Author Topic: Leanne Halyburton  (Read 364691 times)

Offline Heidimary

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #390 on: August 14, 2019, 09:52:47 PM »
There is something about her recording that has been throwing me off.
I am doing a report on Human Trafficking within three countries( Russia, Venezuela, and China)
Madrid flashed across her mind and said it during the recording.
As many know, Human Trafficking is a national issue. But, China does transport foreign victims from nearby countries, including Spain...
So uhmmmmmmm yea that is that....
my report is due Friday before my ceremony next Thursday.


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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #391 on: August 14, 2019, 10:06:34 PM »
There is something about her recording that has been throwing me off.
I am doing a report on Human Trafficking within three countries( Russia, Venezuela, and China)
Madrid flashed across her mind and said it during the recording.
As many know, Human Trafficking is a national issue. But, China does transport foreign victims from nearby countries, including Spain...
So uhmmmmmmm yea that is that....
my report is due Friday before my ceremony next Thursday.

This in no way is meant to be insensitive to your post, but one of the words that flashed across Leanne’s mind during her recording was the word silicone.  At first she tried to reason that silicone could be used for many things, plumbing, building, etc., but ended by saying someone was most likely going to be getting implants of some kind.  It was amusing.

Now, Leanne tapped into the dream I was either having when she did the recording or I already had a few hours before because she had picked up the name Becky or Rebecca, and I dreamt I was a young witch by that name in my dream.  I’m thoroughly impressed by Leanne!

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #392 on: August 14, 2019, 10:14:02 PM »
I'm just curious how this is impressive. Many readers pick up on the caller's thoughts. This is one area that makes them seem legit, but it also makes them off with their predictions. Because what we want to happen in our thoughts is hardly ever what materializes. Leanne in particular picks up a jumble of items here and another jumble of items there but she can never gather them together cohesively so that it applies in some way to the reading. Leanne gives off predictions such as telling me I'm going to meet a tall, dark man with a blue car, but she can never say why he was brought up to begin with. She counts this as a prediction.


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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #393 on: August 14, 2019, 10:22:58 PM »
I'm just curious how this is impressive. Many readers pick up on the caller's thoughts. This is one area that makes them seem legit, but it also makes them off with their predictions. Because what we want to happen in our thoughts is hardly ever what materializes. Leanne in particular picks up a jumble of items here and another jumble of items there but she can never gather them together cohesively so that it applies in some way to the reading. Leanne gives off predictions such as telling me I'm going to meet a tall, dark man with a blue car, but she can never say why he was brought up to begin with. She counts this as a prediction.

Hornetkick, at this point I’m trying to find some amusement in all of these readings I’ve gotten.  Instead of being in a really bad mood about the strong likelihood I’ve been wasting my time, I’ve chosen to be amused.  Plus, the dream I had was very meaningful to me, so there’s that..  A few of Leanne’s actual predictions have come to pass or already happened before I got the recording.  Most of the future ones have been little things, like not as significant as I thought they’d be.  Two predictions she made, if they come to pass, will be life changing.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #394 on: August 14, 2019, 11:45:23 PM »
It's funny that Leanne mentioned in my reading these visions that she has been getting. Apparently these are new to her in the last few months. She's not always sure what they mean or their context to the person or situation. She got a particular image in my reading and she said just to make a note of it. It's a new thing with her and she's still trying to figure most of them out. Sometimes they resonate with the client and sometimes not.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #395 on: August 14, 2019, 11:54:44 PM »
It's funny that Leanne mentioned in my reading these visions that she has been getting. Apparently these are new to her in the last few months. She's not always sure what they mean or their context to the person or situation. She got a particular image in my reading and she said just to make a note of it. It's a new thing with her and she's still trying to figure most of them out. Sometimes they resonate with the client and sometimes not.

I’m so jealous because I got my 10 predictions from Leanne and nothing made sense or resonated. Not even one thing where I could say I understood the underlying point or even the people she mentioned.

I guess maybe we had a bad connection but I’m not writing her off, I’m gong to hold on to the audio and come back to it later and hopefully she has some hits for me.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #396 on: August 15, 2019, 12:05:10 AM »
It's funny that Leanne mentioned in my reading these visions that she has been getting. Apparently these are new to her in the last few months. She's not always sure what they mean or their context to the person or situation. She got a particular image in my reading and she said just to make a note of it. It's a new thing with her and she's still trying to figure most of them out. Sometimes they resonate with the client and sometimes not.

I’m so jealous because I got my 10 predictions from Leanne and nothing made sense or resonated. Not even one thing where I could say I understood the underlying point or even the people she mentioned.

I guess maybe we had a bad connection but I’m not writing her off, I’m gong to hold on to the audio and come back to it later and hopefully she has some hits for me.

Well at least Cookie works for you. I'm still shocked at how much Kisha and Leanne aligned on that situation with that psycho ex friend of mine...

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #397 on: August 15, 2019, 12:11:04 AM »
It's funny that Leanne mentioned in my reading these visions that she has been getting. Apparently these are new to her in the last few months. She's not always sure what they mean or their context to the person or situation. She got a particular image in my reading and she said just to make a note of it. It's a new thing with her and she's still trying to figure most of them out. Sometimes they resonate with the client and sometimes not.

I’m so jealous because I got my 10 predictions from Leanne and nothing made sense or resonated. Not even one thing where I could say I understood the underlying point or even the people she mentioned.

I guess maybe we had a bad connection but I’m not writing her off, I’m gong to hold on to the audio and come back to it later and hopefully she has some hits for me.

