Author Topic: Updates - How's everyone doing?  (Read 62209 times)

Offline Sunshinegirl

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2011, 08:54:35 PM »
Hi PT!   Yep, that's the story.  More that anything, I have to say it's been The Tarot Lady and two particular psychics from Psychic Source that have kept me positive.   In addition to a few personal things I have done that is which I will expound upon when I have a little more time.   

Maybe I'll post my story here later today as everyone seems so interested in hearing a positive story.     

Other than Dezi, I really liked Sabrina, Uriela, and Jean.     I have read with many others but they were just OK not able to give much detail or going off on a tangent.

Offline kiki155

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2011, 10:43:11 PM »
ugh. I had a reading with Maryanne, and actually it was all very positive stuff, but the timeline got pushed out like another two weeks. I'm so sick of waiting.

SunshineGirl, is your experience, did your timelines keep changing?

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2011, 11:31:47 PM »
Hang in there PT and Kiki!  I know it's tough waiting all this out!  I know I'm very tired of thinking the end is near only to find out things are not ending yet.  It's always coming, just a little out of reach so I know where you're coming from Kiki.  PT you had asked about my experience with Michelle.  She was wrong about the court date, but she has been very accurate with other things like explaining crazy scenarios to me.  Explaining what the back story was as to why he's done the things he's done.  She's been right about this each time I've asked her.  There were 2 occasions that I asked her about and she was right.  Once she said my husband would call and straighten it out that evening, he did.  But, she had predicted that they would split a couple days after Christmas and they're still together unfortunately.


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2011, 11:39:53 PM »
Thanks Angel for the Michelle info. Hang in there. Hopefully the tide is moving for you a bit. xxoo PT

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2011, 12:01:55 AM »
Jacqueline continues to say that other woman has left or not staying there, but she's always there whenever I hear from him.  She said that again this morning, that she's left, not staying there, staying with girlfriend.  I needed to get the address on the building for court summons since I couldn't remember, so I drove by there a couple hours after talking with Jacqueline and she was definitely there.  I don't know what to make of that?!!!  Especially since she's been so accurate for you guys!!!  Maybe she's seeing near future, but she's been saying this for a couple weeks now?  I'm trying to figure out which CP I should try for survey since it doesn't look like London is returning any time soon?

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2011, 12:03:11 AM »
I'm debating about reading with Jean again since it's been late November since I read with her or maybe Gail?


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2011, 02:13:41 AM »

Jacqueline is excellent but by no means is she 100%. I don't think any of them are.

Here is my 2 cents. If you think about it, if the girlfriend is still living there, does it really matter? You know she will be gone soon......... I can't imagine how much this must suck for you - for a million reasons - she sounds horrible - but you could drive yourself crazy trying to figure it all out. If Jacqueline is seeing something that contradicts what you are seeing, I wouldn't call her for a bit and maybe let things settle and then catch up to what she is seeing?

Hang in there, we are all here for you.

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2011, 02:40:12 AM »
Thanks PT!  That's very good advice.  I've been reading with Jacqueline weekly and it has been very confusing when she's been saying she's gone for 2 weeks now.  At first, Jacqueline said this morning they weren't sleeping in same bed.  Then, she said that she feels like she's not staying there, she was staying with girlfriend.  She may be coming and going, who knows?  I've been thinking maybe she is reading her energy as being gone because she's not much of a factor?  She's a parasite.  It's just so frustrating.  Just had a reading with Claire and she said, this is an evil, evil woman.  Michelle gave me a different timeline recently, but not too far in future.  We'll see what happens!  I've been getting too many readings lately and my budget needs break.  Need to spend money on necessities and more fun things!!!  Focus on my home and daughter more.


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2011, 02:49:44 AM »
Angel - I've done what you are doing 100 times and will probably do it again unfortunately. Talk me down when I start calling all around again. LOL

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2011, 03:23:55 AM »
Not a problem, I completely understand!

Offline ilovelola32

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2011, 04:47:14 AM »
Angel Guided-you are in my heart right now...I am so sorry that (don't take this wron0g your husband is an ass...I hope he wakes the fuck up..I am sending some good energy your way

Offline jb27

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2011, 12:11:16 AM »
Wasnt really sure where to post this so i decided to do it here!!! One thing i have noticed that for the most part im way more at peace and ease with everything now that i am not seeking a new reading every day or two. I think that reading with to many psychics can cause a person to go nuts. They all have different abilities and different styles so they will all see things and explain things differently. So i think its best to find a reader that you trust and connects well with you and then stick with them so you dont get confused with confilicting readings or discouraged with timelines that pass. I know its alot easier said then done as i still have my bad days but they have been alot less and farther between since i stopped getting so many readings. Just my two cents...For what its worth lol =)

Good day to all!!!!

Offline cj

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2011, 12:17:34 AM »
Some psychics will tell you different things. You literally have to say to yourself:  that all are correct in one way or another. If a person is going down a certain path a psychic might think they will continue down that path and here is what will happen...but people are given choices..they can always choose a different path..hence why you may get another reading with a different outcome. Ultimately I find that the destiny really does lie in the person's hand. It sucks though waiting...  :'(

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2011, 12:43:27 AM » story is quite interesting. I figured I'd have to tell my story.. especially since Im new. I was seeing this guy and he had another girl he was seeing. He was with her before me. and this guy fell for each other. I mean we are best friends. We  can be ourselves..we know each other inside and out. He really is truly my soulmate (as other psychics have confirmed) and I dont think I'll ever find someone like him. Now I did what the psychics told me. I held back from being intimate with him but I continued to spend quality time with him and everything. I was told that he will leave this girl by some psychics and that we will be together and married the whole nine. Last month....  :( :'( I found out that she is pregnant. Me and him have been fighting and not really talking. Ive been crying everyday. Today is my birthday and I can't even see him. Ive been literally in depressed mode since I found out. I feel like there is no chance now. I called back my psychics to tell them what happened of course and Abrielle said she seen the same outcome with us. That the girl did this to trap him. But when I tried a new psychic they told me that the two would get engaged but never walk down the aisle. I dont know what to  think. I feel like all hope is lost for us. He wont be able to leave now.

I couldn't understand this. I was angry at God. I was angry at myself. I was angry at the psychics who gave me hope. I was angry at my spirit guides. I felt like love was given to me...True and Real love and then it was taken away.

Then I read an article on soul mates that said  that Fate may present hurdles that test the love that soul mates have promised each other.   Soulmates are meant to grow spiritually through tests of their love for each other and these tests are never easy. It may seem like you are being punished but it all serves a purpose.

My friend went through the same thing with her husband at one point. We were in undergrad and her bf got this girl pregnant twice! She left him..moved to Florida bought a house and lived with another man for years! The other guy told her he didnt love her and he moved out. Her ex and her still kept in contact so he made a move on her and now they are happier than ever. They are married with a baby that was just born in Dec. Its been 4 years since they broke up and I was there to witness it all. So sometimes patience is all you really matter how dim the future may seem.

And then I thought about how wonderful it was to have met someone so great. Someone who I felt made me feel free and alive. Someone who I knew I could be with in this life and the next. Some love storied dont have happy endings. Some of them lose the battle from life's challenges. But how lucky I am to have found true its rarest form and even though it seems impossible now, I feel like no matter where life takes us..whether we continue to come together or we grow apart...there is one thing to be truer than in ever was...


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2011, 01:03:27 AM »
cjean487 - First, Happy Birthday. Second, I'm so very sorry you are going through this. The pain must be horrible.  :'(

