My very first reading with Leanne was from July 2018 - when I first started getting readings.
When it comes to relationships, she mentioned I would be seeing someone who had some similitaires to someone I’ve cared about before (my ex I started calling about). She said basically that I can’t go on with negative thinking and let past relationship issues goes so it doesn’t interfere with the new relationship.
Every emotional thing she’s mentioned regarding relationships have been unfolding since that reading.
In that first reading, she mentioned that I would see where “something made a lot of sense love wise and where something did not”... and that’s more or so where I’m at now. Love wasn’t what I had with the ex I was with. We fought. He made me insecure. Gave me trust issues. Etc.
and then she said with this new relationship, “I believe that, even with a little bit of disappointment in your relationships in 2019, little kinks can be worked out, but if you’re focused on what’s already BEEN, you’ll be repeating past patterns and they aren’t healthy,” “even the small disappointments, this guy will be worth his salt”... “so if we skip say 36-48 months ahead, to the bigger picture, you seem to be in a happy, loving family situation, and your family is your main focus.” “be patient, the relationship I’m referring to is yet to unfold in the way I’m describing”
I truly believe it’s the one I’m in now.
Another reading she mentions, “as you’re going through July, August, September, it’s like you’re finally getting things that you’ve really wanted, and I see a relationship where it’s like you know each other, and there was patience there” ... yes yes yes!!
Another one she said a guy would be interested in me and we’d be close, but I can’t get too intense where the relationship is concerned in the sense of overthinking and all that.
In that same reading, she said I’d be talking about sharing a living location with someone and it’d be really good for me and really fun, she said this man would be an important link.
The last reading she’s mentioned him and I in a living area where he’s coming and going (didn’t know why she saw that) but I’m assuming because of the military training and stuff.
She said we’d be talking about then, moving further afield, him and I, as part of the bigger picture. Him and I kinda have talked about military retirement and where we want to be (11 years from now) and he wants to go back to the farm he was raised on to be a farmer.
She also mentioned a ring... I know I’ve seen people say this before about her, but has it actually come true? Like will he propose? ☺️