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Leanne Halyburton

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Oh, for fuckssake..... Stellar psychic.

--- Quote from: PJpilar on September 19, 2024, 10:18:14 PM ---She also told me she sees a scratch on the side of a car

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She did pick up on some things and people in my life with the one reading I did. She picked up on the at that my mom is a hoarder, and she described my poi to a T (and I said I was single and did not mention anyone at all when I sent her the email. She had zero way of knowing who it was or what he looked like) I know some of the predictions were o. Have to listen again about the others.

I don't know what I thin o her ( only tried once so far) but she did get 2 things she had noway of knowing. But one predication I know won't come true because  I refuse to allow it to be (something about a man who tries to keep me a secret and he has a gf or something. I will never be the other woman and I'm no one's dirty secret. Never)

Leanne can be random and cranky. I’ll admit one thing she predicted about having some issues with my gums. I dismissed her nonsense predictions. But she was right after a year.  :'(

I just received my 10 general predictions a couple weeks ago and did not ask for her to focus on anyone in particular as others have mentioned. I truly just wanted to see what she would pick up on and i found her to be quite pleasant. I did not get any negativity or rants like others have mentioned. She certainly validated a few things and some of her future predictions are actually occurring in the present but those confirmations just prove to me she has a gift. I wouldn’t let others experiences deter anyone else from reading with her, bc sometimes we do need to hear the good, the bad, the ugly. Also just a side note she saved me from a world of hurt bc I was ignoring a health problem and the fact that it came up in the reading I decided to just bite the bullet and go to the doctor and it turns out she was 100% right in what I needed done.


--- Quote from: Beans9224 on October 16, 2024, 04:11:20 AM ---I just received my 10 general predictions a couple weeks ago and did not ask for her to focus on anyone in particular as others have mentioned. I truly just wanted to see what she would pick up on and i found her to be quite pleasant. I did not get any negativity or rants like others have mentioned. She certainly validated a few things and some of her future predictions are actually occurring in the present but those confirmations just prove to me she has a gift. I wouldn’t let others experiences deter anyone else from reading with her, bc sometimes we do need to hear the good, the bad, the ugly. Also just a side note she saved me from a world of hurt bc I was ignoring a health problem and the fact that it came up in the reading I decided to just bite the bullet and go to the doctor and it turns out she was 100% right in what I needed done.

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I'm sure she is half decent when you don't mention a persons name., her issue is she was very obviously hurt by a man and it comes through whenever you ask about a specific POI.


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