Author Topic: Wendy Jenae  (Read 26624 times)

Offline Loadsofswords12

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #30 on: December 25, 2018, 08:26:10 PM »

I think many of you don’t understand how a psychic picks up there information. I’ve been an empath for as long as I can remember. I don’t read for others because to be honest its draining and time
Consuming. I read every now and then for a few select family and friends because to be honest I have a fairly successful and well paying career.

Not defending Wendy at all because I don’t think she should have signed up here just to respond. It was in very poor taste.

For me information or feelings never come to me as a whole picture unless it’s like vision. When I do have one I will see an entire event with dialogue included. But more often than not I feel thoughts or emotions. In a lot of situations there is what I call left over energy. This is actually what I believe most empaths pick up and then predict a reunion. 

If you call from multiple accounts to test a psychic you will find you are wasting your money and time. You are masking. You go to her trying to get the same outcome as a different person. Most psychics are reading energy not minds. There is a huge difference.  The best thing to do is go into a reading relaxed and open so that way when the reader delivers a crappy reading. You know it’s a truly crappy reading.

Encountering a person with highly unstable energy can be very unnerving because the way I feel it. I’ve been kept awake or even woken out of my sleep by a persons energy. Let’s say a person is anxious. My body’s response takes on some of the characteristics of that anxious energy. It’s a crazy thing to experience. This energy exchange is the number one reason I would never read professionally.

Offline jas

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #31 on: December 26, 2018, 01:22:42 AM »
Love what you wrote Loadsofwords - makes perfect sense.  No one can read minds but energy is a different story.  Thanks for sharing.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #32 on: December 26, 2018, 04:31:10 AM »

Encountering a person with highly unstable energy can be very unnerving because the way I feel it. I’ve been kept awake or even woken out of my sleep by a persons energy. Let’s say a person is anxious. My body’s response takes on some of the characteristics of that anxious energy. It’s a crazy thing to experience. This energy exchange is the number one reason I would never read professionally.

I am not a Psychic but I am sure your points are valid, but there is a huge difference between you and her. Reading for others is her "business" and she is "paid" for that. Yesterday when I read her post my heart felt squeezed when I saw she said: "your energy is so unnerving and I have no desire to ...". Really?? Unnerving? She does not understand that many of us who is calling and paying a lot for just a few minutes are suffering, we are experiencing a hard time, we are in pain, we were already hurt, and likely have lost something that was precious for us one day and .... How can be relax, happy and calm? If life was sweet and everything was going smoothly why should I pay a lot and contact a Psychic? She does not have to have this job if she cannot read for a person who is anxious because I am pretty sure most of her clients are anxious, otherwise it's insane to call her just for fun.

And again I don't believe her performance should change when I switch from account A to account B. I am the same person and she should not care about this, unless she does need the chat history to remember what was said before. Wendy was my favorite for a long while and interestingly she never blocked me although I contacted her with different accounts but I stopped contacting her when I saw her inconsistency.

Offline Beesa

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #33 on: December 26, 2018, 10:00:49 PM »

No, no. no! I didn't mean to come across as defensive. I have no hard feelings toward anyone.

I would just prefer if people reading this message board don't call me. I ask you fully believe all that has been written about me, heed the criticism, and call someone else.

Again, I'm not trying to defend or draw attention to myself. I'm just pleading with you all to not call me.

What the hell has happened to this message board?

Once upon a time this was a message board where we traded experiences about our readings. We were respectful to each other most of the time. Sometimes we'd joke around about things we were told or bad feedback we have come across. Now it seems like so many of you have an unhealthy burning hatred for Keen readers and posting here just enables your hate. Look at how so many of you are attacking this reader. Why? Look at her request. She asked people on this message board not to call. Can you blame her? Most of you come across as bitter, cynical and living just outside Crazytown.

I know how hard it is to stop calling. I was one of those people who spent $10K on readings and am still paying off credit card debt from those readings. I know what it feels like to be told total bullshit and be frustrated with a reader (just go back and look at my posts about LP). But come on you guys. this thread is reading like you're about to burn the witch at the stake.

I'm not judging or preaching. I remember back in 2014 HATING Eli Casey and feeling like such a loser for calling that condescending (and inaccurate) fuck yet I continue to call. It SUCKS to feel so tied up in knots over a situation and do things you hate yourself for doing. I'm proof you can come out of it though.

It's one thing for the people who have called this reader to come to this thread and write about their calls with her, but for the rest of you who have not spoken to her, how does directing your hate make your situation any better? How is it helping you get beyond your addiction?

Amen to this

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #34 on: December 26, 2018, 10:06:28 PM »
Lmao, no I don't think anyone has forgotten, especially not when I've reminded the forum myself multiple times that I had another account here. I never said I was leaving permanently. I just took a break. I was not writing saying "this is my last post" over and over again like I have been seeing people do lately.

We all know the admin doesn't check in often and people sometimes make announcements when they want to close their account hoping to speed up the process.

