Author Topic: Reaching out for help  (Read 3896 times)

Offline Qu33n

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Reaching out for help
« on: April 27, 2018, 01:55:22 AM »
I read on in the forums about a woman who commited suicide because of all the heartache she endured by the promises, the predictions (not coming to pass) the heartache she dealt with in life in general. As a person who everyone literally comes to. I feel like i have no one. After spending 1,000s of dollars on keen. Im merely left with a broken heart, in debt, and no one i can talk to abou the situation that would understand. Not only the heart break but the fact that i am dealing with readers who make me predictions only for me to see these things not come to frution. I need someone who can not only relate to my situation but also has this same addiction when it comes to psychics. We call them because we want answers about what is plaguing us.. and there are many like me who simply have no one to talk to. So we spend our hard earned money to be sold a dream and we keep calling. While some predictions have come to fruition for me a lot of them havent..and i also notice a lot of them say the same thing! Makes me wonder if they share information. All i know is i need someone to talk to because im losing sleep over this daily and i cant spend one more dollar. I feel as if im slowly going crazy over this

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Reaching out for help
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2018, 02:25:48 AM »
I read on in the forums about a woman who commited suicide because of all the heartache she endured by the promises, the predictions (not coming to pass) the heartache she dealt with in life in general. As a person who everyone literally comes to. I feel like i have no one. After spending 1,000s of dollars on keen. Im merely left with a broken heart, in debt, and no one i can talk to abou the situation that would understand. Not only the heart break but the fact that i am dealing with readers who make me predictions only for me to see these things not come to frution. I need someone who can not only relate to my situation but also has this same addiction when it comes to psychics. We call them because we want answers about what is plaguing us.. and there are many like me who simply have no one to talk to. So we spend our hard earned money to be sold a dream and we keep calling. While some predictions have come to fruition for me a lot of them havent..and i also notice a lot of them say the same thing! Makes me wonder if they share information. All i know is i need someone to talk to because im losing sleep over this daily and i cant spend one more dollar. I feel as if im slowly going crazy over this

You are not alone. You DO have someone, and it's me, and all of us. We ALL understand. I know exactly where you are. Just totally broken, broken, broken, waiting for some kind of good news, and someone gives it to you and you feel better for a day, an hour, a few minutes, and then the doubt and fear comes creeping back. It's just an awful cycle. It's an addiction just the same as any other. And that is no judgment it just is. It just is. And you are still an amazing, awesome person, and so are all of us.

But like any addiction, it's bigger than you. It's bigger than me, it's bigger than all of us. I think, if you are losing sleep and feeling so bad, it may be time to consider some kind of help. I don't know if you can afford counseling, but it may be a good option for you. And if you can't afford traditional counseling, look into an online counseling service called TalkSpace. It's extremely affordable and they have some really great counselors. I spoke with one named Angie Gunn for a while, she was super nice, very patient, licensed counselor and also open to reiki/psychic energy and things like this so you should have no qualms about sharing with her your experience with psychics.

I wish you all the best, and please PLEASE know that you may be broken but those wounds can be set. You are not going crazy. You are NOT alone. We are all here together.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2018, 02:30:15 AM by journalmuse »

Offline Qu33n

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Re: Reaching out for help
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2018, 10:08:56 AM »
I read on in the forums about a woman who commited suicide because of all the heartache she endured by the promises, the predictions (not coming to pass) the heartache she dealt with in life in general. As a person who everyone literally comes to. I feel like i have no one. After spending 1,000s of dollars on keen. Im merely left with a broken heart, in debt, and no one i can talk to abou the situation that would understand. Not only the heart break but the fact that i am dealing with readers who make me predictions only for me to see these things not come to frution. I need someone who can not only relate to my situation but also has this same addiction when it comes to psychics. We call them because we want answers about what is plaguing us.. and there are many like me who simply have no one to talk to. So we spend our hard earned money to be sold a dream and we keep calling. While some predictions have come to fruition for me a lot of them havent..and i also notice a lot of them say the same thing! Makes me wonder if they share information. All i know is i need someone to talk to because im losing sleep over this daily and i cant spend one more dollar. I feel as if im slowly going crazy over this

You are not alone. You DO have someone, and it's me, and all of us. We ALL understand. I know exactly where you are. Just totally broken, broken, broken, waiting for some kind of good news, and someone gives it to you and you feel better for a day, an hour, a few minutes, and then the doubt and fear comes creeping back. It's just an awful cycle. It's an addiction just the same as any other. And that is no judgment it just is. It just is. And you are still an amazing, awesome person, and so are all of us.

