Author Topic: Psychic abilities is a gift yet they charge crazy amounts  (Read 5039 times)

Offline Love-33

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Hi all,

Just wanted your thoughts on this.
They have a gift but they charge a lot of money do you find it normal?
They think its business

Offline njlady

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Re: Psychic abilities is a gift yet they charge crazy amounts
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2017, 03:00:13 PM »
The way Barbara Streisand can sing is a gift.  Many people are gifted and market their gift.  Being gifted doesn't preclude your ability to make a living.

Offline bagalagaa88

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Re: Psychic abilities is a gift yet they charge crazy amounts
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2017, 03:01:10 PM »
I can see your point but in one hand they are using their time and energy to provide us answers. I mean as a customer we also have the ability to evaluate whether we want to pay them or not, no?

Look at like consultants for companies and stuff charging 1000s of dollars a day. I do agree in some cases it's a bit much but then again it's their service there's no obligation to help people for free or cheap type thing. I've met some awesome people who have helped for free though and don't believe in charging for their abolities :)

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Psychic abilities is a gift yet they charge crazy amounts
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2017, 10:10:20 PM »
Hi all,

Just wanted your thoughts on this.
They have a gift but they charge a lot of money do you find it normal?
They think its business

I don't really understand the line of thought here. Is it because it's a gift you feel that they're somehow obligated to share it or ?
I don't think it's ethical they should be charging exorbitant amounts for readings, especially when no one is 100% accurate but on the other hand, I think they should at least be able to support themselves on it.


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Re: Psychic abilities is a gift yet they charge crazy amounts
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2017, 10:14:10 PM »
i've noticed that people with the greatest psychic gifts either charge very little or do a pay however much you think you should. these are also the psychics that dont really market or read online. usually only find them through someone. ive had some amazing readings for free and some for cheap. if theyre charging an arm and a leg theyre usually bs.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Psychic abilities is a gift yet they charge crazy amounts
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2017, 12:37:05 AM »
i've noticed that people with the greatest psychic gifts either charge very little or do a pay however much you think you should. these are also the psychics that dont really market or read online. usually only find them through someone. ive had some amazing readings for free and some for cheap. if theyre charging an arm and a leg theyre usually bs.

I totally agree on this. If they are charging car or house payment amounts, they are just bogus and specifically say on their website, they do not offer refunds. B O G U S.

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Psychic abilities is a gift yet they charge crazy amounts
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2017, 03:20:17 AM »
I agree, the most gifted readers i have talked to have been less than 5$ a min. Stay away from the ones that are 10 dollars and up, they are extremely well trained in cold reading and from someone who used to call high dollar readers, i can personally say none of them were right or worth the price.  Like Penny C or Puppy joy, both a joke!

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Psychic abilities is a gift yet they charge crazy amounts
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2017, 04:50:21 AM »
The worst scam artist was Sylvia Browne. She had a waiting list of over a year. I know of 3 people who had readings with her, and they paid between $700-850 for their readings. She didn't connect with any of the three, no refund offered and nothing came true. Her books are really lame as well.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Psychic abilities is a gift yet they charge crazy amounts
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2017, 09:32:42 PM »
I agree, the most gifted readers i have talked to have been less than 5$ a min. Stay away from the ones that are 10 dollars and up, they are extremely well trained in cold reading and from someone who used to call high dollar readers, i can personally say none of them were right or worth the price.  Like Penny C or Puppy joy, both a joke!

Puppy that seriously like a name or did you mean to use that as an adjective as in, you have puppy joy to describe your canine happiness?
And some readers need to be more serious about their business with the stupid, jacked up names they select. It doesn't read professionalism at all. No siree!