Author Topic: My Psychic Experience on Keen  (Read 72870 times)

Offline bluebelle

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #90 on: June 22, 2017, 07:11:59 PM »
Misha no disrespect here intended, but I read with her over a month ago (mid-May) and she told me pretty much the same thing she told the word for word.  that's not cool, and again, she might work for some, but I did get the same reading.  I have NO reason to lie, as I do believe in psychics and abilities.

thanks bluebelle! how are you?
p.s I just found out one other person on the forum other than you that had the EXACT same reading

hey girl, I'm good thx.  I can't believe this thread turned into what it did LOL. 

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #91 on: June 22, 2017, 07:12:25 PM »
Seriously let's drop this. If keen or Katherine wNt to sue let them. People shouldn't be throwing threats around. If someone did send her those emails we should let her keen handle it.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #92 on: June 22, 2017, 07:13:34 PM »
honestly if you guys got identical readings, just email keen for a refund and move on..that's it.  I wish I could but mine was too long ago.

Offline thisiscracra

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #93 on: June 22, 2017, 07:15:33 PM »
Misha no disrespect here intended, but I read with her over a month ago (mid-May) and she told me pretty much the same thing she told the word for word.  that's not cool, and again, she might work for some, but I did get the same reading.  I have NO reason to lie, as I do believe in psychics and abilities.

thanks bluebelle! how are you?
p.s I just found out one other person on the forum other than you that had the EXACT same reading

hey girl, I'm good thx.  I can't believe this thread turned into what it did LOL.

AND you know according to Misha I am a reader LOL, how many times have I posted about psychics and how worked for me and who didn't but you know Misha has been posting for years and has so many comments here that are about all kinds of psychics she read with.  When was her first ever post sooo long ago TODAY

Offline bluebelle

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #94 on: June 22, 2017, 07:16:05 PM »
You guys are hilarious. You know we can click on your names and read all your posts, right? I suggest anyone questioning this situation do so. Youll find, for example, that bluebelle piles on about how horrible the readers are on almost every single thread. If someone is there saying theyre fake, along comes bluebelle to say she's had the same experience. I mean, you guys are not good at this. You are also incredibly negative. And transparent. Youve failed here, to anyone with half a brain, we can see through you. Good luck with your futures, seems like youre gonna need it.

LOL where do you see that?  I jumped to Holly's defense last week but me and Verb just agreed to disagree.  Oh Lord here we go with the personal attacks.

Offline Misha668

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #95 on: June 22, 2017, 07:17:56 PM »
I bet it was you that said it.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #96 on: June 22, 2017, 07:18:24 PM »
It's not a personal attack, it's facts. Go look at your posts yourself.

You guys are hilarious. You know we can click on your names and read all your posts, right? I suggest anyone questioning this situation do so. Youll find, for example, that bluebelle piles on about how horrible the readers are on almost every single thread. If someone is there saying theyre fake, along comes bluebelle to say she's had the same experience. I mean, you guys are not good at this. You are also incredibly negative. And transparent. Youve failed here, to anyone with half a brain, we can see through you. Good luck with your futures, seems like youre gonna need it.

LOL where do you see that?  I jumped to Holly's defense last week but me and Verb just agreed to disagree.  Oh Lord here we go with the personal attacks.

ok LOL....i've also praised Lady P etc....but ok whatever you say.  why are you taking this all so personal, and going after people individually?  It's beyond strange.

Offline thisiscracra

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #97 on: June 22, 2017, 07:19:12 PM »
I bet it was you that said it.

IAhope you bet on your life for it :)

Offline bluebelle

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #98 on: June 22, 2017, 07:22:47 PM »
It's not a personal attack, it's facts. Go look at your posts yourself.

You guys are hilarious. You know we can click on your names and read all your posts, right? I suggest anyone questioning this situation do so. Youll find, for example, that bluebelle piles on about how horrible the readers are on almost every single thread. If someone is there saying theyre fake, along comes bluebelle to say she's had the same experience. I mean, you guys are not good at this. You are also incredibly negative. And transparent. Youve failed here, to anyone with half a brain, we can see through you. Good luck with your futures, seems like youre gonna need it.

LOL where do you see that?  I jumped to Holly's defense last week but me and Verb just agreed to disagree.  Oh Lord here we go with the personal attacks.

ok LOL....i've also praised Lady P etc....but ok whatever you say.  why are you taking this all so personal, and going after people individually?  It's beyond strange.

Out of how many, bluebelle? Im not "going after" nor taking things personally. You kept on this thread, thisiscracra had a miraculous all of a sudden really convenient find of someone omg ALSO having an identical read that just HAPPENS to back up her argument and not even from THIS forum! WOW! amazing! You guys want to attack, then be prepared to have people use common sense to decide whether youre right or not. We arent just going to sit back and take you at your word, especially when you all have been so nasty and negative and illogical. You waited cuz you thought everyone left, then all of a sudden these new things! And more shit talking! Sad you guys keep trying to save face, it's not working.

 :o :o  what difference does it make out of how many, those are ones that worked for ME...there are more too, but yes, i've had my share of bad readings, it happens.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 07:24:38 PM by bluebelle »

Offline verb18

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #99 on: June 22, 2017, 07:26:57 PM »
btw I was the other caller that told Maddie about her I recorded  my reading AND it was fucking word to word JESUS waste your money on fakes people I couldn't care less
P.S IAhave been reading for the last 8 years, I think I know what I am talking about AND everyone is entitled to their opinion. Also your money you can waste if you want. seriously....

