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Has this ever happened to you?
After I finally stopped calling psychics I was feeling down and decided to give a local psychic a try. I read with her about two years ago and two of her predictions came to pass out of all the other ones. Sadly the weren't positive in the love area.
She always offer "healings" or "removal of negative engergy/jealousy". I always said no. Long story short she really brought me down today and was like you come here and its the same cards/reading. She also so that clearly there is something wrong that I can't have a lasting relationship blah blah...So again she offered me her healing for $700. Wtf? She's like this will bring in new men and clear up negativity around you she also offered me a "love candle".
Has this ever happened to anyone? Has anyone every done such a thing?
One last thing, at the end of the reading she allows 3 questions and pulls three cards. My question was will I ever meet the the one and I pulled the death card. She started saying that its a sign and I should be scared.
I thought the death card was something positive? lol....
why did i go again?
I hope you're not buying the bullshit she's trying to feed you. It's obviously a scam.
no definitely not...I am just surprised that people still do that?!
--- Quote from: psychicgirl87 on June 14, 2017, 04:40:20 AM ---no definitely not...I am just surprised that people still do that?!
--- End quote ---
yeah, it's quite sad and pathetic. I've had a number of readers offer me some healing/cleansing BS in the past
She's unscrupulous. And no, the death card isn't good to get as far as relationships go. It means an ending, though not a literal death. The whole rebirth theme really isn't part of the cards meaning, it's just the spin some readers put on it to soften it. Of course the whole world isn't ending, but death isn't the card I'd use to describe a new beginning. Judgement, the Star and a few others would be a better choice for that.
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