Author Topic: My Psychic Experience on Keen  (Read 72857 times)


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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #105 on: June 27, 2017, 05:43:08 PM »
i read with SMF 1 or 2 times last year but not the other katherine thats mentioned on the board here. SMF didn't say the same things that were mentioned here but her predictions were off and didn't come about in the time frame she suggested. but there were a few things she did pick up that rang true so who knows. i wouldn't suggest reading with her though. i agree with exactly what candy1 said. she did pick up on one or two things but it could be a lucky guess.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 05:49:05 PM by ladya »

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #106 on: June 27, 2017, 05:50:13 PM »
I thought of checking that way, but - SMF Kathryn and HP Katherine's accounts don't log in at the same time.  BUT I kid you not, the phrases are identical.  Right down to the last comment they "both" made "careful on how many readings you get..." I would not have posted otherwise.  So I assume (now I get it not making assumptions) that she has the accounts separated and picks and chooses who she logs in under.  As I said, I am not saying she doesn't connect with some, just that for the majority on this thread it was scripted and clearly not connected.  I wouldn't have even registered for this forum if it weren't for the two identical reads.  I have found some great readers through this forum and I am thankful for that, but I am a private person, and the amount of negativity and bashing on here made me really hesitant to even post this.  As well, if you do want to see the threads from both reads pm me and I will show you.


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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #107 on: June 27, 2017, 05:57:10 PM »
I thought of checking that way, but - SMF Kathryn and HP Katherine's accounts don't log in at the same time.  BUT I kid you not, the phrases are identical.  Right down to the last comment they "both" made "careful on how many readings you get..." I would not have posted otherwise.  So I assume (now I get it not making assumptions) that she has the accounts separated and picks and chooses who she logs in under.  As I said, I am not saying she doesn't connect with some, just that for the majority on this thread it was scripted and clearly not connected.  I wouldn't have even registered for this forum if it weren't for the two identical reads.  I have found some great readers through this forum and I am thankful for that, but I am a private person, and the amount of negativity and bashing on here made me really hesitant to even post this.  As well, if you do want to see the threads from both reads pm me and I will show you.

they do both say 30 years experience so you might be onto something there. also both mention being on radio/tv shows. in my reading she did say to me also about the be careful of getting too many readings and the energy thing.

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #108 on: June 27, 2017, 05:57:52 PM »
Ok i lied i read with Simply Kathryn or something not SMF. However, this may be easy to figure out, i put them both on my favorites and if they take calls at the same time it's not her. Also, one said they have 30 years of experience and the other is clearly young... so that's something

This is what I thought too, but both
Honest Psychic Katherine (HPK),
Soulmate Finder Kathryn (SFK),
were both on at the same time just a few minutes ago and I looked at both their profiles. TBH, I can’t find any similarities, because not only are the images different, HPK real name is Ania, which she posts on her blog, SFK doesn’t have one – which doesn’t mean anything. Only someone who’ve read with them both would know, except both do chat as well. Katherine/Kathryn went out of her way to have not only four listings but to have two personas, if this is indeed the case. Investigation does get tedious.

Yes, both profiles mention being on television.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 06:00:38 PM by HornetKick »


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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #109 on: June 27, 2017, 05:58:50 PM »
i don't think you can always tell that way because what if they have two different computers or 2 different ways of logging in on both accounts at the same time. lol maybe i shouldn't have said that might give someone ideas if they read this board. this board should really be private and only registered users can see posts.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #110 on: June 27, 2017, 06:02:40 PM »
i don't think you can always tell that way because what if they have two different computers or 2 different ways of logging in on both accounts at the same time. lol maybe i shouldn't have said that might give someone ideas if they read this board. this board should really be private and only registered users can see posts.

You don't need different computers, just the use of different browsers. I've done it often enough to know to be logged on to the same website at the same time. I.E. Firefox, Chrome, etc.

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #111 on: June 27, 2017, 06:03:55 PM »
yeah, they have to both go red at the same time, that's not possible to do if they are the same

But what if there is queue? Everyone would just have to wait and she can take a call from every other account.


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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #112 on: June 27, 2017, 06:04:09 PM »
i don't think you can always tell that way because what if they have two different computers or 2 different ways of logging in on both accounts at the same time. lol maybe i shouldn't have said that might give someone ideas if they read this board. this board should really be private and only registered users can see posts.

