Author Topic: My Psychic Experience on Keen  (Read 72888 times)

Offline wildfox87

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #75 on: June 22, 2017, 06:23:40 PM »
I am good with agreeing to disagree

I am good with this as well.

Offline Misha668

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2017, 06:26:58 PM »
I'm pissed off because I feel she does the best she can. She was off of Keen for a year battling Leukemia. She has had bad days and she has wrong days because it messed her up and that's why she disappears because she is still healing. I don't believe these girls who all at once went in and left bad feedback when the rest is amazing. And that's fine, they can rage on her but then go away. Will the one of you that emailed her and said "Cancer should have killed you, your children would be better off" apologize because THAT is harassment and she did fwd that to keen. I know if you say she's wrong or off she will give you a free reading to make it right. You guys just go to far and I'm sorry for being nasty but cancer is something I am very sensitive about and sometimes the reader needs more help than the actual client. It is not always about you!

Offline HornetKick

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #77 on: June 22, 2017, 06:32:29 PM »
I'm pissed off because I feel she does the best she can. She was off of Keen for a year battling Leukemia. She has had bad days and she has wrong days because it messed her up and that's why she disappears because she is still healing. I don't believe these girls who all at once went in and left bad feedback when the rest is amazing. And that's fine, they can rage on her but then go away. Will the one of you that emailed her and said "Cancer should have killed you, your children would be better off" apologize because THAT is harassment and she did fwd that to keen. I know if you say she's wrong or off she will give you a free reading to make it right. You guys just go to far and I'm sorry for being nasty but cancer is something I am very sensitive about and sometimes the reader needs more help than the actual client. It is not always about you!

I get what you're saying. I really do and I agree about the cancer comment (very uncalled for), but when I call a reader,  IT'S ALL ABOUT ME. [this is a generalization, not about Katherine specifically]. I pay readers to tell me things I don't know or can't figure out on my own. If they need to take time away from the job that's understandable, but I can't and don't make excuses for readers who take my money freely and then just shrug and say oopsy, I was off that day, without any regard for me as the client. Readers wouldn't be where they are without the paying clients, who believe in them and their abilities.

Offline bstalling

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #78 on: June 22, 2017, 06:34:43 PM »
I'm pissed off because I feel she does the best she can. She was off of Keen for a year battling Leukemia. She has had bad days and she has wrong days because it messed her up and that's why she disappears because she is still healing. I don't believe these girls who all at once went in and left bad feedback when the rest is amazing. And that's fine, they can rage on her but then go away. Will the one of you that emailed her and said "Cancer should have killed you, your children would be better off" apologize because THAT is harassment and she did fwd that to keen. I know if you say she's wrong or off she will give you a free reading to make it right. You guys just go to far and I'm sorry for being nasty but cancer is something I am very sensitive about and sometimes the reader needs more help than the actual client. It is not always about you!

The issue at hand is not that she has cancer and that we should feel sorry for her. The issue is that she provided a professional service and gave the same reading to several people.

Thats a dishonorable offence, even if you know her personally. Sorry, but she is still a scammer whether she has cancer or not. And I'm not condoning that someone should send her death threats either.  Not going to post anymore about this. Its clear what everyones individual agenda is.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 06:36:49 PM by bstalling »

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #79 on: June 22, 2017, 06:35:43 PM »
First off your not paying someone to do the best they can. Second if and a big if we have no proof if someone did send that message it's absolutely horrible. I would hope not.
Your paying for a service so the readers needs should not be in question. Sorry a reading you are paying for should be about you.

Offline Misha668

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #80 on: June 22, 2017, 06:37:13 PM »
That's not what I'm saying.

She cares, she doesn't shrug and whether it was treatment or her just getting energies mixed up something happened and no she is not a scammer.

When you call and you make it all about you, that's why things don't pan out. Obviously what you are doing isn't working.

I'm not saying make it about you, but be open to the outside world and it's message and what you are supposed to do not what you want to do.

Offline grace

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #81 on: June 22, 2017, 06:37:48 PM »
OMG someone emailed her that?? Wtf is wrong with people?! I've heard about people from this forum sending nasty messages to readers but that crosses every fking line. That's pure evil. Demonic.

You reap what you sow so be careful what you do (or wish on) others. Somehow or another, it will come back on you. Jesus, people...get a grip!

Offline bstalling

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #82 on: June 22, 2017, 06:40:52 PM »
That's not what I'm saying.

