Author Topic: Leanne Halyburton  (Read 354545 times)

Offline JAG20

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #945 on: July 12, 2021, 05:28:50 AM »
It's been a while since I've posted and I wanted to put forward my two cents on Leanne.

I've had two or three reads off her ever and she only got one predication right for me. My first reading I was hoping she would pick up on my ex, but Leanne never did and she put out some wild predictions but they never materialised. Next time I tried her I was seeing a girl for a few months but not really official. She was acting kinda strange being back and forth with me and confusing the hell out of me so I did a general predictions reading with Leanne and hoped she would pick up the situation without me mentioning her and Leanne going on an infamous rant. She got the girl's appearance spot on and she also predicted that I would be in a bar with my buddies when I got a message off of the girl and by that point I'd kindly tell her I had enough and be seeing someone else by that point who's in a medical occupation. This did happen. I hadn't heard properly off of the person of interest in three months or so, and I had met the lady Leanne saw for me. We still are dating, I'm seeing a nurse I met on Tinder and for once things are going well and I'm not left feeling confused or my emotions being fucked with constantly. Everything else Leanne saw hasn't happened yet or the opposite happened. But the one prediction she got was very specific and top marks to her there.

I've had multiple readings over the years over various exes and people I was seeing and have to agree with @DeeDee in that I'd personally rather the truth be told to me and I like to be told things bluntly. I'm a guy and guys tend to have things told upfront and are used to a blunt environment (not meaning to be sexist), I'm so used to being told what I want to hear by readers or having inaccurate readings over the years and different situations. I can see what people are saying, Leanne can get preachy on certain topics and go off on crazy sudden rants which are sometimes nothing to do with the reading. I'm aware she tells pretty much everyone bad news on their ex, but personally I'd rather be told the ex won't be back or is a waste of time and I can start moving on and distracting myself with life and the girl comes in or she doesn't, than waste months, my life and $ on someone when I could have been doing and achieving many great things. I think Leanne tries mostly using common sense or is turning into an agony aunt rather than giving predictions which is causing her downfall, I mean she even says she is a "intuitive consultant" and in her videos and forums she basically in other words says she mostly uses common sense in situations given to her. I did get some ranting and her mentioning her book in my reading which was a shame as she has potential there to give really accurate detailed reads. She is very much your old grandma giving old fashioned blunt tough love talk and some people probably do (if they're really honest) struggle to hear or aren't ready to hear the truth on their situation. I'm not saying Leanne is perfect and is not rude to people, I wasn't in everybody's reading on here and she may well have been rude and upset customers which of course isn't acceptable. But with me, she told me in her blunt tone that the woman I was waiting on was a waste of my time and missed opportunities and someone much better with much more time for me and wouldn't mess me about was coming in to my life. At the time it hurt, especially as I never gave Leanne this information. As I said, I kept quiet on purpose so as not to get biased info off of what info I gave her, but now I'm in a much happier place.

Apologies for turning this in to a huge wall of text, but to sum my experience up... I don't think I personally would go to her again as she only got one prediction right out of a couple of reads I had with her and all of the general predictions she saw, but I did like the blunt and honest delivery she gave me minus the rants and going off trail about unrelated topics.

Thank you for your insights. I personally have never had a love reading with Leanne. Let me  rephrase, I’ve never explicitly or implicitly inquired about my love life, as I’m very career focused at the moment. The first reading I had with her she told me I was selling myself short and that I had a lot of potential to be really successful. I completely agreed with her analysis of me at the time. She then said within a year of her reading I would have achieved a lot in the career area of my life and she said I’d be exploring the financial industry, start my own business and perhaps be interested in community work. I was shocked, but kept an open mind. Stupidly, I decided to read with her 7 months later to see if I was still on the right track as things were unfolding how she said they would. Lo and behold, she told me I was going to struggle with my business, I would be struggling for years and want to give up. She also said that I would want to return to nursing (I was never and have never been interested in pursuing nursing). She told me that things will get better when I was 27. This is almost the exact opposite of what she had said in her prior reading. I called her out on it and told her that the reading was psychologically damaging. She refunded me my money.... I know some of you are saying you prefer ‘bluntness’ but Leanne was just plain wrong and damagingly negative. I felt very defeated after her reading and thought I’d be somewhat of a loser for years. I was so wrong, the weeks following the reading have been the best ones I’ve had in YEARS. I did not accept the job she spent 80% of my reading talking about, I actually recently signed a contract with a job I love and I’m passionate about. It’s not related to the field she mentioned in any capacity. I am the happiest I’ve been in years despite Leanne saying I’ll be mentally unsettled and would not follow my own advise. So, I wouldn’t chalk it up to people being “thin-skinned” sometimes she’s just wrong.

