Hi all, here's an update -- Leanne is very kind but firm, and I truly think she wants the best for others. That's probably why she lectures (I think). Thankfully I didn't get lectured at all... maybe it's because I specifically told her not to focus on my love life.
1. It's going to serve my purpose to be very disciplined and measured in my actions over the next six months, otherwise things could get sticky. <-- yeah this was a vague prediction but the pandemic happened literally two weeks later and made my work TOXIC. I had to walk on eggshells, so I'd say it was true.
2. Being called into office of supervisor in 3-5 months about a situation that grows tentacles. Being asked to explain something, another youngish female at work feeling indignant about me. <-- very true but the female wasn't young
3. Significant other traveling somewhere for a little while and I'd feel disgruntled in a way that surprises me. <-- My S/O travels for work so this was probably true at some point but it's w.e. to me
4. Coworker flirts but it's nothing and he'd even backtrack if confronted about it. It also doesn't enhance your life in any way. <-- This was a specific person I asked about. Leanne was right... later I found out that this coworker just likes to flirt with everyone and he even denied flirting with me lol
5. News connected to older woman connected to my S/O, and it'll come out of the blue. She would become ill and potentially pass away in the next 12 weeks. <-- No this didn't happen and it has been over 24 months since then
6. A change within the organization which will throw one or two possible opportunities with some hands-on training for you to add tools to your box. Working efficiently and being a team player will help <-- I guess there was a change within the organization and it completely changed my work life
7. Some point where you think you're pregnant or be briefly pregnant within 12-18 months <-- nopeeeeee did not happen at all
8. Extra money will come, linked to work, within 14 months. It's not just a small pay raise; it's a small bonus to be shared with a group <-- we get bonuses every year so this wasn't anything special
9. You might start daydreaming about getting married and there will be some talk about it. Within one year. But there's going to be a tall, masculine guy coming in with a round-ish face and who wears his hair really short. You'll be attracted to him and it'll confuse you. <-- Yeah there was talk about getting married (that we def WEREN'T going to lol). I have no idea who this new guy is though, because it didn't happen at all
10. Sadness or frustration or vulnerability about an older male. Father figure. Something to sort out with my family. Something will surface within the next 18 months. Two other females who are a part of your family will be discussing this. <-- Yes this happened, and it was actually a pretty big deal at the time. I have 2 sisters which was really uncanny for her to pick up
11. Will be associating with someone with autism. It's not a child that I will have. Could be a connection to working with autisim. You will gain an understanding of it. <-- Nope
12. Some plans to move will fall through but I'll be relieved because the timing isn't right <-- Yep
13. A guy around me will have to go to court or be questioned by the police about something. Could be related to cars. A fine or something. <-- No idea who this is or if it happened
That was my first 10 predictions reading with Leanne, which was two years ago. I had another one a year later but can't access the file so can't say anything about accuracy of that one. Based on the tally above, 8/13 things she said came true. Two of those predictions weren't anything specific so I'm going to say that it was 50/50. My next reading is pending.
Note: I got the 10 predictions reading but she kept seeing flashes of things, so she added those in at no cost.