She cares, she doesn't shrug and whether it was treatment or her just getting energies mixed up something happened and no she is not a scammer.

When you call and you make it all about you, that's why things don't pan out. Obviously what you are doing isn't working.

I'm not saying make it about you, but be open to the outside world and it's message and what you are supposed to do not what you want to do.

Now they are saying that our predictions dont pan out because we don't care enough about the reader's personal lives...lmaooo...this has been fun guys, but I'm out. bye.

Seriously, its so mind-numbing what these people say. Anything to skirt the fact that they are either a scammer or a sub par reader.

Offline wildfox87

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #83 on: June 22, 2017, 06:44:56 PM »
I'm pissed off because I feel she does the best she can. She was off of Keen for a year battling Leukemia. She has had bad days and she has wrong days because it messed her up and that's why she disappears because she is still healing. I don't believe these girls who all at once went in and left bad feedback when the rest is amazing. And that's fine, they can rage on her but then go away. Will the one of you that emailed her and said "Cancer should have killed you, your children would be better off" apologize because THAT is harassment and she did fwd that to keen. I know if you say she's wrong or off she will give you a free reading to make it right. You guys just go to far and I'm sorry for being nasty but cancer is something I am very sensitive about and sometimes the reader needs more help than the actual client. It is not always about you!

I have a family member who battled with cancer so I guess that gives them a free hallpass to scam people too? Look, I don't even know if what you are saying is true because I dont believe that anyone would've sent her that cruel message...but even if you are telling the truth, know that everyone on here has sob stories so let's not even go down that rabbit hole.

I am paying someone for a service and I expect them to deliver, it's as simple as that.

I don't know if that's true. I can't see anyone saying that. I question if mischa is just making this up to make all of us sound crazy. I personally have never emailed another reader on keen afterwards or have requested a refund. Ever. And I hardly ever post one star reviews even if the reading was crap.

Offline thisiscracra

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #84 on: June 22, 2017, 06:47:15 PM »
nor Maddie or I send her the cancer comment
Misha you sound shady cause I have been posting here for a while now and you only say something negative or jump in  a fight .. look at all my previous posts I actually tell people when something pans out or not

Offline Misha668

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #85 on: June 22, 2017, 06:51:48 PM »
Maddie clearly has problems on an emotional level.  I assume someone as cold as her is impossible to read. Or connect with in general.

All I know is this and I want to be done. I love HPK. I love the way she has helped me.
If you have an issue with her, take it up with her. Be a grown up. As a matter of fact, don't call out readers... just message them and speak your peace - try it right now.

HPK  has never been wrong with me, but I'm open. I'm just putting this out there as maybe the cause of the problem if this isn't just psychics attacking other psychics.
- which let's be real it VERY WELL can be.

And yes the reading is about you, but right now let's not make it about you or me or her. My point was, you have no idea what
someone is going though and how hard it is to read someone. That's why many can't do it.

Offline Misha668

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #86 on: June 22, 2017, 06:56:49 PM »
nor Maddie or I send her the cancer comment
Misha you sound shady cause I have been posting here for a while now and you only say something negative or jump in  a fight .. look at all my previous posts I actually tell people when something pans out or not

I sound shady? You get a bunch of people to go after a reader who prior had great feedback, run to this forum and then copy/paste/edit on here and one of you hopes cancer kills her. Are you happy with yourselves?

I really hope you find what you are looking for, but it's not on

Offline bluebelle

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #87 on: June 22, 2017, 07:05:17 PM »
Misha no disrespect here intended, but I read with her over a month ago (mid-May) and she told me pretty much the same thing she told the word for word.  that's not cool, and again, she might work for some, but I did get the same reading.  I have NO reason to lie, as I do believe in psychics and abilities.

Offline thisiscracra

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #88 on: June 22, 2017, 07:06:32 PM »
Okay Kathrine, I mean Misha

Offline thisiscracra

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Re: My Psychic Experience on Keen
« Reply #89 on: June 22, 2017, 07:09:18 PM »
Misha no disrespect here intended, but I read with her over a month ago (mid-May) and she told me pretty much the same thing she told the word for word.  that's not cool, and again, she might work for some, but I did get the same reading.  I have NO reason to lie, as I do believe in psychics and abilities.

thanks bluebelle! how are you?
p.s I just found out one other person on the forum other than you that had the EXACT same reading