Author Topic: Indio  (Read 93281 times)


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Re: Indio
« Reply #60 on: May 26, 2018, 05:40:38 PM »
I don't think its an all or nothing thing, they could be both psychic and BSers. Indio does have a gift and can pick up on stuff but probably throws in fillers when she can't. I remember talking to customer service getting a refund from someone on CP and the girl told me that sometimes they can't connect and are not supposed to keep you on the phone when they can't connect, but still maybe its an ethics thing. Maybe they keep you on the phone for fear of a bad review, embarrassment or $$.


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Re: Indio
« Reply #61 on: May 26, 2018, 05:41:59 PM »
This is why I dont take her too seriously. Have you noticed when you called her a few times she always asked if youve read before "your energy seems familiar"? And always talking about making a wish with your guides?

Shes one of those readers that can pick up some seriously accurate and creepy stuff, I mean, she has seen very specific people that have actually appeared in my life.....but then also she can make up stuff or give boilerplate statements or predictions like above. the ethics of these readers leave much to be desired.

Yup heard that line twice both times I called her years ago. "Have we read before your energy is familiar". The first time I said "no" and she said "we are going to have a great connection then".

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Indio
« Reply #62 on: May 26, 2018, 06:45:43 PM »
OMG, yes the Wish thing....She said I got the wish card and to make a wish before I go to sleep tonight. 

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Indio
« Reply #63 on: May 26, 2018, 07:48:00 PM »

Offline Newlife

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Re: Indio
« Reply #64 on: May 26, 2018, 09:27:09 PM »
Actually when I called she asked me if I have spoken today her before I said no, I only read with her once, she also said I had the wish card lol
This is why I dont take her too seriously. Have you noticed when you called her a few times she always asked if youve read before "your energy seems familiar"? And always talking about making a wish with your guides?

Shes one of those readers that can pick up some seriously accurate and creepy stuff, I mean, she has seen very specific people that have actually appeared in my life.....but then also she can make up stuff or give boilerplate statements or predictions like above. the ethics of these readers leave much to be desired.

Yup heard that line twice both times I called her years ago. "Have we read before your energy is familiar". The first time I said "no" and she said "we are going to have a great connection then".

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Re: Indio
« Reply #65 on: May 27, 2018, 05:39:31 AM »
I had a similar experience with Indio. She was able to describe in detail a guy I had been chatting with online and she was making him out to seem as if he would become a serious option. Our convo ended up dying down before we even met.

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Re: Indio
« Reply #66 on: May 27, 2018, 11:37:59 AM »
Did she say olive skin complexion with his own business to you with lots of money? LMAO.

The “toxic female around him” lined pissed me off. She ALWAYS said it, but I can confirm there was never anyone around him!! Also got the “you’re different than any other female” and “spiritually connected”. I’ll give her credit about the new guy that came in because she nailed his ethnicity, looks, AND his job (along with a hobby that he did on the side), but she was 100% wrong about him being long term. I mean wayyyy off. I blocked him.

The only person who ever told me that my POI and I have past life connections is Medium Jozette. I don’t really care abut past lives because I OBVIOUSLY can’t confirm them.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Indio
« Reply #67 on: May 27, 2018, 11:57:06 AM »
Did she say olive skin complexion with his own business to you with lots of money?

Yes, she did. 

Offline Newlife

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Re: Indio
« Reply #68 on: May 27, 2018, 12:30:16 PM »
Indio is busted I heard almost all that line years ago !!! I only read with her once . He’s never felt this kind of connection with anyone. You have a choice between him and the olive skin person, someone is using spells against you blaaaabla

Did she say olive skin complexion with his own business to you with lots of money?

Yes, she did.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Indio
« Reply #69 on: May 27, 2018, 12:48:53 PM »
Indio is busted I heard almost all that line years ago !!! I only read with her once . He’s never felt this kind of connection with anyone. You have a choice between him and the olive skin person, someone is using spells against you blaaaabla

Did she say olive skin complexion with his own business to you with lots of money?

Yes, she did.

She gave me a horribly negative reading so I’m kinda glad to write her off. LOL


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Re: Indio
« Reply #70 on: May 27, 2018, 02:05:19 PM »
Indio is busted I heard almost all that line years ago !!! I only read with her once . He’s never felt this kind of connection with anyone. You have a choice between him and the olive skin person, someone is using spells against you blaaaabla

Did she say olive skin complexion with his own business to you with lots of money?

