Author Topic: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story  (Read 15042 times)

Offline verb18

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Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« on: May 30, 2017, 10:02:04 PM »
Hello friends of this forum -

I wanted to write something to all of you as I finally am at a place where I am done with Keen as well as reading and commenting on this forum. Yesterday after getting a read, it suddenly dawned on me that I am done. It was a strange moment of clarity - one I haven't had before that moment. I wanted to share my story with you all, because to be honest, I am not done with Keen for the reasons most people are. Many people posting on this forum are done for reasons where readings are not panning out, and they are wasting time and money and they feel it is time to move on with their lives, which is completely and totally understandable and the right thing to do! In my case, however, I have had great success with readers on Keen, and I am done because I am where I want to be, and I realized that I never needed a read to get me there in the first place. So, here is my story ....

My girlfriend of 2 years and I broke up in August 2016 over reasons of her needing space and time - devastated, a friend told me to get a psychic read because I could not physically handle not knowing what was going to happen. Being a believer in the occult, supernatural, astrology, psychics, you name it - I gave it a try. I have gotten readings before, but very general ones - some which panned out. But I never read about a situation going on in my personal life. Before I knew it, I was full blown addicted. In every moment of crisis, I read with readers who pretty much all told me the same thing. 1) things will work out, but it will take until spring of 2017 (some readers gave me exact months and times of months but generally, most dates were in the Spring) 2). she still loves you, but you need to give her space and time and this is the only thing that will help 3). once she comes back you will rebuild slowly and things will work out --- however, for me, all that info was not enough. Although I knew in my gut that she would return, I needed constant reassurance that this was true. I never gave any time to let any read unfold because my "outcome" was so far away - so in between then and now, I kept on reading.

Fast forward to Spring 2017 - which is now: In about March, I was starting to let go, move forward, and detach from the outcome with my ex while still getting some reads here and there - I wasn't cured of my addiction, but I had it more under control than ever before. Then, out of nowhere, in mid-April my ex reached out to me and we have been on a steady uphill of communication ever since. Although she returned and most readers were right about this, and even got the time right, I still continued to read. It was almost like every time I felt "in the dark" or "unsure", I would lean on a read. And yesterday, I finally realized it was not healthy to do that. I still have a timeline of predictions that are set to occur in the summer with my ex, but I dont even need a psychic to tell me the things I already know. I am sure that my ex and I are about to work things out, just based on my own intuition and my conversations with her. So, with that, I am finally done.

My experience on Keen, although not as negative as most, cost me thousands of dollars to tell me things I was telling myself all along. Although all of our experiences are definitely different, we all have one thing in common:we are all afraid to let life unfold without knowing what is going to happen. I am still getting over this fear, and I know it will be difficult. But millions upon millions of people go through break ups, getting fired/getting new jobs, and buying homes WITHOUT psychic reads to guide them. It is an extremely expensive habit that only confirms what you already know, or makes you question what your intuition tells you.   

Although this forum helped me a great deal in seeing others experiences with readers, it also made my addiction worse. If a reader worked for me and gave me an outcome that resonated with me, and I saw another person post something like  "nothing ever came to pass" or "he/she is a fairytale reader" - it made me immediately log back onto Keen to read with someone else to see if THAT reader gave me the same outcome. I can safely assume this has happened to a lot of other people on here as well. However, if a read resonates with you, run with it and let your reads unfold in the timelines provided before getting another one. If I trusted in that and did that, it would have saved me thousands. We are all individuals with EXTREMELY different back stories - there is no possible way that readers will work for everyone, and it is also possible that many of us have acted in a way that altered our reads coming true, such as clinging to an outcome or reaching out to a POI before he/she was ready to hear it.

~~ Moral of the story is that I am definitely a success story from this forum. My POI came back in the timeline provided from almost 75% of the readers that I have read with. I have a list of my greats that I may read with in the far future, but for now, I am done. If anyone wants to know about any readers that were great or awful, you can PM me directly and I will tell you individual stories, or if you have any questions about a certain reader. I am going to check my inbox for the next few days because I would like to be a help to anyone that may need it.

I truly wish each and every one of you all the best - and if anyone is close to being done with Keen, I hope that my post has helped push you over that edge to becoming "psychic free" lol.

Peace n love,

Offline njlady

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2017, 10:30:57 PM »
Good Luck.  I'm really happy that things worked out for you.

