all here not judging each other I just want to make sure that I clarify that was meant as a good thing and not directed at you Kira.  I truly meant that we are here helping each other, encouraging each other, and this started out with all of us reaching out in desperation to see "what are other's experiences?" and "is this all a scam?" and then it quickly turned into support, encouraging, views, and then The VENT -- Psychic Break made by CSK on the other board.  So maybe we can not call so much and try to help each other in between in the forum.  So this has been a great place for everyone.  So I apologize if you felt it was directed at you it was not it was directed at everyone to recognize the good that everyone is doing for each other with speaking openly of their experiences.  We are all learning from each other.

Angel -- Wow I feel you are incredibly strong to be dealing with all of this with your husband.  But it does sound like he's struggling with some emotions here.

I agree with Libra yes this experience in here and that we are all having with these soulmates is making all of us take a look at ourselves and go within.  That's usually why we are supposed to have these experiences -- and some say we've asked for this experience before we came into this life.  We wanted to experience this and learn from it.  Maybe we're afraid to be alone....maybe we have to learn to love ourselves first.  I will say that always the best thing to do when you are experiencing sadness or grief of any kind is to focus on yourself -- work on you!  Pamper yourself, treat yourself, take a class, etc....  I mean look at Jennifer Aniston after the breakup with Brad Pitt!!!!  She never looked better....there was plenty written about her emotions, and such but she focused on herself and kept moving in life.   Also, often in these situations we are all not really ready and that's why the separation occurs....some of us are attached to others...some are not ready financially, etc...  We usually talk about the runner not being ready. But usually we ourselves are not totally ready and we don't realize it.  So we all have work to do. 

And yes I agree that relationships are about adding to each other's lives.  We're not supposed to lose ourselves in the other person.

But I think we all totally get it in here...we know how we feel, we know we have up times, down times, we go through times we're obsessed and times we're ok.

And I still feel a psychic reading is helpful, can give clarity, but it's not supposed to run our lives....and we're supposed to use it with our own gut feeling.  And we're supposed to believe, and trust, and have faith, in ourselves and the situation. 

And yes CP is so big I'm sure it owns several smaller sites.  And when you google for psychic readings and it comes up first on the internet....that costs plenty.  And I hear them advertise on the radio all the time...when I first started reading on CP they did not advertise on the radio.  So the rising prices go to advertising.  And the owner's are filmakers.  Outlook Amusements are 2 men I googled one time and saw it.  They use CP to fund their movie business I'm sure.

Hopefully though, they have some on there at least that have enough of a conscience to do the right thing by the callers.  I've had 3 psychics keep me on the phone in all the time I've read on was Winter, one was Linda (she was the worst we were done and she said how about your career? etc...), and one was Anasela. 

Offline Libra

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #67 on: February 06, 2011, 06:04:05 AM »
At CP they should start caring more about customer service, cause if too many people complain, the word will spread around and the company will suffer. Good thing is that I had customer service advise me to hang up immediately if I don't feel the connection with a psychic immediately. They also refunded me money for a reading that completely didn't make sense to me.
But hopefully websites like this and complaints will be heard by the owners and people who work there, so something will be done.

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #68 on: February 06, 2011, 02:01:41 PM »
Wow AngelGuided! I read your story. It's so much drama. I am sorry that your children are exposed to this. Do you really want to get back with him?  After all this? He is exposing children to this, and dragging them into this whole sick situation. Seriously do what you want, but I would just resolve everything in court and make sure that you get all you need. I wouldn't even communicate with him, I would have a lawyer handle everything.


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #69 on: February 06, 2011, 03:27:25 PM »
I've been feeling kinda down lately and doing a lot of thinking.

I read an article yesterday on CP about heaven. For some reason it stuck with me. About how it is pure love and happiness. That you help something with your energy and they in turn help you, etc. The example was flowers but I related it to real life. I also went to church last night and was really trying to piece all of this together and figure out why I am still in this rut. But this AM I figured it out. I haven't felt like I deserved more then I was getting - in my 14 year marriage,  in my relationships since the end of the marriage, with relationships before my marriage, etc. I have never felt worthy of having someone fully committed to me so I've excepted less.

Jacqueline, for awhile, has been trying to get me to be strong, stick up for myself with SM, be aloof, be unavailable etc. I kept thinking, that is so mean, I really try to keep positive karma and treat others how I would want to be treated. He has "problems" with commitment and intimacy due to significant issues from his past - but she is right. Doing this will help him evolve.

It is a fine line - do onto others as you would have done onto yourself - while not being a doormat. Fight for what you deserve - whatever that might be.

So to my friends who are waiting, fighting for their marriage, trying to find themselves, as long as we are being honest with ourselves, on the path to self respect and to our highest "good", we will find happiness. I've used CP's to help validate I'm on the right path and have had some really cool stuff happen. I'm very aware that they have been and can be wrong - but their validation is helping me on my journey - my long and very bumpy road. I don't know if I will really end up with SM, but if I was in a "real" relationship right now I wouldn't have stopped the cycle. I would keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again.

OK - That is my Sunday morning revelation.  :) Enjoy the day everyone.

