Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Updates - How's everyone doing?

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has anybody been speaking to anyone lately...Im curious  ::)

You know what. I had my readings. With ......... TADA ... OUR OWN INHOUSE PSYCHIC KIRA! Haha. Oh well, I gave up calling anyone and CP, the rates are crazy and the results uncertain. One thing I observed though, Kira's readings is accurate at that moment of time when she did the reading. I.e. any future readings might be correct at the point of reading. If anything changes, like any deliberate action on one side, any problems that arises or due to free will, the future will change and might invalidate the future readings you have just done. I probably think it is the same for Ps readings with CPs. So there is no way to predict the future since everything changes. So yes Time will tell and look at the reality of things. P.S. I am happy with the new guy I am seeing and we are moving fine. Based on the reading by Kira, all looks good, but again we cannot be certain of the future should any events unfold. Time will tell! All the best for you guys.

The forum is quiet.. So wheres everyone at?

I wish I could say I was out living my life...I was just home watching tv...Boring...I have no friends this sucks. But as soon as I get back to work Im signing up for some cllasses so I can interact with people away from work!

Ohhh! Beachgirl! Don't worry, I understand, I feel the same way sometimes. Come visit me in NJ!


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