Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Leanne Halyburton

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I can understand why exes is a sore spot for her..she talked about it in one of her youtube videos that her ex lied to her about being married or something..she does seem to get really triggered by  these questions, she even said in a video that "if you look at it statistically, when someone is asking about someone from the past its not gonna work out" lol we are asking for psychic insight nor statistic common sense!!

And people should just call themselves for what they are - psychics.


--- Quote from: candiednut on July 29, 2017, 06:17:59 PM ---I can understand why exes is a sore spot for her..she talked about it in one of her youtube videos that her ex lied to her about being married or something..she does seem to get really triggered by  these questions, she even said in a video that "if you look at it statistically, when someone is asking about someone from the past its not gonna work out" lol we are asking for psychic insight nor statistic common sense!!

And people should just call themselves for what they are - psychics.

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exactly! who stops wondering about things in their personal life because of statistics? just use your psychic gift to answer the questions! sheesh!


--- Quote from: lanlingyu on August 03, 2017, 01:17:01 AM ---I paid for a 10 general prediction reading and got my reading yesterday.  I don't know what to do with the reading.  I was expecting the predictions to be like BStalling's, concrete and clear.  No I didn't get anything concrete or clear.  I am not happy with the reading at all.  Very vague and can be applied to almost anyone.

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did she do stuff like "I see a man..with a bald head. That is a prediction." 

I think you caught her on a bad day. She ranted on her blog about not getting enough orders and some clients standing her up. She deleted it this morning.

So you guys are saying do not ask her specific questions? If i get the 10 general predictions will she generally pick up on  POI automatically, it also says you can ask questions with the 10 predictions so should I ask about my POI or just not bother?  and how long does she take to get your order back to you?


--- Quote from: wildfox87 on August 03, 2017, 07:01:18 PM ---So you guys are saying do not ask her specific questions? If i get the 10 general predictions will she generally pick up on  POI automatically, it also says you can ask questions with the 10 predictions so should I ask about my POI or just not bother?  and how long does she take to get your order back to you?

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Usually next day. I asked about my POI and like others she inputs her opinion. I'm not sure if she picked up on him in my reading. I think so but she's better for general.


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