Author Topic: Updates - How's everyone doing?  (Read 62282 times)

Offline cj

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2011, 12:24:30 AM »
The only thing I can tell you is to not think that because 10 psychics tell you the same thing, that it will happen. I know it sucks. We want to hear that the person we love will be with us and marry us and live happily ever after...but in reality not all stories end perfectly. Keep you mind open to all possible outcomes. If your instincts is telling you he might not leave that than is reason enough for you to keep your distance and move on. sometimes our guides want us to move on to kind of push the person back into our lives.

Quick true inspirational story you'll love:

My friend was with this guy for four years. He met some other woman and had a baby by her. My friend was distraught (like me) :'( but she loved him, and she took him back. he then got the same girl pregnant again! (can you believe it!) so she took him back again and finally after I knocked some sense into her she left him. She and I graduated college and she moved to Florida. Ther guy ended up with the mother of his kids of course. He moved in with her and everything.

Meanwhile my friend had her life moving in all positive directions. She brought a house, and she had a new bf she moved in with for two years. So one day her new bf told her he didnt love her  :o and he was moving out. ( :-X )

Her and her ex that had two daughters by now was living on his own. He and the mother of his kids  broke up and he was living by himself. When my friend became available he committed to her, married her and now they have a newborn baby.

They were broken up for 4 1/2 years. I witnessed the whole story unfold like a Nicholas Sparks movie.   

Who wouldve thought they would be back together. But he said after being without her for so long he realized that she is all that he wants and sometimes that takes years for them to realize that. You just have to have faith girl. Maybe it won't happen now. Maybe it won't happen with him but it will happen. Soul mates will always come back. No matter what. Have confidence and believe that love in its truest and rarest form does conquer all...even if it doesn't end the way you want it to.

Offline moneta

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #46 on: February 03, 2011, 12:27:32 AM »
cjean---wow life is full of so my twists and turns.....

Offline cj

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2011, 12:36:50 AM »
you have no idea! lol. I think if we knew everything now we wouldn't know the lessons. After all our souls are here to learn things and grow. Just how we are meant to learn and grow so is our partners. We won't always be in syc together as far as growth which is why sometimes things seem like they may never happen. But its not always when but if it will happen at all. If the person that you are meant to be is not responding than it becomes harder and you're always given a choice on whether it is best to move on or stay unfulfilled.

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2011, 06:33:01 AM »
its a story of inspiration healer. I love the name you chose for yourself. Its time for you t heal yourself. Find it in your heart to forgive those who hurt you and move on. You c an still love someone and move on. Its just your way of releasing to the universe the plan that they have paved for you...which may or may not involve you both. Forgiveness however accepts those changes being made. As you can friend moved on and accepted those changes. And ultimately she received what she always wanted dearly in her heart..and thats for him to love and appreciate her. "The TRUTH": It may not lead you to where you thought you were going, but it will always lead you somewhere better. When ignored, it will eventually show itself.

I remember Abrielle told me my lesson was to show my sm the truth about love. Real love. That is the one thing we cannot ignore. No matter how many times we try to bend it, twist it, transform it..but we can never hide from the truth.

Stay +  :-*

Offline cj

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2011, 03:05:11 PM »
will this pain ever go away? and when?

I told my ex that we can be friends and that Im seeing someone else (of course Im not) its only been 3 weeks. I just don't think Im ready. I wake  up in this depressed state every morning. I don't want to be his friend. What's the point? I feel like I'll just get hurt again.

My heart is so broken and I just don't know what to do. It seems like its a never ending pain. I hate this. :(

Offline jb27

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2011, 08:10:35 PM »
cjean, i know exactly how you feel. When my girl first broke it off with me to go back to her ex i was devistated and extremely hurt. I even was depressed for a few months. All i can say is that time wil help. You might always love him and have feelings for him but over time it will not hurt as much when you think about him. At least thats how it went for me. I wish you the best and know the pain wont last forever =)

Offline cj

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #51 on: February 04, 2011, 01:48:53 AM »
Yeah time does heal wounds. Thx for the inspiration..and I know you'll find someone who deserves your love  :)

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #52 on: February 04, 2011, 02:11:33 AM »
kira what happened? Im confused?


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #53 on: February 04, 2011, 07:15:32 AM »
cjean? you rang? now I'm confused!

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2011, 07:45:28 AM »
lol. I was asking what happened to you?