But like any addiction, it's bigger than you. It's bigger than me, it's bigger than all of us. I think, if you are losing sleep and feeling so bad, it may be time to consider some kind of help. I don't know if you can afford counseling, but it may be a good option for you. And if you can't afford traditional counseling, look into an online counseling service called TalkSpace. It's extremely affordable and they have some really great counselors. I spoke with one named Angie Gunn for a while, she was super nice, very patient, licensed counselor and also open to reiki/psychic energy and things like this so you should have no qualms about sharing with her your experience with psychics.

I wish you all the best, and please PLEASE know that you may be broken but those wounds can be set. You are not going crazy. You are NOT alone. We are all here together.

Thank you so much!! That means the world to me! I have actually been seeking out help  but havent found a counselor that fits me. If that makes sense and you said exactly how i feel. You put all i didnt and couldnt say into words perfectly! Tysm i wish i could give you a huge hug!

Offline daughterofcups - P

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Re: Reaching out for help
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2018, 05:59:15 AM »
I read on in the forums about a woman who commited suicide because of all the heartache she endured by the promises, the predictions (not coming to pass) the heartache she dealt with in life in general. As a person who everyone literally comes to. I feel like i have no one. After spending 1,000s of dollars on keen. Im merely left with a broken heart, in debt, and no one i can talk to abou the situation that would understand. Not only the heart break but the fact that i am dealing with readers who make me predictions only for me to see these things not come to frution. I need someone who can not only relate to my situation but also has this same addiction when it comes to psychics. We call them because we want answers about what is plaguing us.. and there are many like me who simply have no one to talk to. So we spend our hard earned money to be sold a dream and we keep calling. While some predictions have come to fruition for me a lot of them havent..and i also notice a lot of them say the same thing! Makes me wonder if they share information. All i know is i need someone to talk to because im losing sleep over this daily and i cant spend one more dollar. I feel as if im slowly going crazy over this

reading this breaks my heart, the feelings you must be going through right now are so difficult, i do not blame you one bit and jus know you are entitled to these feelings I have too been in the place where you are currently.. feeling like there is no hope and just being extremely disappointed continuously by men, life, or just the world in general.. feeling like the next straw will be my last.

I have a lot I could say about this- and please do not hesitate to reach out to me for some deeper thoughts here (I've said this a million times on here but I actually am a real therapist and I would be very open to offering some guidance)
... but i will say this, just because I think everyone needs to see this, at all times: suicide is a complicated aspect in the mental health world.. often there are many reasons, some known, but many unknown as to why someone might take their own life. Oftentimes there is no one cause or obvious event that leads to this. sometimes when it happens people want to blame to one event, person, or misfortune in the victims recent history, but usually this is not the whole problem, but just one small aspect that might have added to the cause. Suicide is a accompanied by mental illness, and many untreated illnesses that can compile up comorbidly. Most of the time, the victim of a suicide is either not receiving proper treatment, or the illness they are faced with are not made visible to the outside world and thus repressed and compounded further.. this is why the loved ones left behind often feel confused and do not understand how they could have missed it. People, in order to survive, develop tactics over the years that allow their lives to appear function, despite how dysfunctional they feel inside. You are doing the right thing by seeking treatment, therapy is a gift you give yourself- and everyone should experience it! you are showing yourself an act of kindness. If you are having suicidal ideation, have a plan, or desire to follow through, please know that you are not alone and that it is NOT your only option out of pain. Life is a beautiful experience filled with many ups and downs and I've found that my most difficult years and most desperate trails have lead me to the most amazing periods of growth and happiness almost directly, without a doubt. there is ALWAYS courage and growth in pain. always. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and it is by NO MEANS your fault that you feel this way. This can be a combination of brain chemistry that is affecting your ability to perceive things clearly in a productive and healthy way. There are many ways to treat this! You are entitled to your feelings but you are not trapped by them. its not "it is what it is" .. it is what it WAS, the present is simply a product of the past, and is by no means unchangeable.
if ANYONE on here feels desperate, extremely depressed, or just needs someone to talk to, please know that I will make myself available to you and just be a good listener if thats all you need.