Well at least Cookie works for you. I'm still shocked at how much Kisha and Leanne aligned on that situation with that psycho ex friend of mine...

Yes the single white female!

At least you had a good heads up!

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #398 on: August 16, 2019, 04:17:55 PM »
It's funny that Leanne mentioned in my reading these visions that she has been getting. Apparently these are new to her in the last few months. She's not always sure what they mean or their context to the person or situation. She got a particular image in my reading and she said just to make a note of it. It's a new thing with her and she's still trying to figure most of them out. Sometimes they resonate with the client and sometimes not.

I’m so jealous because I got my 10 predictions from Leanne and nothing made sense or resonated. Not even one thing where I could say I understood the underlying point or even the people she mentioned.

I guess maybe we had a bad connection but I’m not writing her off, I’m gong to hold on to the audio and come back to it later and hopefully she has some hits for me.

Well at least Cookie works for you. I'm still shocked at how much Kisha and Leanne aligned on that situation with that psycho ex friend of mine...

Yes the single white female!

At least you had a good heads up!

Another hit for Leanne with the psycho ex friend situation. Leanne said that there will be other people who take my side in this convoluted situation.  Well, it seems the crazy ex friend got bored with me and moved on to one of my friends. The friend just called me and told me how this psycho pulled some full monty crazy on her as well. She knew how much the situation concerned me and just wanted to validate everything I told her and that she is on my side because she saw it for herself.

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #399 on: August 16, 2019, 05:29:58 PM »
I just realized I forgot to finish transcribing my last 10 predictions reading from June, so went back and listened again and wrote everything out.  A few hits already!

I think I already mentioned in an earlier post that the first thing Leanne said was that she felt a sense of queasiness and discomfort when she was tuning into me - and it just so happens that the morning she sent the reading I was in the hospital recovering from a medical procedure the day before, and yes I had been very nauseous from the anesthesia and was in a little bit of pain.

Other things that I just noticed have occurred so far are:

- That I currently am just trying to survive day-to-day instead of focusing on the future (very accurate at the time I got the reading, I am just beginning to get out of that phase now)

- Someone who is not in their full flushes of youth either getting pregnant or talking about fostering or adopting a child (the adoption/fostering discussion happened, will likely also happen again in the future)

- My love life in the immediate future being unsatisfying because she feels I am doing most things on my own or thinking about a lot of things on my own and there doesn't seem to be a great sense of support (very correct - I have not seen my POI in at least 2 months, and he has not been as supportive as I would like during this difficult period of mine)

- An argument over someone's ashes taking place, but I will not be directly involved, I will hear about it (this one made my jaw drop when I just listened to it - this JUST happened in the last couple of weeks - my mother and her sisters have been in conflict over my grandmother's estate and her ashes etc. - and my grandmother passed away NINE YEARS AGO, so this is totally out of the blue - so crazy!!)

Anyway, kudos to Leanne!!  She said there will be positive changes in my love life before the end of January, so fingers crossed she is right on that one too!

Offline Star_01

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #400 on: August 16, 2019, 05:46:46 PM »
I got my 10 general predictions overview last September with Leanne and can say that none of what she predicted came to pass at all for me. However, lots of it had (in classic Leanne style) already happened and she thought it were my future. She validated my friends around me at the time so spookily well to their hair colour and length, etc. I was at the time skeptical though because as we all know  ::) - it's easy to access client's social media, but I don't think or couldn't be sure that Leanne would do something like that and so if it is genuine, then top marks there because that was pretty accurate info.

She also picked up my ex at the time without me saying anything, and didn't realise he was an ex luckily and she didn't have lots to say on him but that basically she picked up I had someone on my mind and he was a waste of time, likes things on his terms and that someone else would be coming in and described the next guy and his looks to me which hasn't happened.

The rest were what seem to be given lots to others such as moving, ring on finger but not wedding, risk of pregnancy so be careful (the only risk was at the time my contraception was about to be out of date and I needed to go and get a new one inserted, but I was not seeing anyone at all and hadn't for a long time as I was hung up on readings about my ex). I also got a prediction about a friend having cosmetic surgery on their nose which definitely never has happened.

The only thing I could pass as a prediction is she thought I were going to fall out with some friends and they would turn on me and not be very nice taking things to Facebook etc, but actually they fell out with each other and I was piggy in the middle.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 05:48:44 PM by Star_01 »

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #401 on: August 16, 2019, 06:01:42 PM »
I only had 2 predictions that could be considered past situations,  but they're ongoing, so most likely these things will happen again. In fact, I'm almost 100% sure they will.

Edited to add: I checked my PayPal vs social media/LinkedIn to check my privacy.  My PayPal and email used my former married name and my social media/LinkedIn are in my maiden (current) name. There is nothing visible when you Google my married name, so no reader could have gleaned info in my case.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 06:06:32 PM by Fidget1028 »

Offline britbrat

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #402 on: August 16, 2019, 06:15:40 PM »
All of my predictions played out like she predicted in my first reading. The second reading was a bust unless they happen later only 3 minor things played out. I know she is good when she is on target and I am still waiting for my third reading to play out. I should have some things happening starting in November.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #403 on: August 16, 2019, 07:08:49 PM »
I Had ten predictions with her just under three years ago. everything except one thing has happened. She has until October for the  last last thing to occur. Funny thing is. If you could find out so much from people's socials, what are we all getting readings for?

Offline Girly1998

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #404 on: August 16, 2019, 07:27:07 PM »
For the 10 predictions, did you guys send your POIs name and age or just let her pick up on them on her own?

