Author Topic: Looks like this is about you  (Read 5634 times)

Offline Moon22

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Looks like this is about you
« on: April 22, 2017, 05:20:58 PM »


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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2017, 05:58:02 PM »
LOL! I think I get an honorable mention in one of her posts! I am 99.99% sure this blog is by spiritdivine.. cuz she is the only one who has blocked me on Keen! That's funny! I am curious what are my antics lol? not being satisfied by a reading and leaving an honest review? even when I am not happy, say a reader didn't type anything for 2 minutes, I still continue the call and if get nothing in 6-7 minutes then I will disconnect and email to get clarification, and when I don't hear back for 7 days then I will leave 4/5.. that too with very objective, something like didn't work for me, etc.. I don't even ask for refund because I feel that they did give their time..I don't think that's too bad! But oh well..

Here in another post- .. does the blogger know if the user emailed the reader? did she ask them or care to know the other side? because if I were that user then I would have definitely emailed and if not gotten a response then only I would have left a low rating review (that too so that others can be warned, basically what this site is for)..

The rant blog says that people don't see other side of story, but she is doing the same thing, she didn't know why I gave a low review to anyone and she decided to form an opinion and bash me instead :).. I am sort of glad that spiritdivine blocked me if she can hold this much grudge and can get this negative, keeps a tab on other people's reviews, etc..but I still feel bad and unfair.. but I guess there is nothing I can do except send love towards her! <3

I have just started getting readings 2 months back, and I am already at a point where I hardly call or chat, unless someone mentions a reader here. But I always used to think that readers are positive, forgiving and very peaceful people, but that belief has been shattered lol..I guess it is all for good, I needed this because this pushed me to close all my accounts!!! Yay! Even the Keen one where I had all chat transcripts from Lotus of Light, Zadalia, Suecreate and all the other good readers!!! But something about this post turned me off from believing in readers who can turn soooo negative!!! Makes me sick!

if I am calling someone and spending money that's because I need help not because I want to bash them, I am not that rich yet! so I don't need extra negativity in my life..:(..but I hope spiritdivine gets some peace and love from my side or whoever that blogger is! And thank you for helping me quit my addiction in a matter of minutes!!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 10:52:01 PM by moonlight412 »

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2017, 10:50:29 PM »
:D I have to comment... can't not do

1. No, keen advisers do not have a secret place where they share stores about their callers. Totally false.

We never said KEEN did (to my knowledge), although allegedly some readers are friends and share stories. I don't know if that's true or not. I DO have it on fairly good sources that BITWINE does have a reader forum, which likely is NOT used to share stories about callers -- but i DO know sometimes readers use it for help about callers who are hurting their business based on crap/one-sided feedback.

Even if you are not saying anything anything bad about a psychic just putting him/her on this rant site is a bad thing for their business. Because you always get drama queens that want to find something bad to say about people even if they have not read with them.
IT"S NOT A RANT SITE. IT'S A REVIEW SITE. And honestly, the people here are meaner TO EACH OTHER than they are about their reviews. LOL we use this because what psychic website lets you leave HONEST feedback??? NONE OF THEM. Oh you can leave feedback for 2 weeks? a month? OKay, ALL THEY ARE SET UP TO DO is let you leave feedback based on how the reading made you "FEEL" NOT accuracy.

THIS SITE IS ABOUT TRYING TO DISCERN TRUE ACCURACY. and MANY people have found readers who DO work for many of the people here BECAUSE of this site.  Instead of spending hundreds or thousands stabbing in the dark because 90% of the written feedback on those sites is positive. On CP, they don't even LET you post negative feedback. So for crying out loud, this reader is crying about it being a rant site when we are just trying to get SOME control back about where we spend our money in a world where these review sites are set up AGAINST the callers and truth. I don't really care if you were right about a 2 week prediction. I care about, were you right about a long term prediction. Did they actually get back together, yes or no? Yes, people can change their outcomes I'm sure, free will and decide not to (on the CALLERs side) which we even talk about happens HERE.

We put up with people like "Cubbiesfan"  google that name with the word "keen". You will see a bitch who calls people to bash them. You will see anger, hate, rage, idiocy, she is laughable as a human at most.
Every job has its ups and downs. That's why its a job.

10. Don't try so many psychics! Find the one who works for you. Just because someone has good feedback does not mean he/or she will work for you. Or , just because he/she has bad feedback does not mean they will be bad, they could be the best you have had. 

Disagree - don't find one - that's called dependency - find 3.

Other than that I think they're all valid points. And, to her point on readers being human - yes they are - and sometimes have "off" days. And human bias does come into play in some readings. It's very hard to find a reader that is talented AND we jive with  (as the writer pointed out, not everyone jives with everyone, or connects, or even if does connect they don't always like each other's styles) - that's why once again, this is not a "slam site" or whatever she called it, it's a review site so that the "Tried and true" can rise to the top.

It's about being a wise consumer. Anyone who trusts the feedback on those sites kind of isn't really doing their homework once you learn the limitations of feedback.

I had readers I loved for YEARS in the past that ended up being wrong on long term outcomes over and over. I still like them as a person, but stopped reading because ...well, I'm not paying to have a buddy.

