Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Updates - How's everyone doing?

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I'll break the silence of updates. Yesterday was my 42rd birthday and I didn't hear a word from dick head SM. He has been missing for almost 2 weeks and I don't even think he knows it was my birthday. I had a great day with family and the night before I went out with a bunch of girlfriends. Last night however was bad. Very sad and depressed. Aef and kiki kept me sane. Today I'm very upset, have been on a major CP rampage, feel like crap because of the $$ but I'm going to a st patrick's day party tonight and plan on getting very drunk. Maybe I'll drunk update later.

I'm letting myself feel this pain, not pretend everything is ok and I'm letting myself sink into CP addition. However, starting tomorrow I will brush myself off.

No need to tell me what a dick SM is. I know it. Even if he didn't know it was my b-day coming and going like this isn't fair.

Who predicted what? For contact, Maryanne said I wouldn't hear for another 2 weeks, Allison said March10-12th, Jacqueline said March 10-12th. Michelle said March 11-12, William said March10th or 14th. My b-day was 11th.

He is clearly not capable of nutting up.

NT (n = negative)

Hey PT, the Ahole is a dick Head! :P Haha. Happy belated Birthday PT! Just go out, let go and enjoy yourself tonight. All the best, we will hear from you again ya?!

So sorry PT!!!  I'm so glad you're going out with friends and yes, you need a night of fun and alcohol!  I did that myself last night and had a good time.  I went out with a few people I barely knew, some I had only just met but it was good to get out.  Hope you have a terrific time! :D

pt- 42rd, huh?  ;)  Just playin'... Please do drunk update later!! haha! I'll be here on pacific time, no date, no love... btw, people are celebrating St Patty's Day tonight??  That's very Irish.  6 nights until Thursday and then ya may as well carry through next weekend too!  But seriously, happy birthday and sorry your dude didn't send you any wishes, although I doubt he knew, it took my ex like 6 years to know mine!  effers.

Happy Birthday PT!


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