I read with him for the first time around the end of April, where things w/my bf were definitely taking a huge turning point (for the better). He was accurately able to pinpoint the dynamics of our relationship, what had happened in order to reconcile, the timelines, even specific little details. He basically went on to describe what our issues will be long term with our relationship, and stated that nothing will be major or he doesn’t see severing between us. He did predict us taking the next step in September-ish (he said 5 def. not weeks, most likely months) which a handful of other readers have foreseen as well. He described his personality, his quirks, and how to steer clear of potential conflict areas. After he discussed the relationship, he had went on to discuss work with me. He had stated he saw in “2” most likely months a creative project regarding work that will help to really expand my career. Being that I’m bored certified, and I have the type of job that you can’t really “climb the ladder” so to speak, I was skeptical and thought eh whatever, no big deal, they can’t all be 100% right. Well, he was. I was randomly offered a part time adjunct to my job, which there is no possible way I could have anticipated coming. His other prediction is sort of currently unfolding as well. He had mentioned a female friend, who I’m going to have to put in her place, in terms of a delusional relationship and its already on the cusp of happening. The last prediction he had made was about a financial upswing in July. He said nothing life shattering, but I will have a noticeable amt of money, and finally feel like I can breathe. Well, I’m close to paying off a couple of short term debts, that will definitely help things overall!
One thing I can say about him as a reader, aside from the fact that im grateful we had connected. I basically did’t ask a single thing he said do you want a general reading, I said sure, and he was firing off details left and right, but he’s also quite kind. I emailed him a follow up question, and to let him know that a lot of his predictions had already happened and regarding the follow up question, he had offered a free 10 min phone call to take a peek at things. He saw right into the heart of the issue, and was able to give very specific details on what was going on, and what was bout to happen. Not only was he quite detailed, but he went well over his ‘ten minute’ time frame. It makes me respect readers a lot more when they’re not about money and they just sincerely care and want ot help. I would def. read with him again.