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Leanne Halyburton

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Just adding to this … not one of her 10 predictions came true for me about 6 years ago. She was the only person to correctly state that my ex would get remarried. But there was nothing that was specific enough in the reading to make me confident it wasn’t just an edicatdd guess. I was so hopeful she was going to be helpful and accurate with a current question so I paid for a reading with her recently where I asked about the potential with several men. She was sadly not helpful with the “psychic” side and basically ended up telling me (after I messaged her back with my dissatisfaction) - that there really wasn’t much to pick up on psychically so she admitted she gave me a lot of “advice” instead. She cited that I should have expected that from her disclaimers before receiving the reading. I let her know clearly I was not interested in paying for her advice on my dating life. Which by the way included the fact that if I didn’t change my ways that I some awfulness would befall me - basically that I would be alone and never find true happiness. I let her know that I thought that was incredibly irresponsible as a reader. After my complaint to her credit she said she would refund me. I’m actually not sure if she did. But yeah, would never go back to her again and do not recommend. Honest review.


--- Quote from: flora0250 on October 16, 2024, 01:17:41 PM ---Just adding to this … not one of her 10 predictions came true for me about 6 years ago. She was the only person to correctly state that my ex would get remarried. But there was nothing that was specific enough in the reading to make me confident it wasn’t just an edicatdd guess. I was so hopeful she was going to be helpful and accurate with a current question so I paid for a reading with her recently where I asked about the potential with several men. She was sadly not helpful with the “psychic” side and basically ended up telling me (after I messaged her back with my dissatisfaction) - that there really wasn’t much to pick up on psychically so she admitted she gave me a lot of “advice” instead. She cited that I should have expected that from her disclaimers before receiving the reading. I let her know clearly I was not interested in paying for her advice on my dating life. Which by the way included the fact that if I didn’t change my ways that I some awfulness would befall me - basically that I would be alone and never find true happiness. I let her know that I thought that was incredibly irresponsible as a reader. After my complaint to her credit she said she would refund me. I’m actually not sure if she did. But yeah, would never go back to her again and do not recommend. Honest review.

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Yikes! That’s horrible, I’m sorry. I read a few other posts like yours and that’s why I opted not to ask on any specific person. The funny thing is, my ex that I had been asking about with other psychics was definitely mentioned in my reading. There were a few predictions she made that sure made it sound like I was going to be whoring around town but I realized it was (hopefully) just about my ex and this new guy I am dating. With all the different encounters she described with these potential partners she aligned me with she never lectured me about it.

Your first reading with her will be loaded with actual predictions whether if they come true or not but the readings after just get worse.

One of her predictions was that I will wear a necklace and another was I will be reaching for something and pulling it down.



--- Quote from: Florallover87 on January 23, 2025, 10:05:23 PM ---

--- End quote ---

Strange article


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