Author Topic: Indio  (Read 93280 times)

Offline mignnone

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Re: Indio
« Reply #45 on: May 14, 2018, 05:24:34 PM »
Forgot to update that Indio said that I would 1) Win the lottery 2) Get an inheritance--someone has to die for this to happen but she couldnt say who

These predictions came when I was asking some other financiall related information. Like, "by the way, this is going to happen". Tajah did say I had some lucky streaks going on
and I did win a lot of Bitcoin. She was right about 2 business dealings, but oh man this is a reach. Shes very entertaining to read with, I will say that.

When did you read with Indio that she made this prediction? word this morning that an uncle I knew as a small kid passed away during the weekend in another country. He did leave me some BIG money, which is SHOCKING because we
were not particularly close. WTF? I guess Indio was right.....

Offline bstalling

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Re: Indio
« Reply #46 on: May 14, 2018, 05:26:01 PM »
She mentioned this in a January reading, out of the blue. I'm still SHOCKED!

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Indio
« Reply #47 on: May 14, 2018, 06:41:19 PM »
OMG! that's amazing! I read with her last month! I'm running to read my notes now.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Indio
« Reply #48 on: May 15, 2018, 02:20:23 AM »
not enough time has passed for any of my Indio predictions.  She did say something that I thought was off.  She said "you have the queen of swords here that typically represents a bipolar person" I had never heard that before. I didn't know that about the queen of swords.  How good is she with current situations and peoples feelings?

Offline bstalling

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Re: Indio
« Reply #49 on: May 15, 2018, 03:13:06 AM »
Knight of swords more likely, but I guess it depends on the spread/reading. But there is some truth in what she said.

I mean, you can read the thread. Its a mixed bag with her. I notice if the situation you are calling about is emotionally charged or there is
a lot of things going on in it, she picks up some scary details. I think in a way she was lucky to bring this prediction up.

Offline njlady

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Re: Indio
« Reply #50 on: May 17, 2018, 04:19:39 PM »
She mentioned this in a January reading, out of the blue. I'm still SHOCKED!

Wow, that's great, except for the whole dying part, lol.

As for me, I was never so happy to have someone be completely wrong in my entire life, lol.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Indio
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2018, 06:06:41 PM »
She mentioned this in a January reading, out of the blue. I'm still SHOCKED!

Wow, that's great, except for the whole dying part, lol.

As for me, I was never so happy to have someone be completely wrong in my entire life, lol.

Yeah, the dying prediction wasnt cool, but I guess she said since it was an inheritance and she made it seem like it wouldnt be someone very close to me. But my uncle,
I havent seen him since I was like 5.

I still think Indio is a quirkly reader. If the lottery prediction ever comes through, maybe I would give her more credit. 

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Indio
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2018, 07:06:51 PM »
She was terrible for me, so bad I didn't even keep notes and that's pretty bad because I'm an obsessive note-taker.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Indio
« Reply #53 on: May 26, 2018, 03:23:26 AM »
This needs to be said here:

*there's a toxic female around him
*he'll contact me late at night via text or email
*he wakes up in the middle of the night thinking about me

Indio said all these things to me.  She also said them to Tthompsj & nancy, as they stated in the thread "One advisor on CP".

UGH! this is so upsetting to me, I really believed in Indio and gave her a call a second time recently, because it looked like her time lines weren't going to happen! UGH! she got me, yuck, I'm totally giving up now.

Offline Newlife

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Re: Indio
« Reply #54 on: May 26, 2018, 01:20:59 PM »
Oh she said the same thing to me few years ago!!!! Exact words

This needs to be said here:

*there's a toxic female around him
*he'll contact me late at night via text or email
*he wakes up in the middle of the night thinking about me

Indio said all these things to me.  She also said them to Tthompsj & nancy, as they stated in the thread "One advisor on CP".

UGH! this is so upsetting to me, I really believed in Indio and gave her a call a second time recently, because it looked like her time lines weren't going to happen! UGH! she got me, yuck, I'm totally giving up now.


