Author Topic: Major Prediction Happened  (Read 23164 times)

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Major Prediction Happened
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2017, 01:50:20 PM »
Looking back on our conversation, I just realized he asked in a roundabout way if I'd see him. He's indirect sometimes (fear of rejection - and he should fear it  >:(  ) and what he says sails over my head until I realize it later. So I guess we're officially back on track. My most accurate for this was Catherine (Phoenyx Amore) and Gaylene. Both said the minute he dumps a third party, he's back and wanting to see me. He did, a day later. I just didn't know it because I didn't get his Saturday text. That's ok though, he needed to wonder why I didn't answer and work a little harder, lol.

Omg. This is something I'd never ever do: go back to someone who sees me as the second option  :-X
Some people on this forum really need to have a bit more pride. The man will think "whenever I want her she's here"

Wow, this is super-judgmental from somebody who doesn't know the whole story. You have no idea what's going on in his head or has gone on with us. FWIW, I dumped him and no, you don't know why. Please keep your opinions on my personal life to yourself. This is about psychic reviews.

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Re: Major Prediction Happened
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2017, 05:10:12 PM »
Thanks Shayalay!  That was really rude/judgmental comment don't let someone's immature comment bring you down ;)

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Major Prediction Happened
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2017, 07:24:37 PM »
One of my majors happened last Friday, with correct timing by the below. I wanted to see if it would "stick" before I said anything. I'm putting it here as all the readers are on Keen

Kisha - got it on her own in the general part of my April reading
Sage - got it in my first reading with her back in early March
Phoenyx Amore
Prophet Rose - she always says *one* to a number and I've learned to ignore the one. It's always the second number.
Zadalia - got spring or early summer and as this is a two-part thing - something has to happen, which it did, then an action follows - I think she's right and it's both spring with action in the next few weeks
Trinity's Revelations - nailed it. She's great for events AND timing.
Friend Sue - got it back in March although she thought the three she got was weeks
Gaylene - got it months ago, possibly as long as almost a year ago. The problem with her is that she so frequently doesn't know what her numbers mean and thinks things will happen way too early.
Anastasia Christine - got it back in January and continued to be consistent in her timing.
Estrella - got it back in late January. I only read with her once.
Gypsy Rose - got it by inference because I have huge July predictions from her.
Lady Jenna - totally got it a few weeks ago and for once her timing was right!

There are probably more I can't remember right now. Everybody, including people I've read with but not on the list like Lotus of Light, Mystical Moon Shadow, Soulmate Finder Kathryn, got this event happening, the ones above also got timing.

It's funny how readers work different, I remember trying Gypsy Rose and Trinity Revelations and they were both awful

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Major Prediction Happened
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2017, 07:26:14 PM »
One of my majors happened last Friday, with correct timing by the below. I wanted to see if it would "stick" before I said anything. I'm putting it here as all the readers are on Keen

Kisha - got it on her own in the general part of my April reading
Sage - got it in my first reading with her back in early March
Phoenyx Amore
Prophet Rose - she always says *one* to a number and I've learned to ignore the one. It's always the second number.
Zadalia - got spring or early summer and as this is a two-part thing - something has to happen, which it did, then an action follows - I think she's right and it's both spring with action in the next few weeks
Trinity's Revelations - nailed it. She's great for events AND timing.
Friend Sue - got it back in March although she thought the three she got was weeks
Gaylene - got it months ago, possibly as long as almost a year ago. The problem with her is that she so frequently doesn't know what her numbers mean and thinks things will happen way too early.
Anastasia Christine - got it back in January and continued to be consistent in her timing.
Estrella - got it back in late January. I only read with her once.
Gypsy Rose - got it by inference because I have huge July predictions from her.
Lady Jenna - totally got it a few weeks ago and for once her timing was right!

There are probably more I can't remember right now. Everybody, including people I've read with but not on the list like Lotus of Light, Mystical Moon Shadow, Soulmate Finder Kathryn, got this event happening, the ones above also got timing.

It's funny how readers work different, I remember trying Gypsy Rose and Trinity Revelations and they were both awful

Completely different outcomes from lots of the others on your list...makes you wonder, how can that be?  LOL

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Major Prediction Happened
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2017, 09:19:13 PM »
You're welcome! Congrats on the good readings too! You're right, it does feel so good to get a really positive romance reading from Kisha, lol