And I can't go back and update all the amazing feedback I left that no doubt encouraged new business. so before a psychic "slams" people for writing authentic reviews, they should also think about all the "positive" feedback they got that led to new business where maybe they were actually wrong long-term.

Truth be told, I'm not sure how many readers truly know their outcome accuracy rate because a lot of us choose not to go back when we find out they're wrong. Yes, I think those that are confident in their abilities have likely had major hits over their lifetime, but...overall? Who's to say? If you're right 90% of the time along the way but then the couple ends up together, to me - it didn't truly matter that you were right that 90% of the time. It's more of a let down. I mean yes, you have talent to some degree, but that's not what I truly cared about, and here I am not speaking for everyone just myself of course, but to me - that's not what I wanted to know. That wasn't my true desire.

Lastly... there are almost NO readers who take negative feedback in stride. I rarely if ever lead written negative feedback, I think I've done it all of 3 times in my life. The first time it ended up being a back and forth that ended when I gave up, and the readers love to say "sorry I didn't see you together" but in that case the person was back a week later, and she tried to say it wasn't a real relationship and therefore didn't count.

I was even nice about it and said not everyone connects with everyone etc. but she still wouldn't accept it. So, it's not like we can leave negative reviews anywhere else and not have it get deleted or refuted as some poor person upset that they didn't get a fairy tale EVEN if the feedback is valid and true.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2017, 10:54:48 PM by sunshineluv7 »

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2017, 12:08:07 AM »
Wow, another review bashing site. It's either a horrible reader or a friend of a horrible reader, who thinks they are good.

I wanted to respond to one of their numbered list:
8. You HAVE got to be OPEN before ANY reader could read you. If you are a closed door, if you are full of anger, if you are full of hate, it all blocks the door. You can not be read by anyone no matter how good a reader they are if you are not open to being read. YOU have to let them in. So if you have connected before, odds are, YOU are blocking it.

Then why doesn't the reader stop the call? If you can't read the caller, why not say so instead of making yourself out to be a fake fool, feeding fairytales, and trying to keep the caller on the line. END THE CALL, when you aren't connecting. It's very simple.

Offline glamgal

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2017, 08:31:50 PM »
So anyone wanna take a stab at what psychic started that site?

I have a solid guess. HINT: She was sending out messages to all of her clients addressing this site and its reviews of her and other people.
I could be wrong-but again SOLID guess.....

And out of curiosity....HOW DID YOU FIND THAT LINK?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2017, 08:36:39 PM by glamgal »

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2017, 08:44:56 PM »
So anyone wanna take a stab at what psychic started that site?

I have a solid guess. HINT: She was sending out messages to all of her clients addressing this site and its reviews of her and other people.
I could be wrong-but again SOLID guess.....

And out of curiosity....HOW DID YOU FIND THAT LINK?

My guess is the newbie who posted this is the psychic who owns the site. Whoever it is, she reads on CP as well as Keen. I have an idea of who she is ...

Offline FaithnTrust

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2017, 05:12:58 PM »
YEARS ago an adviser on Keen, who I called a lot back in the day - told me that there was a private site for readers where they would talk about clients, share notes and warn each other of potential 'bashers'. I also know of some readers who simply google the username and find a lot of information.

Offline glamgal

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2017, 12:02:59 AM »
YEARS ago an adviser on Keen, who I called a lot back in the day - told me that there was a private site for readers where they would talk about clients, share notes and warn each other of potential 'bashers'. I also know of some readers who simply google the username and find a lot of information.
The title of this posting and the fact that she magically finds this relatively new link makes me think she is the originator. She is also a newbie..... :o

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2017, 02:41:49 AM »
YEARS ago an adviser on Keen, who I called a lot back in the day - told me that there was a private site for readers where they would talk about clients, share notes and warn each other of potential 'bashers'. I also know of some readers who simply google the username and find a lot of information.
The title of this posting and the fact that she magically finds this relatively new link makes me think she is the originator. She is also a newbie..... :o

She also hasn't been back to defend herself

Offline FaithnTrust

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2017, 03:31:39 AM »
What the hell are you guys talking about???!!!! What new link? Read my past post! NOT a newbie- NOT a reader! What the fuck??!!
I'm on here mostly telling people to not talk to readers as I was burned badly for years! Do your research!

Offline verb18

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2017, 03:37:00 AM »
What the hell are you guys talking about???!!!! What new link? Read my past post! NOT a newbie- NOT a reader! What the fuck??!!
I'm on here mostly telling people to not talk to readers as I was burned badly for years! Do your research!

Faith - I think they are talking about the person who made this thread is someone who is a newbie with 2 posts and posted that link and never posted anything else at all, so it seems suspicious that she may be the creator of that post. Not you!


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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2017, 04:41:27 AM »
def sounds sketchy. the only other post is of how we shouldn't make fun of advisors. at least make it believable. might as well say which reader you are.

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Looks like this is about you
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2017, 05:06:02 AM »
Honestly, No reader has any right to come on here and bitch about what was said about which reader. Readings cost a lot of money, and there are reviews for everything these days on the internet (yelp reviews, product reviews, even doctors have ratings) Get the f over it! If we are spending money on something, we want to make sure we get what we pay for. It's our right to discuss the products we are paying for.