Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Updates - How's everyone doing?

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In my dream, CSK, whoever this girl and guy are, they are meeting for the first time, and it seems to be either a set up or an internet date, she's only seen his picture (if even that), and is happy that he is way cuter.  Ever see the Vampire Diaries?  You know the blond guy, he might be the ex of the main girl?  Reminded me of him, but not exactly like him.  Not especially tall.  But kinda flip flops, jeans, button down shirt and a bicycle and a dog.   

lol Hey guys,

I think the matchmaking idea is cute!!! It would be something if anyone on the forum here found their true SM chatting away and don't even know it!!!!!!!! Course, I know it's all in good fun we are all waiting for those damn sm's to fall and hit their head on the cement so some sense could be knocked into them.

Hey JB yeah where are you from? What part of western Canada? I am in Vancouver, BC.

PT: I totally think that things are are falling into place. No kids this weekend--awesome. I think as low key as you are being---if you guys are talking lots and I am sure you are feeling comfortable--bring it up. I'd say "so lets go for coffee/dinner or so you coming over or should I come" lol and see how he reacts to that.

Aef: i think it was aef you were going to go on a date earlier in the week---how did that turn out?

KIKI: haha I think the abercrombie models are hot---I don't think they are d-bags---just the preppy all american dudes hot ones lol..........Jacqueline had said you'd hear from SM this week or weekend----anything?

LOL I missed chat last night---I think I was still so tired from the night before lol!!! I am gonna try to come on later tonight unless I go to my sisters house. It's Fri night---I may even end up going for drinks later. Grrr.

CSK: Dont forget my message I sent you!!!
It was awesome talking to everyone---I love the group you guys---hearing everyones stories and the support everyone offers is fabulous. I know I don't comment too much---I just get busy or lazy but always read!!!!

Have a great night you guys!

KiraKira.....I am 25 and the boy I am dating is late 20s blonde with a dog....and someone just put a dopplganger up of him which is a  male model and he has a dog....hmmmmmmm

jb - Just want to know if you liked her..................

So yea, the two in the dream were first meeting and after thinking about it today, I think it's a meeting that is going to happen soon, and should be for someone in my realm (which sadly, consists mostly of YOU GUYS right now!)  Before bed, I didn't meditate on anything in particular, but did hold in my mind that I wanted to receive messages, esp ones of hope and good news, and that I'd try to remember it and do something with it for a change!  Perhaps I should be more specific about my requests, give that a shot... 


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