Author Topic: Answers to your Questions about  (Read 11158 times)

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Re: Answers to your Questions about
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2012, 02:32:17 PM »
This is great insight 'positive thoughts'. I truly believe that readings should be done for the present. Having said that many predictions have come true for me through psychics - long and short term. But, I believe you have to go about your life and see what's happening in front of your eyes. What I lost for a while by calling psychics is my inner voice - my instinct, but now I'm back.
I really highly recommend through keen, Oshunshoney, Emmy Moon, Lisa Dianne, Lady Ashley15, Sapphire21 and Mystic Raven 11. Everyone raves about Cookie but I have to call her again. I didn't really get anything interesting from her. Plus she's never on so really what's the purpose when you need a present reading. Now having said all this I feel that each psychic is good for  certain things. I truly prefer present readings. And for goodness sales don't rely on only one psychic
It can really mess you up. Good luck everyone and I hope your dreams come true.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Answers to your Questions about
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2012, 11:05:56 PM »
I agree with focusing you yourself and not the predictions. I know Ive done so much better since I let go of all I was told and am taking things one day at a time now. Not expecting anything that was predicted anymore and Im much happier. Still on my hiatus with no readings for almost 8 months now. Feels great. But I do believe in psychic ability, just not the long term predictions. I guess I just dont count on them anymore. Many blessings to all.

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Re: Answers to your Questions about
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2012, 12:30:09 AM »
Wow!  I am impressed.  All you guys are amazing.  The clarity of your energy is so uplifting and powerful.  Just from reading your comments, you are consciously making the choice to take responsibility and control of your lives.

I would love to address each of you individually but you are so supportive of each other I don’t want to interject anything into the beauty of it.  But I will offer up a generalized overview to perhaps give you a greater understanding and some clarity.

First off, if anyone ever tells you they can tell you everything, or professes to be your guru...please run the other way.  You are here for a reason and part of that reason is to live your life and learn what you are karmically here to do.  Some of it involves lessons that you must go through with other people in your lives that may or not necessarily be pleasant. But please know that you have chosen to come into this lifetime to work through them with them.  So when someone says that person is your “soul mate” it may not necessarily be the greatest experience of your life, but you may have a soul situation with them that needs to be worked out before the two of you can move on.

When you are born, you come into this lifetime with a map or blueprint of your life.  There are certain things that are predetermined from the family you have chosen and the socioeconomic background you are born into. 

Let’s compare it to going to AAA to plan a trip.  You want to get from point A to M.  There are going to be many choices.  You can go by car, train, air, etc.  If you go by car and you take a dirt road, it could be that you will have challenges along the way, if you chose a super highway, you may know how to get there, but what if you run out of gas and have to get off, and notice something along the road that catches your attention and veers you off your course.  I think you are beginning to get my drift.

You have a mind.  Your mind is the most powerful energy transmitter in the universe.  Please understand what I am saying.  There is no past, no future.  There is only now.  You have all the power.  You and only you have responsibility for your life.  When you give that up, you become dependent on the other person to make choices for you. 

How would you feel if someone told you what to wear, what to eat, when to talk, how to walk, etc.  You make choices.  You take responsibility.  I am not saying you will never be disappointed or your life will be perfect.  Once you take control, you will feel more power over your life and the decisions you make. You will begin to manifest your truest desires, because you will not be rerunning old movies/habit/behaviors and in every moment you will be making the best decision, and not based on the great “what if.” 

You will be awake and present. Not thinking about tomorrow, next week, or six months from now.   Your heart (even more powerful than your mind) will be in sync with your mind (your thoughts) and you will create an energy around you that will be stable, grounded and authentic.  Your mind will be clear of the chaotic thoughts, and you will be filled with a feeling of oneness with yourself.  You might experience some people in your life start to fall away, that no longer serve you, or that you have outgrown your dependency on them.  You will feel lighter and unburdened.  Your mind will be clearer and you will sleep better and awaken refreshed and renewed with a sense of purpose.

Feeling that clarity will give you a sense of your Self.  Who you really are, and when something outside of your Self presents itself as confusing to you, that is the time to seek advise from a reader.  To help you to see, based on a course of action, what could happen.  Depending on what road you decide to take.

Blessing to you all and this was,

hopefully helpful

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Answers to your Questions about
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2012, 02:57:25 AM »
This question is to Hopefully Helpful. Do you think a psychic can really see a future relationship with someone or is it all perception of the situation at hand? And I also wanted to ask about something one reader told me....She said that she did feel that this man would be in my life again at some point, but that I should live my life and not think about it. When I told her just how hard that was, she put it to me this way. She said "You know that in the morning the sun will rise, but you dont think about it, you just know it. I want you to think of his return in the same way, just know that it will happen." Her statement made sense in a way but at the same time I thought I would still be holding onto a dream. What is your take on this ladys statement to me? Im not asking for a reading of my life, just what you think of what she told me. By the way, this lady was not with Keen, CP, or any of the other sites mentioned at this forum. She was listed on this site that only had a few psychics shown and they all had their own websites where you could contact them. Seemed pretty reputable but who knows.
Also, I do still love this man and always will. But I am not holding onto those predictions anymore. It was just too hard to have those expectations, but it doesnt mean I dont think about him. Anyway, just wondered what you thought of my wonderings? Thanks,
not so 4everhopeful anymore, lol.

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Lisa Dianne
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2017, 12:31:15 PM »
I had some funds left over and read with Lisa yesterday, I think I am done with keen and reading for a while; my curiosity for reading is fading away.

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Re: Answers to your Questions about
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2017, 10:58:31 AM »
@newlife, you've posted onto the wrong thread but this entire conversation from 2012 is absolutely timeless. So precious! Different people, different time, different situations - but exactly the same outcomes, musings and learnings.

An accident that maybe really wasn't as we can all grow from reading this.