Offline cj

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2011, 08:46:12 AM »
Like what is your story

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #56 on: February 05, 2011, 04:08:51 PM »
I know I had told you guys about the drama last weekend over our taxes and then how this other woman contacted my daughter on facebook, the saga continues...  My husband justified her contacting our daughter because the message she sent wasn't inappropriate.  I couldn't get him to acknowledge that the contact itself was inappropriate.  That all happened Tuesday.  Wednesday morning I called him because he had mentioned a couple weeks earlier that he had received new insurance cards for us and he needed to get them to us.  He had not done this and I had a doctor's appt, I wasn't sure if anything had changed or not.  So, we're having a civilized conversation on his way home from work.  Of course, she is with him and is talking on her cell phone at the same time.  She begins showing her ass almost immediately that I am calling him.  She is talking with her sister and just being obnoxious and beligerent.  Saying that I call every day to start something, she gets louder and louder.  He and I are trying to continue our conversation and ignore, but after a couple minutes of this, I said she needs to shut up, there's no excuse for this.  This is none of her business, etc.  I said to him that I had looked at the amt used for health insurance on the court order and this was not the correct amt.  He had reported half of the total insurance cost to the court as my expense, when I should only be responsible for the difference in the rate category from employee+one to employee+family (there are 3 of us on the insurance).  This means my cost is only about half of what he reported to court.  He was asking me questions about this to understand what I was saying, then he says I don't have the info in front of me, I'm driving down the road.  I said, of course, I didn't expect you would.  I'm just letting you know there's a discrepancy so you'll know what I'm talking about.  She starts yelling at him, don't you talk to her about $$.  She starts this whole confrontation about my sister sending her sister a friend request on facebook.  Yeah, this happened back in Oct, not really sure why this was an issue on this particular morning?  It was a diversion to start a new conflict.  She I and are arguing back and forth between him.  He yells, I'm sick of this bs and I said, me too!!  He hangs up the phone and I call back she answers, so I hang up and call his voice msg system.  I told him that something has to change, that is not acceptable she cannot control and dominate our conversations, what we discuss is none of her business, etc.  He calls back to defend it, stating he was in her car and because he's in her car she can say whatever she wants, she chimed in and she will!  I said, I don't care who's car you're in, that has nothing to do with it.  Whoever drives that was between them, but she needs to respect some boundaries.  They both have spouses and children and need to respect that.  It always falls on deaf ears.  After a couple of attempts, we ended up having an ok conversation after all this.  She did get quiet eventually, sure she was listening though.  He has been bringing up our marriage and why he left several times this week during our conversations, which is very very new!!!  He really hasn't discussed this since he left.  Seems he's looking for validation. 

Our daughter created a fake phone number on the computer and sent her Dad a couple texts from this number.  Saying, leave me alone and I can get you fired.  It was kind of implied that this other woman was contacting him, of course he never believed it was other woman because of the phone number and she denied sending them.  He was blaming me for these texts early on and I knew that I hadn't sent them, so I was more determined than ever to find out who sent them.  My daughter finally confessed.  I left him a voice message letting him know that she had created the phony texts.  This happened back in August and has continued to be a regular argument.  Him continuously stating that this other woman could prosecute her for these texts.  I'm not condoning what she did, but I think they are being overly dramatic.  They're saying our daughter impersonated her, etc.  I continue to state that these texts were sent to him, not her and she never identified who she was impersonating.  Of course, it was implied but in a court this has to be beyond reasonable doubt.  Then he will turn around and say that she's not pressing charges, but it comes up every few weeks, like clockwork.  Well, on this day he begins telling me that there was another message or two that was sent and said that our daughter threatened herself on the message.  He never mentioned this to me before, although he said that he thought he had.  I assured him that if he had told me that one of those messages threatened my daughter, I would not have forgotten that.  At that time, I did not know they were from my daughter.  There have been so many false allegations being made that i asked my daughter about it that afternoon and she confirmed that she had sent that message.  We talked about it again, why she did that, etc.  I called my husband's voice message system to leave him a msg stating that I had talked to her and she acknowledged that she had sent the msg and was sorry, etc.  He calls me a few minutes later, bent out of shape that I left this message for him in the middle of the day while he was sleeping.  I said, I never rang your phone, I simply left you a voice msg for you to retrieve at your leisure.  Then he asks if I punished her?  I said, so I'm supposed to punish her again months later, because you decide to tell me today that there is an additional message that I was not aware of before?  He said that actually there was another message sent, he started talking about that.  I relayed to my daughter, she said that she didn't send that message.  By this time, other woman butting into our conversation, calling me a liar, then my daughter a liar.  She called me an f-ing bitch.  I am telling her this is none of her business to get out of our conversation.  She says this involves me because messages were sent about me, my husband is saying the same.  I had put my husband on speaker phone when he started explaining this 4th message so my daughter could hear.  She was telling him, Dad I didn't send that message, he was calling her a liar.  Other woman, continued to rant and rave, my daughter told her to stay out of it, she was talking to her Dad.  So, she called my daughter an f-ing bitch.  Phone went dead.  I left him a voice msg saying this has gone too far, not only does she continue to verbally assault me, but now she assaulted our 17-yr old daughter.  He tried to call me back about 4 times, but I wouldn't answer.  He also tried to call our daughter several times, she didn't answer him either.  He didn't leave any messages for either of us.  I went to see the magistrate and completed 2 criminal complaints, took them home with me to return with our daughter later.  I left him a message a couple hours later telling him that I had paperwork for 2 warrants.  It shouldn't have gotten to this point.  I had repeatedly stated my position on this and no one listened, now here we are.  I told him that I was waiting for our daughter to get off work to file.  If he wants a relationship with his daughter he will contact me that evening with a workable solution to avoid this in the future.  I was so tired when my daughter returned from work that I had decided to wait until she got home from school next day.  Around 10pm that night he called and said that he thought this whole situation had gotten way out of hand, I said you think?  He said he thought this was a huge misunderstanding.  He didn't know our daughter was on the phone, he didn't realize he was on speakerphone.  He probably didn't realize he was on speakerphone, but he knew he was talking to his daughter and so did she.  He said he was sleeping and he had to call and defend himself from the message that I left.  I said there was nothing to defend yourself against, you need to listen to that message again because there was nothing confrontational about it.  He said that other woman no longer wants to be around him while he's talking with me.  I said, good that's all I've ever asked for.  From the beginning, I would say call me when you're alone and he would never do this.  Then it became, she needs to stay out of this!  He asked if I had filed the warrants, I said no, not yet.  Don't give me a reason to!  He said that she was threatening to press charges against me for harrassment and defamation of character, which is ridiculuous!  He said, don't give her a reason to either! 