Yes I don't think the real argument here is that you did or didn't get the same read. But why isn't that just a mistake? Why does it 100% mean it was a script? Why couldn't it be crossed energy? If a movie can be picked up, why can't your friend's energy? Why would she offer to read again? How would she manage to read you the second time if she's fake? How would she not have any other reviews questioning her? There's way too much reasonable doubt to your insistence here. Same read, ok fine, i haven't heard the proof but let's say she did. They aren't perfect. She tried to make it up. Several others have had different and validated reads. I give up. You continue on with your nonsense. Those who see through this will see through this.

What about the 3-4 others who came forward saying they also got the same read? (they read with her on different days) I have never even talked to these other people, did she mistake them for my energy too? lol

by "3-4 others" you mean Verb? Thats the only other one I see saying they got "identical read" from her. The others say she was a cold reader or didnt connect. Not everyone connects to everyone. Doesnt mean shes a scam artist.

Simply replying b/c I saw my name get dropped - I must say that the chat that was posted was very identical to what I was told from her. I do not know the person that posted that personally...but it was very identical. I havent called Katherine in almost 7 months - I stopped using her when she didn't work for me. That's all I have to say about that.

Also, this is a thread from someone sharing a success story. I think it is kinda messed up to the woman starting this thread hoping to spread positivity and share her story.

And truth be told, if anyone sues anyone from posting a review about a psychic that is pretty nuts. It will honestly be the greater good for everyone if they just shut down of everyones accounts LOL. Srsly.

Offline Apalm831

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #100 on: June 22, 2017, 07:33:20 PM »
Hate to say, I got the same reading from Catherine that others here have gotten. I was dissapointed as she seemed legit and a lovely person but even the phrases she used were identical. Like, exactly the same. Oh well.

Offline lostangelforyou

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #101 on: June 23, 2017, 03:05:56 AM »
btw I was the other caller that told Maddie about her I recorded  my reading AND it was fucking word to word JESUS waste your money on fakes people I couldn't care less
P.S IAhave been reading for the last 8 years, I think I know what I am talking about AND everyone is entitled to their opinion. Also your money you can waste if you want. seriously....

Yes I don't think the real argument here is that you did or didn't get the same read. But why isn't that just a mistake? Why does it 100% mean it was a script? Why couldn't it be crossed energy? If a movie can be picked up, why can't your friend's energy? Why would she offer to read again? How would she manage to read you the second time if she's fake? How would she not have any other reviews questioning her? There's way too much reasonable doubt to your insistence here. Same read, ok fine, i haven't heard the proof but let's say she did. They aren't perfect. She tried to make it up. Several others have had different and validated reads. I give up. You continue on with your nonsense. Those who see through this will see through this.

What about the 3-4 others who came forward saying they also got the same read? (they read with her on different days) I have never even talked to these other people, did she mistake them for my energy too? lol

by "3-4 others" you mean Verb? Thats the only other one I see saying they got "identical read" from her. The others say she was a cold reader or didnt connect. Not everyone connects to everyone. Doesnt mean shes a scam artist.

Simply replying b/c I saw my name get dropped - I must say that the chat that was posted was very identical to what I was told from her. I do not know the person that posted that personally...but it was very identical. I havent called Katherine in almost 7 months - I stopped using her when she didn't work for me. That's all I have to say about that.

Also, this is a thread from someone sharing a success story. I think it is kinda messed up to the woman starting this thread hoping to spread positivity and share her story.

And truth be told, if anyone sues anyone from posting a review about a psychic that is pretty nuts. It will honestly be the greater good for everyone if they just shut down of everyones accounts LOL. Srsly.

It's alright  :) I Just hope that this post will be read by other people who are still on Keen.

Offline Caroline

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #102 on: June 25, 2017, 04:35:27 PM »
I read with Katherine Friday when I saw the original post here. After I read I saw all the posts about the same reading to so many.  She didn't tell me that.  She started just telling me visions she was seeing; how he saw me. 

Offline candy1

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #103 on: June 27, 2017, 04:35:36 PM »
I have been lurking on this site for several months, never felt the need to register until I saw this post (before it blew up).  My registration was activated yesterday and I debated whether I should comment or not at this point after seeing the direction this thread took rather quickly, but I felt that I should anyway.  The reason I wanted to post was this; after reading the first couple posts I thought, hmmm I would really like to read with this Katherine, so I did... Within the first two minutes, I realized I had "read" with her before, only under a different "Kathryn" and I felt I needed to let you guys know. 

Then after the thread blew up, I too realized I had the same readings as many others of you.  So... Honest Psychic Katherine, and Soulmate Finder Kathryn are the same reader... JUST the heads up.  Now, when I read with "Kathryn" there were a couple points she said that would indicated she can pick up on "some" details but the majority of the reading was identical to the reading with "Katherine", which is identical to the readings that many others have received.  SO, what I am saying is this, she may be able to pick up on a few small details, however - the majority of her readings are clearly scripted, and obviously - regardless of whether she is "gifted" or not, she is definitely UNETHICAL...  I look for a couple fairly basic things in readers, one - accuracy - and no, not everyone works for everyone - and ethics...   

I can provide the transcripts for both readers for those that "NEED" proof that I not only received the same reading - but also that the two are the same person... BUT I will not post them here for my own privacy sake.

Offline candy1

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #104 on: June 27, 2017, 05:04:16 PM »
I read with "Kathryn" back in April after reading a thread about her on here, as I said she picked up one detail that would have indicated she was "tuned in".  But it also could have been a lucky guess...  But I also have learned better ways to pose my questions so as not to give out extra information since then.  Kathryn told me my POI "knows your picky so he can take his time" - which is true and my POI has mentioned that before.  But other than that her reading - her phrases - etc. Including the "there's someone looking at him, but he is only looking at you" phrase that many others on here have received, were identical in readings and I read with "Katherine" on the Wednesday that this thread was started. 