Yes, she did.

Damn I wish these people all burn in hell. Seriously. Who cares if they do have psychic ability. A scammer is a scammer.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Indio
« Reply #71 on: May 27, 2018, 03:07:50 PM »
she never said anyone was using spells against me, so you might wanna get that checked into..LOL!

But yes, I'm so happy to share that everyone will be meeting the rich olive skin colored man of their dreams, he will be about 6 feet tall,  be sure you stay open and make eye contact with everyone you meet, smile and stay off your phone in public, because there's a millionaire right around the corner waiting to sweep you off your feet!
This will be a long term relationship.

DM me and I'll give you my paypal address, you can send me your $100 for the reading.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Indio
« Reply #72 on: May 27, 2018, 03:34:51 PM »
exact words from my reading:

"He's worried that someone is gonna come along, and he's got a right to worry, because the universe is going to shift someone else into my range of vision besides him to have a look at, it will be before June, this man is in your area he's around where you are right now he's middle eastern, or Italian or Hispanic he's real handsome with dark hair & dark eyes and olive complexion he's either in the medical field or owns some type of business, he does very well and is right around my age, hasn't been in your area long, he moved to my area for a career, he goes to a gym near me, there's music playing in the background he also goes online, he's looking for his spiritual connection."   

Okay, I would never date anyone in the medical field, that's just not me. Also I'll eat my words if this man shows up before June in the next 5 days!

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Indio
« Reply #73 on: May 27, 2018, 06:32:54 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D hahaha!

This is funny LOL!

I've been reading with her for 2 years on a total of 5 different guys...and funny enough, she's said some of that same stuff to me (but it would typically be in reference to the same guy - each guy I read on I did not get the same thing).

Whenever she sees a new guy coming in, I typically ignore it. However, 1 or 2 did meet that description - but I only counted 1 as an exact description as she gave a bit more detail.

I believe she does have a gift - only because specific predictions happened that weren't one of her "canned" statements (and as you can see, she has a lot LOL).

Actually she has said these statements often in my readings (again, there were only certain statements said about a specific guy, not all) so I know what to ignore and what to pay attention to.

Depending on if you are connecting well, she will give predictions or insights that aren't her typical statements - and those are the parts I pay attention to - which are usually true. How would you know if you arent connecting well? I'd say if your entire reading includes all of the statements in this thread, with no other specifics, then it wasnt a good connection.

LOL of course I didnt know when I tried her if she would connect or not, but I continued to call because she was right the first time I called her - and the first call didn't include all the fluff that is listed in the thread. The first guy I called about was my ex. I only called about him once because she was right in stating that he was a player, liar, man-whore, and it wasn't going nowhere - he was going to stab me in the back - which he did - I found out through his daughters instagram he went on an overseas trip with his daughter, and another girl he lied about seeing - no one else told me this EVER - everyone said we would get back together EV-ER-Y-ONE!...I also eventually found out about MULTIPLE girls :o). - And this was a situation where he and I were in constant communication and even traveled together  :P

But again, she is not for everyone LOL and that I understand!

Offline Newlife

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Re: Indio
« Reply #74 on: May 27, 2018, 06:43:02 PM »
Got everything else except for the medical field lol, I guess she reads from a script, but your man loves you, you guys are spiritually connected but he will drag his feet, don’t wait for him because then you will miss this guy, it will happen in two months, month of September lol, anyway no such man showed up. For fit the description below lol.

exact words from my reading:

"He's worried that someone is gonna come along, and he's got a right to worry, because the universe is going to shift someone else into my range of vision besides him to have a look at, it will be before June, this man is in your area he's around where you are right now he's middle eastern, or Italian or Hispanic he's real handsome with dark hair & dark eyes and olive complexion he's either in the medical field or owns some type of business, he does very well and is right around my age, hasn't been in your area long, he moved to my area for a career, he goes to a gym near me, there's music playing in the background he also goes online, he's looking for his spiritual connection."   

Okay, I would never date anyone in the medical field, that's just not me. Also I'll eat my words if this man shows up before June in the next 5 days!