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Re: Indio
« Reply #55 on: May 26, 2018, 02:05:59 PM »
She said the exact same thing to me too!! lol and oh he'll contact on a weekend.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Indio
« Reply #56 on: May 26, 2018, 03:49:53 PM »
It sounds like Indio says the same thing to everyone.  The story of the man I would meet sounds the same as the one spelled out on this forum too. Medium build, brown hair, almost 6 feet tall, possible middle eastern, or Mexican or Mediterranean. I wonder if she just tells everyone the same story and then it's the people who've been read who make it line up with what she said?  Explains everything except the inheritance story??? 

other things I suspect she tells everyone:
~your man is near you, he works out at a gym near your house
~he's working a lot on changing himself
~not one day goes by that he doesn't think of you
~this year is an important year for you a new cycle started in January and you will see changes in all areas of your life
~we are spiritually connected we've lived at least 2 lives together before
~he's going to say that he never had a connection like this with anyone else

Funny thing is on her follow up call, she pulled the same cards, brought up the Qof swords and said she was bipolar again.  I kept thinking, there's just no way she could have pulled the exact same cards. 

Can anyone confirm that these are all canned things she's been saying to people?

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Indio
« Reply #57 on: May 26, 2018, 04:21:50 PM »
Wow! Yes she has said some of the same things to me ;D ;D ;D. Funny enough she has said -

~"a new man coming in" is near you, he works out at a gym near your house
* The new man is always 6 feet tall and is a mix of some sort
~ (the POI) he's working a lot on changing himself
~he's going to say that he never had a connection like this with anyone else
*there's a toxic female around him
*he'll contact me late at night via text or email
*you're "Different" than any other girl he has been with (she says different alot)
*Pull your energy back
*He pulls back and comes forward
*The Death Card has come up, the dying of old ways, old habits and it means a rebirth

She hasn't said these things to me though:
~not one day goes by that he doesn't think of you
~this year is an important year for you a new cycle started in January and you will see changes in all areas of your life
~we are spiritually connected we've lived at least 2 lives together before
*he wakes up in the middle of the night thinking about me

Here is what I will say about Indio though - she seems to have the same canned statements from time to time with actual predictions in there (or things she can pick up currently going on). Even though she has said similar things before for me, I am still amazed at how she picks up specific things like:

- For example, she knew about a guy who was interested in me was married or living with someone as if they were married (she picked this up twice - the first time I found out the same day I read with her) - he did tell me they had a ceremony and the girl is living with him and is in the process of leaving, but never signed a marriage certificate...- -the fact that she picked that up was HUGE (I did confirm no certificate via background check)
-There actually was a toxic female with 2 POIs Ive read with, funny but true
-She has picked up when someone moved
-Picked up on kids
-Picked up on specific word for word things that have been said to me
- Funny when she said the guy would text at night - well that did happen for one POI after 4 months of no contact - he sent me a text at 11:30pm "Hope all is well"
- She correctly predicted how may ex was an asshole and was a man-whore and told me it wasn't going anywhere
- She correctly predicted 2 new guys in my life (lucky she didnt use the same physical description in both cases, but was descriptive on where we would meet and what he would do for work, etc)
- She predicted another guy would hurt my heart and he did
- She predicted a trip I would go on with my POI (with a specific timeframe that was correct)

She did get alot of stuff despite her repetitive statements (the above predictions are not as detailed, but some details she would get would blow my mind).

I find that some readers have their own typical sayings or statements, but if you havent read with them enough, you wouldnt know. I only kept reading with them because predictions would happen or what they picked up on the phone was accurate. (Another example of this is Cookie - you literally have to read with her for at least 20 minutes to get some good stuff out of her, but she does tend to say some of the same or similar statements in her readings).

All in all, I know she doesnt work/connect with everyone (I know my friends have tried her and my readings from her are far better and descriptive than theirs) - but hey we all know by now all psychics dont connect with everyone the same way ::)

I didnt realize my post was going to be this long lol

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Indio
« Reply #58 on: May 26, 2018, 04:38:33 PM »
@Sparkle002  thanks for your post.  It's making me feel a little better.  I guess I just wait and see. 

However, I do think Hell will freeze over before POI texts me in the middle of the night, he's so cautious about the time of day he contacts.  The only time he's ever texted in the middle of the night was when he was in a different time zone and it was the middle of the day for him.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Indio
« Reply #59 on: May 26, 2018, 05:18:02 PM »
This is why I dont take her too seriously. Have you noticed when you called her a few times she always asked if youve read before "your energy seems familiar"? And always talking about making a wish with your guides?

Shes one of those readers that can pick up some seriously accurate and creepy stuff, I mean, she has seen very specific people that have actually appeared in my life.....but then also she can make up stuff or give boilerplate statements or predictions like above. the ethics of these readers leave much to be desired.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 05:35:58 PM by bstalling »

