Author Topic: My Experience and Recommendations... Whether you agree or not :)  (Read 5466 times)

Offline Synergy

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My Experience and Recommendations... Whether you agree or not :)
« on: September 20, 2017, 07:17:03 PM »
I’ve hesitated to post my thoughts and experiences lately because I don’t want to risk sounding like a hypocrite, but I feel like I need to chime in with my thoughts. Hopefully, they’ll be helpful, and if not, I apologize. 

It’s not my intent to make excuses for readers.  In my many years of doing this, I know that there are definitely frauds out there taking advantage of people like you and I.  That said, I also truly believe there is something to this whole psychic thing and some people truly are gifted.  What it comes down to is that it is a gift, it’s not one size fits all, and we cannot reasonably expect that someone can concretely tell us our future.  It’s not possible.  It simply isn’t.  These readers are not “God”.  It’s my belief and I know many of you don’t agree… but I have come to the conclusion that some things are set in stone and some are not.  A path has been created, and we have gone down the path and certain things along the way are going to occur no matter what.  Other circumstances are fluid and completely dependent on external forces, personal choices, etc. 

Hindsight is 20/20.  For those of you who followed my story several years ago, I fell hard for a man (we will call him C) after having binge read about a previous relationship with J. Everything with C was wonderful for the short time we were together.  Sandy Ester had even predicted him coming into my life before he did.  Predictions along the way panned out, and almost every reader said this was it.  He was the one.  The gifted readers, the not so gifted readers.  All of them.  Kisha, who was my absolute favorite at the time, saw a serious future for us.  One day, I was blind sighted and he broke up with me.  I was devastated.  Looking back, I can see that I probably had a lot to do with the turn of events.  We were great together, but I started socially drinking more than I ever had.  I got drunk a couple of times, and I know now that it definitely changed the way C perceived me.  It impacted our relationship.  I totally messed up.  Now I am not saying that everyone here has “messed up” in some way or has derailed their predictions, BUT take a good look at your relationships. Have you been obsessive?  Did you do something to rattle your partner and freak them out?  I don’t like to look at my own flaws, but after the fact, I can certainly see some mistakes I made in that relationship.

After C, I continued getting readings about a few random “love interests”.  Once again, some readers were right about little things, others were wrong.  Same story, different people.  I became less obsessive with my readings, more selective with who I read with, spaced my readings, and found that I had some readers that really worked for me.  I also realized my readings were more beneficial if I actually took them as guidance.  I would let go, live my life, and simply get excited if something panned out the way a reader said it would.  I wouldn’t hang on to their every word as if it was gospel.  It isn’t. 

I have been involved with a man for three years, calling psychics about him for the 4 years I have known him.  We are together, in love, and I have no doubt about his feelings for me.  That said, because I am a sicko and we have an ongoing challenge in our relationship, I still call my favorite readers about him.  I don’t call to ask if he’ll marry me one day.  I don’t call to ask if I’ll get a ring next year.  I call to ask for guidance when I know we’re coming up against some sort of a challenge, or I feel like I am at my wits end, or I want some insight into something I know is coming up.  The best most accurate predictions FOR ME have been the near term predictions.  The focused readings.  I personally don’t think we should be calling about people we are not truly exchanging energy with, but that’s just me. My experience has been that my readings have been most accurate when I space the readings, I don’t ask multiple readers the same questions, and I don’t obsess about outcomes.  This is MY life.  I control it.  I need to be self-aware. 

Here is a specific example.  I had a few readings with Yona in 2014 and 2015.  All of the random predictions she made panned out.  Really random minor stuff.  With regards to the man I am involved with, she said certain things about him that I know were true at that time.  She also predicted I would NOT have the patience it would take to get to the point I wanted to get to with him.  I wouldn’t be able to hang in there and wait for him to make adjustments or shift how I needed him to, and she predicted a “new man”.  I think this was true at that point in time, but I did some reflecting, and I did hang in there.  In many ways, I actually compromised more than I probably would have for anyone else, but I fell in love with him and I took ownership of my decisions.  I am not going to sit here and act like Yona is so wrong and all psychics are fake.  I am going to look back at my notes objectively, give her credit where credit is due,  and also acknowledge my own power in my life. 

There is a reason you see the “For entertainment purposes only” tagline. This isn’t a science.  Cookie can tell me what I am wearing.  Kisha has been great for me in terms of career predictions.  Anne has told me really random off the wall stuff that ends up happening.  It’s fun when that happens.  I spend a little money here and there so I can get excited when someone is asked to take a leave of absence from work just like Anne said they would.  This way I am not devastated when things don’t pan out and I am not spending my life savings on bs anymore.  I live my life, chat with a reader here and there for guidance, and I move on.  It is not healthy to approach this any other way.  I know because I spent tens of thousands of dollars on this.  I would get off of a call with one reader and immediately call another.  I would deplete my accounts.  I am happy to say I haven’t been there in a while.  And it isn’t simply because I love someone and they love me because I am certainly not in the best relationship ever.  I am better at this because I no longer have unreasonable expectations of these readers.  I still get disappointed when they’re wrong, but I remind myself that they are human and this is a wacky gift.  If this can’t be fun or if you can’t poke a little fun at yourself for calling psychics, it’s best not to call at all. 

