Author Topic: Updates - How's everyone doing?  (Read 52726 times)

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #135 on: February 17, 2011, 09:27:59 PM »
CJean and Kiki what type of info is Jacqueline giving you guys now?  Just wondering for comparison?

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #136 on: February 17, 2011, 10:19:54 PM »
whenever I speak to a new psychic I ask: what do you pick up between us two. Jacqueline told me that my sm looks like he will be coming a lot closer to you. He realizes that this can be a lasting and loving relationship and that he does want a committed relationship with me. She picked up on the other person and she said t hat he will help her through this but she sees him ending up with me as a couple. She said that it will take some time though and the road with him will be rocky  but there will be a lot more to come from him and how I should continue to stay aloof and protect my heart. she says he's acting the way he is because he wants to smoothe things over and justify his beahavior by manipulating the situation..she told me 10 more months.  :-\ *meanwhile I didnt tell Jacky anything..all I asked her was what does she pick up

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #137 on: February 17, 2011, 10:28:50 PM »
what a stubbron man! kiki...he didnt want you to think he was thinking of you during VDay week. OMG man can be so spiteful sometimes.

Offline kiki155

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #138 on: February 17, 2011, 10:39:51 PM »
He is so incredibly stubborn. And so am I. I think that's one of the reasons he's taking so long to get his ass in gear. And me being stubborn is the reason I haven't given up on this. Well, that and the fact that I love him.

He is not sure how I feel about him -- according to the CPs, he can feel when I'm thinking about him, but he thinks he's imagining it. I wonder if he knew how I felt, if he'd move a little faster? I always assumed he knew how I felt about him. But I suppose HE's the one who broke it off with me, so why would he know how I feel?

My only thing is, I really hope I'm not living in a sick little dream world.

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #139 on: February 17, 2011, 10:49:53 PM »
Wow CJean, 10 months!  That's difficult I'm sure, but I guess you kinda knew with the baby situation that it would take a little while.  Hope you hear from sm this weekend Kiki, how long's it been since you've talked to him last?

PT, I'm right at the timeframe given to me by Alison for "a shakeup" this month, she said 18th.  Alison predicted she would be gone last month around 25th, but of course she wasn't.  Alison said they were doing alot of arguing at that time?  Jacqueline says there's alot of fighting going on right now?  I have been told that for quite awhile now and by several psychics.  She said that other woman is pressuring him for commitment.  I really wouldn't doubt that this is true, whenever I talk to him seems like he's trying to prove something to her and it seems so phony.  Jacqueline says that he will be contacting my daughter 1st this weekend, then me.  So, we'll see if that happens?

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #140 on: February 17, 2011, 10:54:05 PM »
yeah I def didnt think he would just leave now while she's preg or while she just had a baby. Im still skeptical about the 10 months also. Seha told me that it would seem like a miracle but I wont need her or any other psychic to see this happen. Yvonne told me that it will seem like an enternity to me. It already does. It's so stressful. Im happy that Im living my life though.

But I just am not too sure if things will happen the waythey say.. remember they always say a time frame and it never happens that way may be longer...

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #141 on: February 17, 2011, 10:54:58 PM »
Angel: you say he's trying to prove something. To who? You or the other woman? what is it that you want angel? Do you want him back?

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #142 on: February 17, 2011, 11:57:49 PM »
It's like he's putting on a show for her, trying to prove something for her; however, he doesn't really put much into it?  It comes off as phony and ridiculuous which is alot of the reason I'm sure they are arguing.  She tries to get him to be more controlling and just plain mean than he is willing to be.  Trust me, he's done more than enough damage, but she is malicious. I've been with this man and loved him for 20 years and I have wanted him back.  I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust him and so much damage has been done, it would just depend on how this came together, if it does?
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 12:03:09 AM by AngelGuided »


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #143 on: February 18, 2011, 12:31:06 AM »
cjean - for selfish reasons I'm very happy Jacqueline picked up on the situation correctly for you.

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #144 on: February 18, 2011, 04:23:41 AM »
if a man can't be hisself with a woman than something is wrong with that.

Offline ilovelola32

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #145 on: February 18, 2011, 04:31:58 AM »
CJJEAN - I am so glad you are living your life!!  You go girl...enjoy getting compliments from sexy men and feeling goood about yourself...I know two people that don't feel good...A dumb man who got a chick pregnant hat he doesn't love and a chick who is pregnant to a guy who doesnt love her....

AngelGuided....have you thought about dating?  While he is being a dumbass maybe you should date...think of it a vacation for you while his head is in his ass....Atleast men would be complementing you and taking you to dinner....and who knows?  If anything 1. you will get confidence 2. you will make your husband jealous 3. It will be a distracction for you..4. you might meet a great guy and say thank god I am not with that stupid ass husband or 6.  When you get back with your husband maybe you will have less hurt because you had a little fun =)  Just saying!  I used the okcupid dating site and I liked it a lot....

Offline cj

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #146 on: February 18, 2011, 12:03:36 PM »
 ::) oh lola  :-*


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #147 on: February 18, 2011, 12:33:51 PM »
aef - do you have any insight as to why timelines get pushed out? I thought I remember reading something on it once. Like if my timeline keeps getting pushed out month after month it could be because I'm doing something wrong - like obsessing? lol

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #148 on: February 18, 2011, 12:52:51 PM »
Hi ilovelola!  Yes, I've thought about doing the dating thing.  It's just been so long for me, I've been a bit nervous and not feeling ready.  Also, with the legal battles I've wanted to be careful to not appear in a relationship, but having dinner, etc is not a crime!  I told my husband a couple weeks ago that I was having a great time dating, even though I'm not.  Could tell it bothered him.  Would just need to find the right type of distraction, this guy was texting me all the time the first few months and everything was sexual.  It was a real turn off.  He didn't want to go out anywhere, he wanted to come to my home.  I said no to that!  I don't want someone new coming to my house, especially with my daughter.  I wouldn't have minded having dinner or a movie in a public place, but he kept talking about soaking in my hot tub!   I've never done the online thing?  :P

PT, check out info on "dwelling" to see if you fit the profile.  I know I've been guilty of this which may be my problem too?  Healer I noticed London was gone again, wonder if she's still sick?  Keep having fun with the salsa!


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #149 on: February 18, 2011, 03:29:03 PM »
This is pretty interesting about dwelling. Maybe I put this link in the wrong section of this site.?

