Author Topic: Need your point of view regarding a text...  (Read 19769 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #45 on: May 24, 2017, 12:23:40 AM »
If the guy married the first woman then he obviously had very strong feelings for her at one point. The romance in marriages often times simmers down as the years go by, which often influences the wandering eye.

I disagree with some of your statement, since I know first hand men have biological clocks and they tick just as loudly as women's do and they don't always have strong feelings for the first woman they marry. Some men feel it's an obligation when the woman gets pregnant and feel the right thing to do at they time, for the child is to get married (not saying I agree with this at all) and Sometimes men feel that their luck has run out and that's all they can get at a certain point. Also, some men (just like women) are married to the ideal of marriage, but still don't commit and fool around, a lot. It's just different for different people.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #46 on: May 24, 2017, 12:39:58 AM »
If the guy married the first woman then he obviously had very strong feelings for her at one point. The romance in marriages often times simmers down as the years go by, which often influences the wandering eye.

I disagree with some of your statement, since I know first hand men have biological clocks and they tick just as loudly as women's do and they don't always have strong feelings for the first woman they marry. Some men feel it's an obligation when the woman gets pregnant and feel the right thing to do at they time, for the child is to get married (not saying I agree with this at all) and Sometimes men feel that their luck has run out and that's all they can get at a certain point. Also, some men (just like women) are married to the ideal of marriage, but still don't commit and fool around, a lot. It's just different for different people.

Everyone's situation is different, yes, but the man can also just walk away when a woman gets pregnant which I know countless people who have been in that situation. I've known a few couples who did get married due to pregnancy, and they didn't last even a year together. I'm not sure how in this day and age with all of the technology and shortcuts someone could feel they have to take what they can get. You can always meet people at this point especially with the internet and what not. That is unless you're super old-fashioned I guess.

Offline Alchemist13

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #47 on: May 24, 2017, 01:25:23 AM »
Out of all the assholes I've dated, not one has been married or already had a girlfriend that I know of.
I've never understand why anyone would date a married guy knowing that they were married. The chances of them giving up their wife and children to be with a girl they sleep with are extremely slim, and you're setting yourself up for heartbreak. And also yes, even if it did work out with them and they married you, who's to say you won't end up in the same position their ex wife ended up in?

Same. But the thing is, I'm pretty he didn't tell her that he was already dating me/someone. Pretty sure she didn't know.

Here's my feeling about that they got with you thinking that they were done and he had feelings for you but she came back around and sparked up his feelings he had for her. Like she's the one that got away and now she's back. :( sorry hon

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #48 on: May 24, 2017, 03:05:33 AM »
Everyone's situation is different, yes, but the man can also just walk away when a woman gets pregnant which I know countless people who have been in that situation. I've known a few couples who did get married due to pregnancy, and they didn't last even a year together. I'm not sure how in this day and age with all of the technology and shortcuts someone could feel they have to take what they can get. You can always meet people at this point especially with the internet and what not. That is unless you're super old-fashioned I guess.
Many people do feel that way based on how they look or thinking/believing they don't have much to offer.

Or if you're super ugly or just have very poor hygiene, those are reasons you can't find anyone. I helped this friend with her quicky dating events and one was for a lock/key thing...the people that would come out to meet someone. I could only pity them. I know plenty of single women wanting a guy and to get married, the entire deal of a dream. I know this one chick who at the age of 38, I think she is now, she still lives with her parents. She is set on one type of particular guy and just have no clue about what is involved with dating. She is a cute girl, but just clueless.

Also, to piggyback more on your comment, I have cousins who's mother never married their father. He was and is still married to someone else. He never left his wife and fathered four children with another woman. The wife never left him either. I don't get it.


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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #49 on: May 24, 2017, 12:19:03 PM »
I think when it comes to dating guys tend to date multiple women till they decide which they want to be in a relationship. Its important when we date a guy for us to ask if we are the only person they are dating or if they are dating other women. Hopefully they will be honest. If they say they are dating other women then we should keep our options open.

Offline Love-33

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #50 on: May 24, 2017, 02:14:05 PM »
I think when it comes to dating guys tend to date multiple women till they decide which they want to be in a relationship. Its important when we date a guy for us to ask if we are the only person they are dating or if they are dating other women. Hopefully they will be honest. If they say they are dating other women then we should keep our options open.

This is so fucked up lol. It's not respectful at all.
I'm originally from France and that's not how it works there


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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #51 on: May 24, 2017, 02:28:50 PM »
Lol yeah it sucks , it may just be a cultural thing because here in the U.S that what usually tends to happen.  It sucks that you have to ask someone if they are dating other people. You even have to ask if thy have a girlfriend because if you find out later on that they do or they were dating someone else and you scold them they will say "Oh , you never asked so I didn't say anything.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #52 on: May 24, 2017, 10:00:58 PM »
This is so fucked up lol. It's not respectful at all.
I'm originally from France and that's not how it works there

So there is a guide book of rules on how it's suppose to work in France? I'm not knocking anything, just find it hard to believe men aren't running game everywhere.

