Author Topic: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story  (Read 15046 times)

Offline kumamon

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2017, 02:05:54 AM »
Big congrats X!!

Offline verb18

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2017, 08:54:54 PM »
Hey Guys - ok so literally i have gotten so many messages and legitimately cannot respond back to all of them... it says something like  "wait 60 seconds before sending a message" and then I go back, and my messages are deleted. I really didn't want to post a lot on here to perpetuate anything, but so many people have been asking about who worked and didnt work for me.

Let me preface this by saying that I spent A LOT of money on Keen. So, that being said, I have legit tried everyone lol - but also, we all have to remember that not every reader works for every person. You would even be surprised to know that readers like Cookie and Kisha weren't even as accurate as some others for me - although they did ball park a lot of things.

First I am going to start with a few of the people others have great success with that I did not. I was going to post on individual threads but it was too annoying to go through and find everyone. This is info I do not want to share, but I feel it is needed, in case there is anyone like me here - I am gay, and I am NOT trying to profile, here - but a lot of readers that I called, particularly from the South judging by the accents I heard over the phone (although there were def some from the North or West as well!), or some old aged readers, refused to acknowledge the fact i was calling about another woman. They would use phrases like "partnership" or "friendship" when talking to me about my POI -  in these cases, it seemed like they couldnt even pick up on ANY details, and when they did, it seemed all over the place, not making sense, or all out NEGATIVE. I know for a fact when a readers beliefs or biases get in the way of anything, they cannot read it properly. Psychics are human beings too with their own feelings and discomforts, and even prejudices - and I am not trying to call anyone out for being homophobic, but in my experience on Keen I must stress that there are a lot of readers that did not acknowledge my experience in the way I was hoping, and some made me feel very uncomfortable and even asked very invasive questions. I am not going to list WHO did this, and not all who were wrong did this - but I just wanted to share this with you guys because it is very important for me to stress that some of these readers that A LOT of people loved, were out right disrespectful to me and my experiences.

So, again - not everyone on this wrong list did what I said above!!
- JourneyBySpirit
- barbara4846
- hollypop1
- AskCristina
- ReadingsByRakael
- Isadora Fern
- Soul Love 11
....there were plenty of wrong ones, but these are the more "popular" ones that were legit dead wrong and gave polar opposite negative outcomes.

Now, for the fun part - the right list. These are the MAIN advisors that got everything right. I will list strengths next to each to give some perspective here:
1. LotusofLight: predicting chain of events and small details that turn out to be very important. Also is extremely good at reading intentions, as well as 3rd party intentions. For me, she was decent on timing, but not the best.

2. Zadalia: empath, empath, empath! all i have to say about that. Very good at timing when it comes naturally to her.

3. Marie Anna: answering questions spot on in a way that resonates. doesnt beat around the bush. VERY honest in a kind way. helps you guide yourself into a better situation to even avoid negative outcomes

4. IrishDonna: for me she was great with timing. stellar, actually. she is hit or miss for most, but was a hit for me. she is a lovely lady too. never wanted to hang up. makes you feel at ease. she also doesnt sugar coat, but tells it like it is. Great outcome reader.

5. LadyPersephone: enough said. shes legit famous at this point so i dont need to comment on her because most of us love her anyway!

6. FriendSue: lovely lady!! best at guidance to be honest. and picking up specifics.

7. Joannas Gift: outcome, outcome, outcome. the stuff in between is a bit fuzzy to be honest, but shes def gifted.

There u guys have it!
Again  - those who have worked for me may have not worked for you, or my wrong ones may have worked for you. but this is my list, and this is my story, and the only thing i can say for certain is the ones i listed that were right were right for ME, and thats all I can go off of. If anyone as any questions about anything READING related, not advisor related, you can ask me on this thread and I will respond. You can also ask me questions about the experience I had that i talked about above, but I do not feel comfortable sharing specifics about who did this on a public domain. Thanks!

Offline Alchemist13

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2017, 09:28:56 PM »
Verb I was always rooting for you. I'm so happy for you!!!!

Offline Caroline

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2017, 09:36:50 PM »
I am so happy for you and sorry you had to go through bs with some readers - I don't like when they get judgy.

Offline Epic08

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2017, 11:40:04 PM »
Thanks for sharing Verb. Blessings to you in your journey

Offline knel27

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2017, 01:11:35 AM »
Thank you so much for sharing!!! Wishing you all the happiness and love in the world!!

Offline SunshineChick22

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2017, 02:05:58 AM »
My ultimate outcome also just came true. It happens :)

Who was right for you as far as the ultimate outcome?

Offline candy1

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Re: Leaving Keen as well as this forum - Sharing my story
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2017, 03:17:19 AM »
Verb18, did you read with Judi? How was she for you?

