Author Topic: Updates - How's everyone doing?  (Read 62187 times)

Offline AngelGuided

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Updates - How's everyone doing?
« on: January 30, 2011, 09:41:15 PM »
So I haven't heard any updates or how any of you have been doing in quite a few days now.  Please let us know what's happening good or bad?  Inquiring minds want to know...kiki, pt, healer, jb, moneta, bethnation, crm, koukou, sunshine girl, etc., what's new?

Offline moneta

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 10:20:06 PM »
Hi Angelguided,

I am still new updates. Will keep everyone posted :)

Offline kiki155

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2011, 10:42:59 PM »
I'm just waiting too...patiently patiently waiting...and also just trying to get on with life. I've been cleaning a lot today, trying to clear space in my house (and mentally/emotionally) for the big change to come. I "could" be hearing from him by the end of the week, but we all know how timelines work.

That was so nice of you to start this message, Angel. I've been wondering about everyone too.

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2011, 11:10:58 PM »
That's good!  I've missed hearing from all of you and what's been happening.  I'm also waiting.  I've had contact with my husband last week with the court hearing Monday, he returned my call on Wednesday about the deed to our house, saw him Friday morning to sign papers.  He called me Friday afternoon to address our tax return after she started screwing with his head and we tried to start an argument over that, but I redirected him saying that this had already been discussed and resolved.  We had already agreed to file jointly.  Then, Saturday, I called him after realizing that if we file our taxes jointly it will mess up my daughter's financial aid for college.  She'll graduate high school in June and plans to go in the fall.  So, left him message letting him know my concern and that I needed to get some more info.  Then he called and we had conflict, then my daughter and him had conflict.  He realizes that if we don't file jointly he'll owe very large tax bill.  Then, he finally broke down calling our daughter crying.  He wanted her to know that the financial situation was very difficult for him and told her to make sure she told me how hard this was for him.  She assured him that I already knew.  I haven't talked to him since yesterday, so I don't know what's going on now, if anything?  I think he's scared shitless right now trying to catch up support payments and now discovering he will owe thousands to IRS, not to mention having to make changes to his tax exemptions to increase tax withholdings which will further reduce his check.  He should've thought about all this before now!  Talked to Jacqueline Friday and she said that I would hear something from him today, Sunday.  She predicted that other woman would move out today.  I heard from him Saturday, but I initiated that contact over our taxes.  I'm moving forward with recording deed tomorrow and trying to see what I can do with mortgage company to save our home.  I'm also filing appeal from our support hearing tomorrow, guess he will receive subphoena for that on Tuesday, could push him right over the edge?  I don't know, but I've got to do something.

Offline moneta

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2011, 12:30:10 AM »
AngelGuided, I really hope everything works out. I know this must be such a difficult time--but him breaking down to your daughter just shows how stressed he is--not only about the finances but EVERYTHING---including all the nagging the other woman must be doing. Hopefully, he will realize all of this is not even worth it!!!

KIKI awwhhh, cleaning is sending out good vibrations! It must feel nice too  :)

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2011, 01:35:55 AM »
Thanks Moneta!  I know your right on target, but I just wonder if he will be strong enough to make the change he needs to make.  He had her pushing him to leave here when he left.  Now, he's got her holding on extremely tightly. I know he's between a rock and hard place  I won a very small battle yesterday.  I've mentioned that she tries to dominate our conversations when he does call.  Yesterday when we were discussing our daughter's financial aid and our taxes, about a minute or two into the discussion she started running her mouth in the background as usual.  Couldn't make out exactly what she said, but I simply told my husband, this is our conversation between the two of us, there is no room for a 3rd wheel, if she starts trying to dominate our conversation, it's over!  She yelled F YOU!  He was quiet, he must've motioned to her because there was complete silence from her.  We talked for about another 10-15 minutes, he was talking about filing for divorce and I told him that he couldn't file til the state requirements were met and he said I can file, I just can't finalize.  I just said what's the point, you aren't divorced til it's finalized?  This whole argument was stupid, so she started yelling over us, you can file for divorce, you just can't finalize!  I simply hung the phone up.  I use sly dial to access his voice mail directly when I only want to leave a message and don't want to ring his phone, so that's what I did.  Left him a message stating that as I had mentioned I wasn't having a discussion with him if she was going to be in the middle of it.  It was none of her business, we were discussing our daughter and our taxes, had nothing to do with her, same reason we had a closed court room on Monday to hear our case.  The agreements and arrangements were between him and I.  I told him I guess the only alternative would be for us to meet in person to discuss to prevent this issue (I'm sure that got her attention).  Then our daughter called him and they argued.  He called me back wanting to know why I told our daughter about it and for further info on financial aid.  I explained that she heard the conversation and she was already upset with him over a couple other things that I had discussed with him the day before.  Never heard a peep out of her!  He wants me to file taxes with him, so of course he got through to her.  About an hour later he called our daughter crying, pretty sure she wasn't around him when he called.  I'm sure they had an argument over the way he handled our conversation and her not being able to dominate it.  I'll use it as long as I can, it was quite effective!!!!  She is trying so hard to validate their relationship and become #1 because she's so immature.