At the end of the day, find the reader that works for you.  Working for you might be as good as 75% accuracy.  Take that.  Have fun with it, and let go.  The minute this impacts your financial stability or your ability to make decisions without consulting a psychic, that's when it's a problem.  It's not worth hating people who make money off of your need for answers.  They are not forcing us to call.  We do this to ourselves. 

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: My Experience and Recommendations... Whether you agree or not :)
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2017, 07:33:14 PM »
I still get disappointed when they’re wrong, but I remind myself that they are human and this is a wacky gift.

Hi Synergy and thanks for your awesome post. It was certainly helpful / appreciated by me. I'm a bit behind your trajectory but getting there -- to where I detach a lot more from readings, let go and keep my expectations realistic.

The quote above is my favourite line... although the whole post is great. The only thing I didn't like hearing you say is when you called yourself a sicko! Why? Negative self-talk but also you sound like you're very / relatively sane and 'using' psychic guidance in a healthy way!

Again -- thanks for this!

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: My Experience and Recommendations... Whether you agree or not :)
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2017, 11:40:02 PM »
Great post, Synergy.

I have also had things manifest, and not manifest. I believe we can alter outcomes, and I believe a lack of a consistent connection with someone may make it harder to read - even for the best readers. Should they say something? Maybe they don't really understand their own limitations. I've been getting readings since 2009. I know these two opinions aren't popular given a lot of situations we are in - but I have had enough readings about relationships that have ended to provide some insight. I am the same as Synergy regarding readings on "upcoming". I don't like to know what's happening too far out because the variables that yield the prediction may shift. I don't think all readers are fakers or con-artists because they're wrong. I also think we tend to focus on things in readings that don't necessarily make sense (I say this without judgement as we all have our own motivation - but worth mentioning). For instance, a reader may tell you someone may reach out or will reach out - but it'll never go anywhere. Then we obsess about the contact and the reaching out - but WHY? It's never going anywhere and could ultimately just waste more of our time. Idk - maybe it's just me but I am finding a lot of readers are giving "ultimate outcome" predictions that it won't really work that are being lost inside the "contact" or "reconnection" predictions that are made. I understand contact is important for a lot of people and I don't say this to minimize. I'm just trying to understand the disconnect a bit.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 11:44:22 PM by PrettyLittleLiz »

Offline yada-yada

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Re: My Experience and Recommendations... Whether you agree or not :)
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2017, 03:04:24 PM »
This  is one of the reasons I lurk on this website even though I haven't had a reading in years and don't plan on having any ever again.  But I love reading posts like this Synergy and I agree 100%. 

and I believe a lack of a consistent connection with someone may make it harder to read - even for the best readers. Should they say something? Maybe they don't really understand their own limitations.

That's interesting.  I was calling about my ex the last time I had a psychic reading on keen to a psychic named Louisebell but she seemed to pick up a lot of things and really hit the nail on the head with my situation.  But at the time I hadn't talked to my girlfriend for like a month or 2 so I wonder if it was actually me she was reading?  She also said "There's too much that hasn't happened yet" like it was divine and going to happen either way but what you said PrettyLittleLiz does make me wonder.  I know a lot of us just wish we could know the truth when things happen lol.

But anyways I appreciate you sharing because I think a lot of people can use any kind of advice to get through the tough times.  :)

Offline njlady

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Re: My Experience and Recommendations... Whether you agree or not :)
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2017, 04:41:16 PM »
I agree with you Synergy. 

Plus, there is a huge difference between being a fraud and being psychic but not an X-men mutant psychic who has superhero psychic abilities.  I think a lot of people expect that and are too invested in getting a call on Tuesday at 6:00 pm, and when it doesn't happen they keep calling.  if the psychic is real and they say poi will contact you, let the situation unfold. 

Offline HornetKick

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Re: My Experience and Recommendations... Whether you agree or not :)
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2017, 08:44:23 PM »
and I believe a lack of a consistent connection with someone may make it harder to read - even for the best readers. Should they say something? Maybe they don't really understand their own limitations.
There is no one size fits all. Really there isn't. I haven't talked to a guy in like three years and he came up in a recent reading.
I thought of him on occassion of what could have been, but we are not linked by facebook or anything and we don't text each other. We were never in a relationship, just coworkers toying with the idea. It's actually been almost four years now since I left that job so your connection theory isn't true for me.