I never said everyone who said a bad thing or has had a bad experience with her is not being told what they want to hear, sorry if it comes across that way. I'm sure she can be quite rude and she has her faults, not totally sticking up for her. I've just going off of my experience also where she was blunt and told me the truth of something which hurt at the time but she was right and can only go off of my experience where many other readers gave me a fairytale ending. I do think Leanne has her faults, like her tangents she goes off on or being too opinionated. I agree you can tell someone something without constantly interjecting your opinion and being ranty with the way you put it. It's great she clearly doesn't sell fairytales, but she sure needs to work on her delivery and how she speaks to people and what topics are and aren't appropriate. With me she mentioned her books a lot and I'll be honest I was really there for my reading that I paid for, and that's one of the reasons I wouldn't use her again. She could work really well if she didn't use her opinion so much. I'm sorry she didn't work out for you.

Offline bonba

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #946 on: July 13, 2021, 08:49:05 PM »
it was confusing and too general . not really predictions but more advice

Offline bonba

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #947 on: July 14, 2021, 10:53:04 AM »
Making assumptions, vague predictions, droning on about herself...all very Leanne. My reading with her a year ago was my last after 3 years of having her as my go-to. She will literally judge and attack you and/or POI, avoid answering your question and still expect to be paid for it.

Truly, deep down I think she was a sweet lady who wants to help and has a real gift. But I think she's grown bitter and bored with being a psychic. She wants to be a writer and leave us and our silly relationship questions to ourselves. Just know that if you want to read with her. She will kick you when you're down and use her anecdotes and "years of experience" to justify her reasoning.

Leanne, if you're reading this, understand that just because you're fed up with flipping burgers it doesn't mean you can start spitting in people's food.

she told me clearly she us not a psychic but advisor . this itself shows she cant predict . what she told ne was advice based off if what i told her thars wht she asked for background information . she has bot such ability to see future . she judged based in what I told her then she says oh if you do this this happen it depend on you and all that BS .

Offline bonba

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #948 on: July 14, 2021, 10:58:51 AM »
Most people with anyone are looking for specific answers on a specific situation that may be relevant to them but not relevant in their life.  I can speak on this because I was one of those people.  People get mad at Leanne because she's not telling you something you want to hear.  And no one is going to tell me different because again I was one of those people.  She's very talented and has helped me and continues to do so with not telling me what to do but giving insight on situations I'll need clarity on later.  Leanne is not for everyone.  Specifically those who want to hear what they want to hear.  She has her own style. She's definitely not limited to just a psychic.  I have 2 more I inquire with one Yona and another Gia.  All three relay messages differently but also accurately.

she us not a psychic . she told me this herself . maybe some prediction happen for some by chance but if she says she is t she cant predict she said she  is  just an advisor

Offline bonba

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #949 on: July 14, 2021, 11:15:10 AM »
I read with her nearly two years ago . It was the time when I was in a darkest moment of my life, I was in a depression as a result of breaking up with my ex. I called her to find out about him. Omg, she was evil. I still remember that feeling of negativity .. she was shouting at the phone " He doesn't love you".

I gave  to listen that record to my friend and she was shocked. It was rude and nasty.

Was she right about some predictions? Yes, she was. But those predictions were inamportant .
she us a crazy woman . i regret forever why i even ordered a reading from her and listen to her BS opinions . she has no mental stability obviously

Offline bstalling

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #950 on: July 14, 2021, 03:35:10 PM »
Making assumptions, vague predictions, droning on about herself...all very Leanne. My reading with her a year ago was my last after 3 years of having her as my go-to. She will literally judge and attack you and/or POI, avoid answering your question and still expect to be paid for it.

Truly, deep down I think she was a sweet lady who wants to help and has a real gift. But I think she's grown bitter and bored with being a psychic. She wants to be a writer and leave us and our silly relationship questions to ourselves. Just know that if you want to read with her. She will kick you when you're down and use her anecdotes and "years of experience" to justify her reasoning.

Leanne, if you're reading this, understand that just because you're fed up with flipping burgers it doesn't mean you can start spitting in people's food.

she told me clearly she us not a psychic but advisor . this itself shows she cant predict . what she told ne was advice based off if what i told her thars wht she asked for background information . she has bot such ability to see future . she judged based in what I told her then she says oh if you do this this happen it depend on you and all that BS .

