Author Topic: Indio  (Read 93273 times)

Offline bstalling

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Re: Indio
« Reply #90 on: June 16, 2018, 01:14:06 AM »
In her original prediction of meeting the man, did she say the exact date?  Because other than that we have the exact same description for our man?  Also the only real descriptive factor in her predictions was "self employed", I'm sorry, but every other description hair, height, pretty eyes, is subjective. 

I'm guessing she must have predicted the date that you would meet him.  Other wise everything else she said to you was about what had already happened, and current.  I feel like we can all agree that these psychics get the current and past right for the most part, as long as it already happened.

I'm really turned off by the fact that she's given us matching descriptions of men.  I had a listen to my follow up call with her and she described the man like this for the second time:

"he goes to a gym near you, now this man even goes online because he's really looking at every avenue because he wants to settle down he's probably right about your age he's a successful person he has brownish hair keeps it real short, everyone talks about his beautiful smile, he's got the best sparkling eyes, he's around 5'11" medium build, I want you to really start putting that energy out there"

I did connect with a man before June 1st, who has very short dark brown hair and is about 5'11".
HOWEVER....I had known him from my past, he's self employed unsuccessfully,  he's got a ZZ Top beard and only one eye, so he wears an eye patch, his other eye does sparkle though!

LOL! I give her zero kudos, people are unique and everyone has something that you can use to describe them exactly, her descriptions are way too basic.

I agree. In her world, is everyman mixed race or olive toned with sparkling eyes? Hmm 3 or 4 people have repeated this description. And the fact that their guy will call in the night. I'm thinking it was a grande conincidence that she got that inheritance thing right. You dont know what is a lie or truth with them a lot of times.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Indio
« Reply #91 on: June 16, 2018, 03:25:12 AM »
In her original prediction of meeting the man, did she say the exact date?  Because other than that we have the exact same description for our man?  Also the only real descriptive factor in her predictions was "self employed", I'm sorry, but every other description hair, height, pretty eyes, is subjective. 

I'm guessing she must have predicted the date that you would meet him.  Other wise everything else she said to you was about what had already happened, and current.  I feel like we can all agree that these psychics get the current and past right for the most part, as long as it already happened.

I'm really turned off by the fact that she's given us matching descriptions of men.  I had a listen to my follow up call with her and she described the man like this for the second time:

"he goes to a gym near you, now this man even goes online because he's really looking at every avenue because he wants to settle down he's probably right about your age he's a successful person he has brownish hair keeps it real short, everyone talks about his beautiful smile, he's got the best sparkling eyes, he's around 5'11" medium build, I want you to really start putting that energy out there"

I did connect with a man before June 1st, who has very short dark brown hair and is about 5'11".
HOWEVER....I had known him from my past, he's self employed unsuccessfully,  he's got a ZZ Top beard and only one eye, so he wears an eye patch, his other eye does sparkle though!

LOL! I give her zero kudos, people are unique and everyone has something that you can use to describe them exactly, her descriptions are way too basic.

I agree. In her world, is everyman mixed race or olive toned with sparkling eyes? Hmm 3 or 4 people have repeated this description. And the fact that their guy will call in the night. I'm thinking it was a grande conincidence that she got that inheritance thing right. You dont know what is a lie or truth with them a lot of times.

And what do ya know, Look at what I found on Indio's recent testimonial! LOL:

"I loved my reading with Indio, she said that I would get a phone call from my person in the middle of the night, she also said that I can look forward to meeting a 6 foot tall olive skin man who's ethnic! I just love reading with her!
Linda, Portland, May 30, 2018

This is Hilarious (yet I can understand it can be annoying)! I mean... she continues to give the same or similar man out to everyone it

I agree she needs to stop doing that, it's making her look a bit silly and is discrediting the gift she has (for those she has been able to connect with) :o smh. This guy she constantly describes sounds like a model! And yes, I agree her descriptions are mainly subjective and basic. She did tell me one time that a guy I would meet would have light brown eyes and would work in the the Hospital Computer (IT) area...same as me - this one had a bit of a different description from the norm lol

Offline Newlife

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Re: Indio
« Reply #92 on: June 16, 2018, 12:40:39 PM »
I strongly believe she has about three scripted message to give out. How do these people sleep at night.

Yeah I’m officially over her now. I read with her as my first reading in June about my upcoming move. She instead decided to hone in on a new guy I had started talking to for a bit and got pretty much the same reading from her when I had called about my ex:

he wakes up in the middle of the night to think about you
You’ll get a text from him late at night
There’s a toxic female around him, but he’ll cut her off
He finds qualities in you that she doesn’t have, he’s connected to you and loves you.

Loves me? We only JUST started talking about a couple (literally two or three) weeks or so ago. We don’t even talk that often because we’re still in the “getting to know each other” phase. What? EYEROLL.

Offline Heather

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Re: Indio
« Reply #93 on: July 21, 2018, 02:11:23 AM »
She was correct with the outcome of my job interview and told me the exact day I’d hear back from the company.

Offline calibabe

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Re: Indio
« Reply #94 on: August 12, 2018, 04:14:55 AM »
Spoke with Indio a week ago, she was so sure my POI would contact and within a week.  Needless to say I did not get contact, I simply called her to talk about it, maybe there was a delay?  She completely flipped the story and now its the total opposite.  She said it was free will and nothing anyone can do about it.  What a joke.  A total 180 in a matter of a week?  What a joke.

Offline Heather

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Re: Indio
« Reply #95 on: August 12, 2018, 12:37:00 PM »
Spoke with Indio a week ago, she was so sure my POI would contact and within a week.  Needless to say I did not get contact, I simply called her to talk about it, maybe there was a delay?  She completely flipped the story and now its the total opposite.  She said it was free will and nothing anyone can do about it.  What a joke.  A total 180 in a matter of a week?  What a joke.

