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Leanne Halyburton

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--- Quote from: maddie on June 28, 2017, 07:16:30 PM ---did she ever give anyone a positive love prediction? lol

--- End quote ---

I think I remember reading about 2 instances on that other forum. And I think she is the most realistic in that regard. For the most part, if you are calling about a guy...its probably not going to work out.

If I had known about her when I was calling about the guy that got me addicted to readings in the first place years ago, she probably would have said "not going tohappen, here is why". Of course, she does seem like she is sometimes triggered when people call about exes, which can make you doubt if she is being objective. However, for the most part, I think she is as straight forward as she can be.

Yep, Lots of Gobbledygook.

Yeah, her readings suck when she falls into advice/storytelling mode. I think she does this when she is going through things in her own personal life and then projects it into
your reading. I hate that Leanne. I love the Leanne that is focused and gets it right.

I'm going to try her next month. As long as she is accurate her rants won't bother me. lol

I had a reading with her in 2015. I know the majority of her predictions came to pass. I would read with her again. Rants and all. Lol.


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