She is a psychic tho, she just dosent want to classify herself as one because her ability is not consistent. She has predicted things for me. My feeling is, you cant just be a counselor w/ a side of psychic. You are either one or the other. No one would call her if she didnt have a psychic ability, she knows this is what sells her services.

Offline bonba

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #951 on: July 14, 2021, 06:04:47 PM »
Making assumptions, vague predictions, droning on about herself...all very Leanne. My reading with her a year ago was my last after 3 years of having her as my go-to. She will literally judge and attack you and/or POI, avoid answering your question and still expect to be paid for it.

Truly, deep down I think she was a sweet lady who wants to help and has a real gift. But I think she's grown bitter and bored with being a psychic. She wants to be a writer and leave us and our silly relationship questions to ourselves. Just know that if you want to read with her. She will kick you when you're down and use her anecdotes and "years of experience" to justify her reasoning.

Leanne, if you're reading this, understand that just because you're fed up with flipping burgers it doesn't mean you can start spitting in people's food.

she told me clearly she us not a psychic but advisor . this itself shows she cant predict . what she told ne was advice based off if what i told her thars wht she asked for background information . she has bot such ability to see future . she judged based in what I told her then she says oh if you do this this happen it depend on you and all that BS .

She is a psychic tho, she just dosent want to classify herself as one because her ability is not consistent. She has predicted things for me. My feeling is, you cant just be a counselor w/ a side of psychic. You are either one or the other. No one would call her if she didnt have a psychic ability, she knows this is what sells her services.
she directly told me she an spiritual advisor not a psychic and she said she doesbt do much predictions but more advice . from my experience it us true . she never read my present or past but bunch of random prediction 2 years ago that nothing came to pass . what she described as my career did not resonate and any other things she throw out was useless . Im not sure how she can make predictions .she never made a real prediction . it was more of if you do that this happen . well thats an obvious thing based on background i gave her . i dont call her some obe who can predict future . intuitive maybe but we all are intuitive at some point in out life . when i compare that to yona yona picked uo my feelings and i personally connected with what she said regardless of predictions that are still on pending . atleast made sense and didnt sound like an advice

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #952 on: July 14, 2021, 06:26:03 PM »
I haven gotten 10 predictions from her and all three times she has been correct.

Offline queenofwands

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #953 on: July 21, 2021, 05:03:13 PM »
The last reading I had with her, she picked up on my recent past before I got the reading. DOWN TO THE EXACT DETAILS. lol ( and no, they are not things that could happen again "in the future", and it's already been 8 months since the reading)

Offline Lys

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #954 on: September 01, 2021, 03:24:52 PM »
I had two other prediction who have passed
- talk about a guy I will be interested who look moody
- another guy, I will met he will be interested and all of sudden not interested and heard nothing from him. Yes, I had a date with this guy and he finally ghost me
- another guy she saw him like a date or maybe a friend, she said he will tell me he is gay. Yeah it’s happened, I had a date with a guy, and he finally tell me he like men’s lol
- she said I will quit a job (yeah)
- she talk about a new job, for the moment I didn’t try to find a new job but soon
- except that, she saw a pregnancy ahead and I will be married one day. Sadly I don’t know when I will met this person.

She’s the best reader for me to be honest, the predictions are not always perfect, but a lot happened.


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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #955 on: September 05, 2021, 03:03:56 AM »
Are her readings recorded? How long is the recording for 10 general predictions?

Offline Intheotherside

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #956 on: September 06, 2021, 12:23:22 AM »
Yes , she send you a recorded file to listen to. Mine was 35 min. My last one was not as good as the previous one.

Offline KitKat121

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #957 on: September 13, 2021, 01:02:03 AM »
I’ve just paid for my first 10 prediction reading with her never read with her before will see how it goes I’ve attached my poi picture with me and my name not sure if I’m supposed to do that but I did so has anyone had a good outcome ?

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #958 on: September 13, 2021, 01:14:35 AM »
I’ve just paid for my first 10 prediction reading with her never read with her before will see how it goes I’ve attached my poi picture with me and my name not sure if I’m supposed to do that but I did so has anyone had a good outcome ?

you should have never attached your POI picture

Offline KitKat121

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #959 on: September 13, 2021, 04:32:26 AM »
And why is that ?