You don't need different computers, just the use of different browsers. I've done it often enough to know to be logged on to the same website at the same time. I.E. Firefox, Chrome, etc.

thats true also. the only way to know is if they are busy at the same time. cause then itll be impossible to be on call with 2 different clients at the same time.


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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #113 on: June 27, 2017, 06:07:58 PM »
Also I do t really see the huge deal with this if they were the same person, doesn't mean all that much, but now i'm curious

if there's a queue and she's not on a call she would go to orange, or away, no? Red is for actively on a call/chat. That's why you can see who takes breaks in between?

well its two different listings so implying its two different people thats why its unethical lol. if you read with one and go read with the other thinking its a different person and they mention something from the other reading you mentioned, the caller will be like omg how did you know and get sucked into calling the reader all the time.


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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #114 on: June 27, 2017, 06:10:31 PM »
its so sad to see how many unethical readers there are. like how do you not feel bad preying on vulnerable people. karma is real and it comes back 100 fold.


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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #115 on: June 27, 2017, 06:53:13 PM »
I guess I just don't think it's some horrible crappy thing to have listings to try to increase being seen and get more clients. I get that everyone always jumps to the absolute worst thing in every situation, but i just highly doubt someone would do it just to take notes and hope they also happen to pick their other listing too so they can read the old notes and look good. I mean, it seems way more logical she's just trying to appeal to different audiences to get more clients. Shrug.

if its for the purpose you mention then i agree. i guess its just hard to decipher who from who ya know.

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #116 on: June 27, 2017, 06:56:52 PM »
I was thinking exactly the same thing the other day, like so many readers who seem so nice and work so well with others, are ethical, great to talk to.. why did they tell me my POI likes me and we will have a relationship of sorts in July and August.. I mean who were they picking up on? Or were they maybe just reading what I wanted and maybe getting those images.

But ya some are outright there lying and you can feel it.

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #117 on: June 27, 2017, 07:10:23 PM »
I don't think it is to take "notes" - if she did take notes she likely wouldn't have given me such a similar reading under both accounts.  The reason I say she appears to be unethical is the fact that instead of saying "I am sorry I can't connect to you" she gives many people the same reading and under two different accounts.  I have had a few readers tell me they could not connect, or disconnect because something distracted them and they couldn't be as thorough... Those are ethical readers.  Posing as two different people to get more clients to me - also seems unethical, because lets say I read with Katherine, and immediately read with Kathryn, not realizing she just read me moments before and basically double-dipped me. 

I am glad that there are some of you that could connect with her, but it seems as though the majority (on this thread anyway) have had a poor experience with her.

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #118 on: June 27, 2017, 07:30:07 PM »
What I don't get is if it the same person, why would she use the same name?

Also why would both tell you "not to call a lot" if they are trying to take all your money?

Also how the hell are so many people getting readings from two people that are the same, did you get a reading from the hundreds on Keen and are matching people up?

I do know allows readers to have multiple accounts, up to 3 so you've got one more to find if she is multiple PLUS you have other readers too. This is not rare, it's common. Keen is fine with it.

I know Keen used to allow readers to build an infinite amount of accounts and I believe the top readers have hired others on accounts and share notes and do have more than one account. I know MagicanSandra had another and Know4Certain(?) do and the Persian lady and Keen have a side deal going on. Keen is trying to promote the $30+ people.

Also I found out if you get a refund it is not taken from the reader, Keen just gives you minutes. It's like the Casino, they know you will plunk it back in and hopefully find a reader you blow more money on.

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #119 on: June 27, 2017, 07:47:49 PM »
I can't answer as to why she uses the same (well not "quite" the same) name... I am not her.  I was simply stating my experience.  If you saw the transcripts you would understand. 

here is a direct quote from SMF Kathryn from April:
Soulmate Finder Kathryn
just be wary about how many readings you get, how much you talk about it 

and a direct quote from HP Katherine:
Honest Psychic Katherine
be careful about too many readings, I will always read you

basically wanting you or telling you to only read with her....

and another from April:
Soulmate Finder Kathryn
He doesn't feel it is over but he doesn't have a plan
[7:31:20 AM]
Soulmate Finder Kathryn
he feels he can take his time here in a sense
and June:
[9:37:23 AM]
Honest Psychic Katherine
he doesn't have a plan but he also doesnt see an expiration date

I can go on and on and show the "similarities" but like I said, if you want the details PM me...