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2011, 01:36:48 AM »
Angel Guided--I thought the same thing Moneta said about him breaking down...maybe he's starting to realize that he screwed up.  Nothing new to report on this end...keep running into him and seeing and hearing his name wherever I go.  Someone I talked to said it is the universe's way of letting me know I'm on the right path and I'm not meant to forget about him and that he encounters the same thing.  That's a nice way of looking at it!!!

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2011, 01:42:48 AM »
I hope so CM12345 and I'm sure you are!


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2011, 01:51:19 PM »
Angel - It sounds like your husband is having a MAJOR breakdown. I hope this is the breakthrough you've been waiting for. I've been reading your updates and following along. Keep us posted. I know Michelle was wrong about the court date but has she been right about other things?

I've been hanging low. I've talked to SM once in 2 weeks and it was via email. He ignored me all weekend, not feeling great about all of this. I'm hanging tough and keeping the faith but it is getting me down. I put up some new pictures on dating site and I *think* I have a date on Wed PM with CEO. Supposedly over the next 2 weeks communication should increase and become consistent with SM.

I've been following along with everything. JB27 - I owe you an email. Sorry I'm not too chit-chatty. I get like this from time to time. Big hugs to all

Offline Sunshinegirl

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2011, 02:27:32 PM »
Hi everyone!   

Gosh I feel for those of you that are in that 'holding' pattern.   Waiting and waiting for it all to come together.   Although I'm not in that space any longer, I certainly remember how you feel.   I was in that same place for a little over a year with SM while we were dating before.   It would be great and then he would pull away for weeks at a time.   I was so confused that if it weren't for Tarot Lady and CP, I wouldn't have stuck with it or I would have done something really stupid and messed it all up.

We are now in a good place and we are talking about the future.  He has uttered the L word once but it was a slip so we're working up to more.    The CP's tell me that I will be getting a ring somewhere down the line but he's still working on his "issues" so it will not be real soon.    I can wait so we'll see.  :-)

You know one thing that I forgot about for you gals anyway, I bought and read the online book by Christian Carter called, Catch Him and Keep Him.   I know, sounds silly but the guy had some awesome advice that has helped me to calm down and make good decisions.   It's not for everyone but I HONESTLY think it has helped me to relax and get a handle on my situation in the past.     Just a suggestion.   :-*


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2011, 03:23:06 PM »
Sunshine girl---so happy things are working out for you.  Yes, this "holding" pattern is awful and the worst part for me is patience is not one of my strong suits.  I have a reading with the Tarot Lady tomorrow, will post to let you know how it goes.


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2011, 03:31:21 PM »
Sunshine - I didn't realize your SM would disappear. That's what I've been dealing with since August. I'm sorry you had to deal with it but hearing that you went through it and had a good outcome - well that is awesome. I would have done 100 stupid things if it wasn't for CP. I almost wrote him a not so nice email this weekend but I remembered what Alison had told me - not to respond to anything negative towards the end of January or he could disappear for a month. So with blood dripping out of the side of my mouth (from biting my tongue)  I haven't said a word. I tried to break off all communication at the end of November but it didn't last long. I haven't seen him since November.

I know you love Dezi. Is there another CP you found helpful? You might be the only person I know with success after waiting. Congratulations!!


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2011, 03:32:26 PM »
cm12345 - can't wait to hear  :)

Offline Sunshinegirl

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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2011, 08:43:08 PM »
CM - I'm so happy you have a reading with The Tarot Lady!   ;D I really trust her guideance!   Please let me know how it goes.   

I know you wrote to me personally and I promise to answer you tonight.  :-) 


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Re: Updates - How's everyone doing?
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2011, 08:44:51 PM »
Sunshine - I bet all of us are writing you. LOL