So, just wanted to share with everyone that I've finally decided to quit psychics and move on with my life and spend my money on something more useful. I also wanted to share my story with psychics from when I started, to the addiction phase, to the ending.
I've used psychics periodically for about 5 years. (I was 14, but I had a job and my own money) Back when I first started, it was nothing. I spoke to a psychic maybe twice a year, and some years in between then and now I've probably not spoken to them at all. My mom told me at a young age that the psychic hotline workers were not really psychic, but that lonely people would call them up in the middle of the night so that they could tell them what they wanted to hear. It made sense to me, and I believed her. Up until my addiction, I used psychics very rarely.
Back in October of 2016 was when I first started to call them more frequently. This was with California Psychics, before I had used mostly independent psychics that were not apart of hotlines. (I figured there was a greater chance for them to be real, which I've also learned is not the case)
I started calling because I was still infatuated with my long lost ex who had be gone for over a year. It was the most intense connection I had ever felt with anyone in my life, which was why it was taking me so long to get over it. A few dozen readers told me he would come back, gave timelines for the winter, and he never came back. I actually reached out to him myself after a year of no contact and he never responded. That's when it occurred to me that they had lied about every single thing they had told me. I stopped calling them. I had not called for 2 entire months, and then once February hit, I found myself in another situation facing mixed signals and rejection from a new guy I had started to talk to in January.
From there on, the binge continued, I switched from CP to Keen, along with calling more independent readers, almost all of them said he would come around eventually and make a move on me, etc. etc.
Well, nothing happened in May and nothing in June so far. Some readers said July, but I'm not putting much stock into that either. I tried texting him the other day after a month of no contact, and there was no response.
So I'm done with all of this. I have not called for about 2 weeks, and have no desire to call again. I've tried every well known reader who has been mentioned on this forum and who has supposedly gotten predictions right for alot of users on here, they all said he would do this and that, and absolutely nothing has happened, and I doubt anything will at this point.
I spent probably between 2-3k on this total. It was a huge waste and nothing came out of it. I feel ridiculous that I had more brains about this when I was younger, and even though I had been infatuated with guys who were also rejecting me, I never did anything like this before. I probably spent $20 a year on psychics back then.
Bottom line is I'm going to let things run their course in my life, and keep faith that the right guy will come to me eventually. I'm about to turn 20 and I have my entire life ahead of me to find a partner. I'm attractive, in college, hard working, healthy, and have so many things going for me, and there's no reason for me to waste my life and money calling psychic readers who are going to lie and take advantage of my emotions.