Well....my story is quite interesting. I figured I'd have to tell my story.. especially since Im new. I was seeing this guy and he had another girl he was seeing. He was with her before me. Anyways...me and this guy fell for each other. I mean we are best friends. We can be ourselves..we know each other inside and out. He really is truly my soulmate (as other psychics have confirmed) and I dont think I'll ever find someone like him. Now I did what the psychics told me. I held back from being intimate with him but I continued to spend quality time with him and everything. I was told that he will leave this girl by some psychics and that we will be together and married the whole nine. Last month....

I found out that she is pregnant. Me and him have been fighting and not really talking. Ive been crying everyday. Today is my birthday and I can't even see him. Ive been literally in depressed mode since I found out. I feel like there is no chance now. I called back my psychics to tell them what happened of course and Abrielle said she seen the same outcome with us. That the girl did this to trap him. But when I tried a new psychic they told me that the two would get engaged but never walk down the aisle. I dont know what to think. I feel like all hope is lost for us. He wont be able to leave now.
I couldn't understand this. I was angry at God. I was angry at myself. I was angry at the psychics who gave me hope. I was angry at my spirit guides. I felt like love was given to me...True and Real love and then it was taken away.
Then I read an article on soul mates that said that Fate may present hurdles that test the love that soul mates have promised each other. Soulmates are meant to grow spiritually through tests of their love for each other and these tests are never easy. It may seem like you are being punished but it all serves a purpose.
My friend went through the same thing with her husband at one point. We were in undergrad and her bf got this girl pregnant twice! She left him..moved to Florida bought a house and lived with another man for years! The other guy told her he didnt love her and he moved out. Her ex and her still kept in contact so he made a move on her and now they are happier than ever. They are married with a baby that was just born in Dec. Its been 4 years since they broke up and I was there to witness it all. So sometimes patience is all you really need..no matter how dim the future may seem.
And then I thought about how wonderful it was to have met someone so great. Someone who I felt made me feel free and alive. Someone who I knew I could be with in this life and the next. Some love storied dont have happy endings. Some of them lose the battle from life's challenges. But how lucky I am to have found true love..in its rarest form and even though it seems impossible now, I feel like no matter where life takes us..whether we continue to come together or we grow apart...there is one thing to be truer than in ever was...