Well that sucks.

Offline K88

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Re: Indio
« Reply #96 on: August 16, 2018, 11:52:45 AM »
It sounds like Indio says the same thing to everyone.  The story of the man I would meet sounds the same as the one spelled out on this forum too. Medium build, brown hair, almost 6 feet tall, possible middle eastern, or Mexican or Mediterranean. I wonder if she just tells everyone the same story and then it's the people who've been read who make it line up with what she said?  Explains everything except the inheritance story??? 

other things I suspect she tells everyone:
~your man is near you, he works out at a gym near your house
~he's working a lot on changing himself
~not one day goes by that he doesn't think of you
~this year is an important year for you a new cycle started in January and you will see changes in all areas of your life
~we are spiritually connected we've lived at least 2 lives together before
~he's going to say that he never had a connection like this with anyone else

Funny thing is on her follow up call, she pulled the same cards, brought up the Qof swords and said she was bipolar again.  I kept thinking, there's just no way she could have pulled the exact same cards. 

Can anyone confirm that these are all canned things she's been saying to people?

I just read with her last night and she told me that another guy was coming into my life that he was about 5'11 very well off and that he workouts close to a gym by my house. So she didnt say my poi would contact me in the middle of the night on a weekend. She said it would be random. Idk after reading that she gave everyone similar stories I'm somewhat disappointed. She kept telling me that she saw the marriage card and by this time next yr i would either be married or living with my Poi or that other new guy coming in my life.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Indio
« Reply #97 on: August 16, 2018, 07:19:47 PM »
It sounds like Indio says the same thing to everyone.  The story of the man I would meet sounds the same as the one spelled out on this forum too. Medium build, brown hair, almost 6 feet tall, possible middle eastern, or Mexican or Mediterranean. I wonder if she just tells everyone the same story and then it's the people who've been read who make it line up with what she said?  Explains everything except the inheritance story??? 

other things I suspect she tells everyone:
~your man is near you, he works out at a gym near your house
~he's working a lot on changing himself
~not one day goes by that he doesn't think of you
~this year is an important year for you a new cycle started in January and you will see changes in all areas of your life
~we are spiritually connected we've lived at least 2 lives together before
~he's going to say that he never had a connection like this with anyone else

Funny thing is on her follow up call, she pulled the same cards, brought up the Qof swords and said she was bipolar again.  I kept thinking, there's just no way she could have pulled the exact same cards. 

Can anyone confirm that these are all canned things she's been saying to people?

I just read with her last night and she told me that another guy was coming into my life that he was about 5'11 very well off and that he workouts close to a gym by my house. So she didnt say my poi would contact me in the middle of the night on a weekend. She said it would be random. Idk after reading that she gave everyone similar stories I'm somewhat disappointed. She kept telling me that she saw the marriage card and by this time next yr i would either be married or living with my Poi or that other new guy coming in my life.

Thats all very general and not specific enough. Shes told people about guys working out next to their house too. She is disgusting.

Offline Heather

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Re: Indio
« Reply #98 on: September 23, 2018, 03:48:44 PM »
Indio correctly predicted the exact day when I would hear back from a job interview and the outcome.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Indio
« Reply #99 on: September 23, 2018, 05:22:23 PM »
Indio correctly predicted the specific time when my current POI and I went through a "down" period.
She told me I would decide to separate from him (Cookie said the same thing) but both saw him coming back. I did decide to separate but changed my mind and he did come back around. She also predicted that he would hurt my feelings because of something specific - this happened literally 4 days after I read with her.

Cookie, Yona and Kisha (Aries Intuition) and Venus (CP) also correctly predicted this occurrence of this down period.
Kisha got the exact number right - "10" and it was 10 days of no contact.

I hate that Indio gets a bad rap about these "future men" she predicts for people.
Unfortunately its one of the things that is an issue. However, compared to some FOS readers out there, I'd just totally ignore any new guy predictions from her and listen to what she picks up in your situation. I would NEVER ask her about a new guy or love interest.

She does have a gift. She (just like Cookie and others...have their issues where they fluff things sometimes, but they can still be super accurate - only if you have read with these readers you will know ;)

« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 03:46:54 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Heather

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Re: Indio
« Reply #100 on: September 23, 2018, 09:05:14 PM »
What does FOS mean?  What sites are Cookie and the others on?

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Indio
« Reply #101 on: September 23, 2018, 09:41:06 PM »
What does FOS mean?  What sites are Cookie and the others on?

FOS = Full of Shit lol

Info of readers I read with:,3336.0.html

Offline bstalling

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Re: Indio
« Reply #102 on: September 24, 2018, 06:51:47 PM »
She has a gift, but she can just as easily be full of shit as well. On purpose.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Indio
« Reply #103 on: September 24, 2018, 07:01:11 PM »
She has a gift, but she can just as easily be full of shit as well. On purpose.

Ya I hear ya - I've been reading with her for 2 years.
Definitely FOS for the new guys for sure - but havent seen it so much on her predictions or current situation lol

Offline embibems

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Re: Indio
« Reply #104 on: October 16, 2018, 05:21:29 PM »
Indio is a complete fraud and I say that because she is downright unethical and a liar. She's been circulating the same FOS prediction to many of us. How many of you were told by her within the past three months that you'd meet a "James" who was "5'11"" and would meet him "near a gym by your home"? Does he have "wavy brown hair"? Yeah... thought so. Anyone, whether or not they "predicted" correct things in the past, is not a good person if they're circulating that crap to us all. Totally unfair. Please do not hurt your wallet or yourself with her FOS readings!!