Offline Love-33

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #53 on: May 24, 2017, 10:08:49 PM »
This is so fucked up lol. It's not respectful at all.
I'm originally from France and that's not how it works there

So there is a guide book of rules on how it's suppose to work in France? I'm not knocking anything, just find it hard to believe men aren't running game everywhere.

No, believe it or not, but American men seem to be the worst ones then.
In France and many more countries, dating doesn't even exist. You're either friends, or in a relationship, as simple as that. No games are played. There is no: "i fuck both while I decide which one I prefer".
And this "being exclusive" thing doesn't even exist. From the time you go out with the person, kiss each other like a couple and have sex, you're already exclusive. No childish games.

No wonder why people from overseas moving to the USA are always chocked when they thought they were in a relationship and the guy is like "uhhh no we are still just dating@. I hate it lol it's so fucking strange and what a lack of respect

Offline Alchemist13

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #54 on: May 24, 2017, 10:41:50 PM »
I always thought that I was born in the wrong era because I want the traditional relationship. I hate the social media Snapchat relationship bullshit

Offline Love-33

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #55 on: May 24, 2017, 11:18:57 PM »
I always thought that I was born in the wrong era because I want the traditional relationship. I hate the social media Snapchat relationship bullshit

I find it so hilarious to have that "being exclusive" talk.
I remember the first time I dated an American man when I was living in Boston a few years ago. After a few weeks he asked me if I wanted to be exclusive. I laughed and asked what was that? It was the first time I heard such a ridiculous thing. "Being exclusive" lmao. Like how old are you, come on. What was I to you so far, just an option? Since the beginning I believed we entered a relationship you know. I was shocked. Then I spoke to some friends that I had there at the time and they then taught me how it worked in the states. All these steps you have to go through! Dating seems like a hard task!

I'll never be enthusiastic in this way of dating. For me, from the time you start seeing someone and act like a couple (going out, kisses, sex etc...) it has to be "exclusive". I'm not an object.

Offline Alchemist13

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #56 on: May 25, 2017, 12:42:15 AM »
I always thought that I was born in the wrong era because I want the traditional relationship. I hate the social media Snapchat relationship bullshit

I find it so hilarious to have that "being exclusive" talk.
I remember the first time I dated an American man when I was living in Boston a few years ago. After a few weeks he asked me if I wanted to be exclusive. I laughed and asked what was that? It was the first time I heard such a ridiculous thing. "Being exclusive" lmao. Like how old are you, come on. What was I to you so far, just an option? Since the beginning I believed we entered a relationship you know. I was shocked. Then I spoke to some friends that I had there at the time and they then taught me how it worked in the states. All these steps you have to go through! Dating seems like a hard task!

I'll never be enthusiastic in this way of dating. For me, from the time you start seeing someone and act like a couple (going out, kisses, sex etc...) it has to be "exclusive". I'm not an object.

Now its not called dating it's like hanging out... so if they're with other people they can say we were just hanging out we weren't dating it's just total bullshit here.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #57 on: May 25, 2017, 12:55:47 AM »
I always thought that I was born in the wrong era because I want the traditional relationship. I hate the social media Snapchat relationship bullshit

I find it so hilarious to have that "being exclusive" talk.
I remember the first time I dated an American man when I was living in Boston a few years ago. After a few weeks he asked me if I wanted to be exclusive. I laughed and asked what was that? It was the first time I heard such a ridiculous thing. "Being exclusive" lmao. Like how old are you, come on. What was I to you so far, just an option? Since the beginning I believed we entered a relationship you know. I was shocked. Then I spoke to some friends that I had there at the time and they then taught me how it worked in the states. All these steps you have to go through! Dating seems like a hard task!

I'll never be enthusiastic in this way of dating. For me, from the time you start seeing someone and act like a couple (going out, kisses, sex etc...) it has to be "exclusive". I'm not an object.

RUKM (are you kidding me?), I always questioned dating growing up. I use to ask if he likes me and I like him, why not just be together. What is this bs thing about waiting a certain number of days before you call, all that crap. I never knew it could like you're describing. No wonder the world is so effed up, with the way people create how things are suppose to work. It's messed up and I live/born/raised in the states.

I don't even know what you saying about the snapchat you mean as a tool to meet people, then yeah I get it, so how is it different from mainstream dating?

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #58 on: May 25, 2017, 01:47:22 AM »
I totally agree.

Offline Love-33

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Re: Need your point of view regarding a text...
« Reply #59 on: May 25, 2017, 07:03:29 AM »

I don't even know what you saying about the snapchat you mean as a tool to meet people, then yeah I get it, so how is it different from mainstream dating?

I don't know what she meant