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Valentina Rose on Psychic Power Network
Just curious whether or not anyone else said has tried her?
So here is what happened.
I called her and I am not sure what to say.
She seems to remember people that call as I have called her around 5-7 times since last fall and she knows me instantly. Is that a good thing or not? I always wondered if these sites keep records or recordings of who calls.
On one call she saw money in May / June time frame of this year. This is correct as I have back pay from my employer coming and it has to paid by end of May.
I decided to ask about the POI from my past just to see what she said since I have heard that you can take them to the bank.
Initially when I asked about her she was blunt and picked up on allot of things that either I knew to be true or either suspected myself. Some of the things she said that I wasn't sure of I have had confirmation from another psychic or just me finding out on my own that it was true.
She claimed she has allot of feelings for me and allot of guilt over her past mistakes. Even said that you keep seeing her in your daily life for a reason and that the universe will bring you together. She lives near me now and even when I try to not see her I do. For example I know she works at 8:00 (she told me this once a long time ago when we bumped into each other on the bus back when we both lived elsewhere) so I was making sure I left home for my job at times I figured I wouldn't see her as I didn't want to have her think I was following her around or something. No matter when I leave I am often seeing her either across the street or from a distance.
My brother called this psychic and she brought up the POI and said to tell me it is going to happen.
On my last call I said to her is it not pathetic or stupid to wait for someone to come back that did some pretty shady things to you in the past. She said to me it is like a cocaine addict. Just because they were an addict doesn't mean they can't change. So yes while she was a gold digger in the past with the ex fiancee she has changed and isn't doing that anymore. Claimed that I am a deep person and highly intelligent and that is why this POI is nervous around me because she doesn't know how to handle someone as deep like me.
Now there is something else. I am a psychic myself and I picked up on something back when my POI and I were co workers at an old job. I was certain about what I picked up but let it go. Then back when I had a Keen account I had a reading from someone. I forget their name but their profile picture was a flame in a black background. She confirmed what my visions saw and I was very upset. Then I said to Valentina "There is something I think I know about this person" she cut me off and then said exactly what happened and went into great detail about this and I am so sure that they are correct.
When I asked if it was foolish to still have feelings for someone from your past (over 10 years ago)she replied that she (meaning this psychic) was engaged once herself and met a guy at a trade show. He was married. Twelve years later she was not married and he had divorced. They hooked up. They did break up later on but she said it took over 10 years later and they were brought together and it lasted for quite a while and was adamant that no matter how long you are apart if it is meant to be it is. She said you can marry someone else but this girl will always be in your heart. She even said if someone else was meant to come in your life they would have. I have joined committees in my community as I care about the issues affecting my city, I am a union member, I go to movies often etc and can't meet people. I swear I am putting myself out there to meet a woman.
I am conflicted because if this reader is right then I ask myself can I forgive someone and trust someone again? If I do does that make me a fool? I also ask is it just a coincidence that she a) never got married and b) moved close to me or are the readers making more of a deal then it is? When I had asked why she seems afraid of me she replied that she is worried she will be confronted by the past and what she did (by me) and she won't know what to say to your accusations. Kept saying she stabbed you in the back and she knows it. Said re the other thing she picked up that she is very paranoid people might know her secret but thinks that no one in her family knows. She said she will tell me what happened re the boyfriend and you can't yell at her or you will get a nasty reaction.
She did say when we get together your plate will be full as she is not going to be easy but you will get through it.
I can't explain it but she goes into so much details with me and alot of what she said happened re the engagement and how they met etc and what ended up happening seems very logical.
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