Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Updates - How's everyone doing?

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I have to create some incoming links to it, and then it will show in the search engines. I haven't had time for that yet.


How is it being found?

Does anyone else feel affected by Mercury Retrograde? It ends this coming Saturday, April 23rd.

Maybe someone who's a bit more into astrology can shed some light on how this is affecting our moods, relationships, etc. ???

All I know is I can't wait for the 23rd to pass. I HOPE the passing helps.

Me too!  I know that it affects communication and I have been feeling like my thinking is foggy...just not a clear connection with my thoughts?  I felt like it was improving a little today?  But, I was told in a reading by an astrologer 2-3 months ago that mercury retrograde would occur every month this year!


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