I had a crisis in April that led to a reading binge for a few weeks, mostly empaths and tarot readers. It also got to the point where it wasn't healthy.  I felt even worse after my last couple of calls.  I'm just letting the dust settle now and seeing how things play out. 

Offline Love-33

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2017, 10:33:49 PM »
Very happy for you !! This is great.

However regarding the readings: most readers were correct that you would reconnect because this is what they say 97% of the time to people. Even when it isn't true, they still say that it will work out, as you may have read a lot on this forum.
Glad you are turning the page, these psychic readings are not good for us. When in doubt, talk to the POI. Even if it's random talk, if he/she responds in an enthusiastic way, then there is hope and see where it goes. If he/she ignores your message, move on.
Waiting is the worst feeling ever and it destroys. If you want clarity, be brave and see for yourself.
This "don't contact him/her at all" is BS. It's just a waste of time

Offline verb18

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2017, 10:46:52 PM »
Very happy for you !! This is great.

However regarding the readings: most readers were correct that you would reconnect because this is what they say 97% of the time to people. Even when it isn't true, they still say that it will work out, as you may have read a lot on this forum.
Glad you are turning the page, these psychic readings are not good for us. When in doubt, talk to the POI. Even if it's random talk, if he/she responds in an enthusiastic way, then there is hope and see where it goes. If he/she ignores your message, move on.
Waiting is the worst feeling ever and it destroys. If you want clarity, be brave and see for yourself.
This "don't contact him/her at all" is BS. It's just a waste of time

Yes, I agree here - but the readers who told me we would re-connect did give me extremely specific details, dates/months that have come to pass for me. My narrowed down readers have also predicted accurate chain of events. So again, I cannot say I did not have success, because for me, you can't get much more accurate than that. It wasn't just "she will be back" went a lot deeper and not every read was a fairytale as I went through an extremely rocky road with my POI to get to where I am now! however, it is true -most readers DO say these things to keep us hanging on. I really became an expert on how to phrase my questions to demand more accurate info out of readers to really see if they knew their stuff. This is how I narrowed down who was legit for me, and who was not. Overall, I do find my story to be a successful one but again, i did not need a psychic to tell me the things I already knew.


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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2017, 10:57:38 PM »
Wonderful Verb18! Very happy for you!! Will miss you around here!

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2017, 12:39:48 AM »
@Verb That's fantastic! So happy for you, I hope it all works out, keep us updated once in a great while! She is a lucky girl to have someone love her as much as you have and wait for her for that long. I'm jealous lol, i wish my POI would get off his @ss!

Offline BeachLover

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2017, 02:09:54 AM »
verb18- New poster here. I just read your post and wish you the best. My question after reading your post is. Do you feel confident because everything is coming true that the psychics stated is coming to pass. What would be the alternative if it hadn't would you still feel the confidence to break way from the readings?

Offline Alchemist13

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2017, 06:53:35 AM »
I'm going to miss you. Lol was accurate for the both of us. :)

Offline verb18

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2017, 04:45:31 AM »
Hi guys!! Just wanted to update that many of you sent me PMs but this forum platform is so glitchy with how many messages I send in a certain period of time so I am working on getting back to you all. Also after reading thru notes since writing this I'm going to leave some feedback on this forum for certain readers of my own experiences w them to hopefully help some people

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2017, 05:01:56 AM »
Hi guys!! Just wanted to update that many of you sent me PMs but this forum platform is so glitchy with how many messages I send in a certain period of time so I am working on getting back to you all. Also after reading thru notes since writing this I'm going to leave some feedback on this forum for certain readers of my own experiences w them to hopefully help some people

Thank you!

Offline Caroline

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2017, 03:55:59 PM »
Hi guys!! Just wanted to update that many of you sent me PMs but this forum platform is so glitchy with how many messages I send in a certain period of time so I am working on getting back to you all. Also after reading thru notes since writing this I'm going to leave some feedback on this forum for certain readers of my own experiences w them to hopefully help some people
Thank you I did pm you.


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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2017, 12:52:42 AM »
congrats X thats awesome.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2017, 12:58:40 AM »
Congrats xxxx


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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2017, 01:36:19 AM »
Yay x! Whoot whoot! And go Gaylene.........she is one of my faves.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2017, 01:57:47 AM »
YAY!! Go, X!!! And thank you for updating. :)

