I decided to take a break from readings for a while, and I wanted to get a general reading from Micah as my final one. A bit costly, but totally worth the money and the wait. He picked up on so much about me, my career, finances, and my relationships (romantic and platonic). I was blown away! He also picked up my POI and everything he said lined up with my first reading with him about my POI but with some more detail. I did get a short text reading with Kisha earlier in the year, which was a bit vague, and I didn't know what to think of it, but Micah picked up on something very similar, and I think the puzzle pieces are coming together. My first reading with Micah was back in October, and I got a contact prediction for in a 9, and I still somewhat doubt it's going to happen because of recent developments, but he didn't give me a number prediction this time. He just said "in the coming weeks."
But what I'm most excited about are his money/career predictions! I recently started seriously thinking about making a lot of sacrifices and to start saving up for something big. He sees me starting to fall in love with money and budgeting in the next year LOL. I really do see it. Also some really good career advancements and opportunities in the future it seems like. I'm very ambitious and career-driven, and this reading renewed my drive. I've also been considering the possibility of relocating in the future, and Micah sees me possibly moving in the fall.
I think Micah is one of my favorite readers. I love how he doesn't sugarcoat and there's just this nice balance of positive and negative. My readings have been very realistic, and he's just also a really nice guy. His readings are kind of empowering? Also does anyone know how far out Micah can see? At the end of my reading he said that he sees the next 2 years being really good for me!