Hi ilovelola! Yes, I've thought about doing the dating thing. It's just been so long for me, I've been a bit nervous and not feeling ready. Also, with the legal battles I've wanted to be careful to not appear in a relationship, but having dinner, etc is not a crime! I told my husband a couple weeks ago that I was having a great time dating, even though I'm not. Could tell it bothered him. Would just need to find the right type of distraction, this guy was texting me all the time the first few months and everything was sexual. It was a real turn off. He didn't want to go out anywhere, he wanted to come to my home. I said no to that! I don't want someone new coming to my house, especially with my daughter. I wouldn't have minded having dinner or a movie in a public place, but he kept talking about soaking in my hot tub! I've never done the online thing?
PT, check out info on "dwelling" to see if you fit the profile. I know I've been guilty of this which may be my problem too? Healer I noticed London was gone again, wonder if she's still sick? Keep having fun with the salsa!