Next day, he calls me mid morning Wednesday to once again discuss our taxes.  He's going to have to pay in about $5500 without our daughter as a dependent or my business expenses.  He is very worried about this, so this is why we've had so much contact this last week.  I told him that I was not going to mess up our daughter's student financial aid for college to save him money, especially when he's not going to be around to contribute to her education.  He started saying that he would be contacting his attorney and it would be addressed in court.  I said, go right ahead.  I'm not responsible for your income taxes on your salary, that's your responsibility.  He should've had a conversation with me before now about our taxes.  He's been saying that my business losses are the reason he left, but suddenly they've become very important to his tax situation.  He said, I want to ask you a question.  I said, ok?  He said, did you want me to stay in a relationship with you and be unhappy?  I said, no I didn't want you to be unhappy but you have a responsibility to communicate when you are unhappy.  You need to learn how to communicate and how to be a husband, not just go look for someone else and leave.  He brought up a couple of issues he had with me.  I told him that I wasn't saying his concerns may not have been valid, but the way he went about this was all wrong and with the way he handled it he could never be right.  He was very quiet, listening.  I said, if I have a problem with you, I take it up with you, not go and look for someone else.  He said, people all over the country get divorced everyday and I said, yes they do.  But, this shouldn't come as a shock to the other party.  Our commitment is something I took seriously and should not have been taken so callously.  It's like he's trying to alleviate his guilt, but he's still blaming me, but the difference is we're talking about it. 


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #57 on: February 05, 2011, 04:27:24 PM »
Wow Angel - that is pretty interesting. I guess that would definitely be him opening up about the relationship???

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2011, 04:53:28 PM »
The interesting thing is that the conversations are being held in her presence.


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2011, 07:20:47 PM »
Angel- that sounds incredibly frustrating  >:( UGHH! 

Cjean- my story is old news, and I think I'm being deemed as judgmental here for tyring to speak honestly on topics... but to answer you in brief - I had a five month love affair, he was married, I thought we were brought together by the great cosmos because it was just so amazing for both of us, he considered leaving his wife for me, etc, near the end I started consulting psychics because something had to give and I was looking for someone to tell me to run run run. But they all said to hang on, be patient, he loved me, he had no passion with her, they were like a business and he had to find the right time to get out of it.  They had very specific emotions and words between us pegged.  Cut to the end, I told his wife because it was so dishonest and I felt she should know.  I knew that would definitely make him hate me, and we'd be over, but it had to end, I was in torment everyday.  Turned out the wife was awesome, gracious, very cool and smart.  She was totally shocked, even though some of the psychics said she knew about us, or that she was bossy and other unsavory things.  She told me I had her deepest gratitude, she kicked him out.  Neither of them have contacted me since.  I don't know if he's surviving this,and I was terribly worried and feeling guilty.  But, he was in the wrong.  He was hurting her and me and now she and I can live in truth and move ahead.  I was obsessed with him and the words of the psychics, calling even though I couldn't afford to.  AFterward, I felt I had been misled by some and that others were only picking up on my personal feelings and desires/view of the situation. Since being on these boards, I've read things that concern me, and I don't feel I am being judgmental, I am being honest about what I think is happening, and it really sucks that nobody wants to hear anything other than what they want to hear all sugar-coated and everything.  That's part of the problem in the first place, that someone will call one after the other to hear they have hope over and over, and then end up on a forum to try to verify the psychics abilities -it's a vicious cycle.  and if you don't know, I should note, I have been involved with tarot and spiritualism since I was a child.  I am a believer, I just also believe in misuse. (thanks)
As far as how I'm doing now...I'm thinking of the guy less and less and less, it's really amazing to get myself back from this.  I feel strong while I still remember the pain very vividly.  That's why I still come here to find support and be supportive, despite how it looks to some.