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #70 on: February 06, 2011, 03:55:31 PM »
Thanks Libra!  Problem is that I do not have a lawyer to handle these things for me, can't really afford one right now.  I do feel like I get through to him at times, as if he may be understanding what he's doing is wrong.  He's actually asking me for my perspective and he wouldn't be doing that if he felt completely justified in what he's doing.  I hold him accountable for his actions and I don't excuse him for it.  I'm definitely taking him back to court to get what I need and what should've been mine anyway.  I hope this outcome is better than our last visit.  Even though the last court hearing wasn't fair to me at all, it definitely made a financial impact on him because he hadn't saved any $$.  Now he's got to come up with money for his taxes and I'm sure he's pretty scared about this next appeal and how much more he will owe.  Can he make it all work?  She's scared to death of his emotional connection with me which is why she behaves so badly when he and I talk.  Not to mention their financial situation because of his family obligations to us, this has made her bitter and resentful.  I have been told by quite a few psychics that we can rebuild our marriage and it will be stronger and better than what it was before, that remains to be seen presently.  I'm being objective about that at this time, we've been separated for a little more than 5 months now.  The ball is in his court to see whether he makes an effort or not?

Positivethoughts, I think you've really made a breakthrough and some wonderful insight into your own life!  You deserve to be loved and you deserve to be with a man who is available and committed to you in every way, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, whether that is your sm or another relationship.  It does sound like you still have a connection with him.  If Jacqueline has been able to help you find your strength and voice to assist you in teaching you the lessons you need to learn, your money has not been wasted.  This personal revelation of self discovery is just what you needed.


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #71 on: February 06, 2011, 04:39:52 PM »
Thanks Angel. I feel like my money has been well spent - once I found who I connected with etc. CP has been a great tool for me. I've decided when he calls me that I'm telling him I just want to be friends for now. I am so very scared to do it but I'm ready to let go. We have a very strong spiritual connection that actually scared me at times - he can read me like a book and knows when I'm sick, when I'm sad, when I'm thinking about making a big move or purchase - even when we haven't talked for weeks. I could write paragraphs about all of the weird stuff that has happened. I know it scares and confuses him as well and I've tried to have unconditional love and patience while he works through his issues but it is impacting me emotionally - for 6 month's - and I have 3 young kids, a career, and a big fun life to live. I'm sick of being sad and lonely. He "feels" me stronger then I "feel" him. I have no idea what he is up to but I can tell when he is going to call. I literally feel the energy coming starting the day before. There is no one else but this group I could share this with - LOL.

They say our souls were ready to meet but physically was too early for him. Maybe it was for me too. I guess I feel lucky that I got to experience this type of connection. I hope I have the opportunity for it continue but it is out of my hands.

I am so ready for the next phase of my life - bring it on finally!!


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #72 on: February 06, 2011, 04:55:35 PM »
also - about CP - like everyone I've had some BAD BAD BAD readings. It took me awhile to find who and what worked for me. It amazes me that some of them actually have a job on CP but maybe they are accurate for someone out there.

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #73 on: February 07, 2011, 06:53:10 AM »
Hi all,

I have been reading this forum since I joined the complain board. I have been hesitating to write this post for quite a while but I guess I am probably one of the "Negative Energies" in this forum. I too have my fair share of calling CP and spending 1.5K over 2 months speaking to psychics whose timelines have passed one by one and yet I have not heard from my ex or whatsover.

I still love him so much. And I wonder how will I ever move on or be emotionally stronger. I too after trying CP who told me so many things that yes he would come back, we are meant to be together, etc. But seeing nothing happened till that, I have asked the tarot lady and Maggie White whom said he is gone forever, I am so confused on who to ask or what will happen.

Of course, I understand the pain that everyone is going through, but in anycase, I have registered 2 accounts with CP unfortunately or fortunately they have merged and both accounts are locked and I cannot log into the page to add money or whatever. Hence I cannot call any psychics! I am proventing myself from calling the Customer Services to sort that out and spend more money.

At the end of the day, like kirakira, I think we all need someone to listen to, someone to offer emotional support and a listening ear to tide us through this. At the end of the day, if we could move on and let go, we would be much happier. A suggestion to thehealer, you may want to create a seperate column for support to each other. I too is looking for epople to talk to and to offer help to anyone who needs it.

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #74 on: February 07, 2011, 08:18:43 AM »
Hi thehealer

Thanks for creating the Lets be Friends board :P. You mentioned that you are free at afternoon or nights at California. Is it 12:10 am over your place? Its now 4:10pm where I am at. Haha. Yes I am in my office surfing the net :P

I know it is of course best to have hopes, but I know that loving someone but not receiprocated is very painful. I seriously have no ideas how you people hang on everyday for months and years. It has been 3 months and I already find it a chore! I wish I could be detached of switch my feelings off. How long can one person be miserable for? Is it worth to wait for years and years and for someone to treat you this way, what makes I think that he wont do it again? Sigh I am so depressed.

My heart tells me that during the time we were together there was a connection and we truely loved each other and now its over. Period. I dun hear anything from him, and I wonder if he feels the same, or if there are any future for between us. I wanted to let go but I still loved him too much. After he wants no strings attached fun. I do not know.

I wish I could know other guys and hopefully find someone who is worth my time, effort and money.

