Me too. Same readers, same thing. I've actually completely let go. I was doing all the law of attraction stuff, being all positive, saying positive affirmations etc and I finally said fuck it! None of these readers are right, he's not coming back, he's with a woman and has been for 7 months, he's happy. DONE! I was truly done. A few days later I saw him at a function both our kids were at. 2 days later, he drives by my house to pick up his son at a friends behind me then drives by again when he leaves (he didn't have to drive by my house, it's a circle and he could have just gone down the street behind me) and then I run into him at 9:30 am at Home Depot a few days later. I have not seen this man is over 2 months. THEN, I get a message from the moderator of a dating site I've been on and he has the same name as POI. For the last month, I've been seeing his name more and more and even had to get a new loan and the place started with his name. I thought REALLY? I finally completely let him go and I see him three times in 7 days? WTH?
I still am done. I don't think he's coming back and I don't care. I've said the words out loud. HE's NOT COMING BACK. Regardless of what all the readers say. After the week of seeing him 3 times, I did read with RavenII and Penelope. Both said it's because I've let go completely that he's now showing up. Both said he's ending it with her and will be communicating. Still, I don't care. I think I've finally had that Ah HA! moment. I'm not a quick learner lol IF he came back, I don't know what I would do at this point. I'm to the point of disgust with him as my eyes have been opened and now I just see how shitty he's treated me and he's really NOT all that.
So, maybe NOW, someone else will come into my life. That's what I really want. Someone that will treat me like I should be treated and not as a second thought or whatever the hell I am to the POI.
It was refreshing not being able to come on here. I think the forum kept me hanging on.
I'm sorry your predictions didn't happen either. That happens more often than not