Personally I think she can describe the person better than she can pick out if they’re male/female or their relation to you.
I swear she mixed male and female energy up in my last reading too. I’ll have to relisten and I can post where I think she was wrong.
I think to decipher the energies she points out is to relate how she talks about that person.
Like for example, “a complex man, you may have had a hard time understanding him, but within the next few months, you’ll likely feel sorry for him in a way, like he’ll lose his power to you.”
That perfectly describes my father but she can’t tell it’s my father... she said an older male but she doesn’t know who, said it’s someone I’ve been around frequently...
this would make sense to me as my father because he’s depressed and blah blah and I’m living with him currently but may be moving out within the next couple months to be closer to my studies.
Another thing with Leanne, she talks about me maybe getting a new job or something or trying to learn new skills in the near future but that’s a very general assumption as in I’m back in college for another degree. Maybe if I do move, I’ll get a new job but right now that’s not what’s going on, so only time will tell for me! She’s picked up learning/study in my 10 gen but didn’t pick it out here in this past reading. So maybe I decide against clinicals or move with POI and start a new life somewhere else lmao only time will tell!