What has gotten into you?
Amen to this!
« Last Edit: December 26, 2018, 10:17:11 PM by HornetKick »

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #35 on: December 26, 2018, 10:35:21 PM »
Oh come off it Presence.
I'm not sure if I understand your posts.
Did you specifically come back to tell us to stop posting? And the point of that is????
I don't have mounds of hatred for some of these readers as you say, because many have helped me, but because readers aren't consistent, they are still a needle in a haystack.

Let's just all stick to talking about psychics and not about each other. That has always been my goal. Always.
No one was being antagonizing until you decided to pip in. What value did you add? Do you know Wendy, is she a close friend? Doubt it.
I made a comment about Wendy's list and now that is considered bashing? I reiterated a fact.

Wendy specifically told us not to call her so that it can draw attention to herself, as if no one on the board can decipher that for ourselves or have sense enough to make up our own minds.

Please do not give me instructions on how long I should post and to take a break or some such nonsense. Just don't.
You would do better to just continue to lurk. I'm just going to ignore you from here on out. I'm not one to get a kick out of hurting other posters as you aim to do.

Offline Beesa

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #36 on: December 26, 2018, 10:49:34 PM »
Presence makes a point that the dog piling is just stupid. Nothing but frothy hatred from a lot of people needing to bash others. It's not just about a reader being wrong or why their wrong or whatever. It's the negativity and hatred that reeks from some of these "reviews" that just put down and bash and its sad. This used to be a good board and I think some people really try to keep it positive. But just because someone is pointing out negativity, that's not antagonizing, its observation.  I read Wendys response like she didn't want to talk to people that just want to keep in a bad situation and don't want to change and are really negative and bitter, its her business to deny service to anyone if she thinks she can't help them , even if I don't agree with all of it , I don't think there's anything wrong with saying what they don't want. Theres so many other readers out there, why even bother pointing out one who might not want to take the call when theres like hundreds of others who will? Sometimes I think people just want someone to shit on because they are so upset their situation isn't great and its really sad.

Offline jas

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2018, 12:15:38 AM »
Why can't there be a page dedicated to PSYCHICS ANNONYMOUS?  For all of those who no longer believe in psychics and who don't get readings.  I am not knocking it but this is a REVIEW board for those who still call. 

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #38 on: December 27, 2018, 01:00:12 AM »
Why can't there be a page dedicated to PSYCHICS ANNONYMOUS?  For all of those who no longer believe in psychics and who don't get readings.  I am not knocking it but this is a REVIEW board for those who still call.

I don't think that's necessary for those who don't call anymore. I think that I can still provide insight, good and bad based on my experience. For me anyway,  I don't think all psychics are bad or "charlatans", but having called waaaaay too many, I can certainly provide feedback on some who I would certainly run away from. And maybe more objectively since I am not at the peak of the addiction any longer.

Offline jas

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #39 on: December 27, 2018, 01:40:04 AM »
Fidget - you are giving reviews - you usually state what took place for your reading.  I am addressing the "ones" on here who, for a very long time, have done nothing but state "all psychics are wrong" that is not a review - it is bitter resentment.  If you, or anyone else, has read with the psychic then, by all means, review away because that is what I am looking for when I come in here.  I want to hear what happened during your reading and what took place after the reading - results or no results.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #40 on: December 27, 2018, 01:48:38 AM »
Fidget - you are giving reviews - you usually state what took place for your reading.  I am addressing the "ones" on here who, for a very long time, have done nothing but state "all psychics are wrong" that is not a review - it is bitter resentment.  If you, or anyone else, has read with the psychic then, by all means, review away because that is what I am looking for when I come in here.  I want to hear what happened during your reading and what took place after the reading - results or no results.

Okey dokey. No harm no foul. I know I am a bit bitter also. But I do try to be honest an objective when I review. There are a few readers I still like even if predictions weren't spot on.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2018, 01:58:31 AM »
It seems like this thread has gotten waaaaay off track. I feel bad for giving Wendy a bad review. I think she was accurate in many ways, but some things were not, at least for me. I don't want to say she is a bad person or a bad psychic, not at all.

Anyways, I think the thread should get back to people reviewing her, since that is the topic of the thread.

Just sayin...  ::)

Offline jas

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #42 on: December 27, 2018, 02:26:17 AM »
Dreamer, you are correct, this thread has devolved into something other than a review and I am as guilty as any of them. That is what I keep trying to say - this is a REVIEW board, not an ADVICE board.  I want to hear, at the very least, an overview of what took place in your reading, and at very best, I want details.  I have tried to give very specific examples of reading I have had - what questions I asked and the outcome.  I have read with many of the psychics on here that have been reviewed but I have only tried to leave the positive feedback of the ones that worked for me.

Offline psychic girls

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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #43 on: December 27, 2018, 03:06:19 AM »
You dam right peoples have the right to be angry. They paid good moneys. Look at the reviews on Keen they all said can’t wait for the prediction to come to pass but they never come back to to said if there prediction come true or not mostly like it didn’t and they have move on.


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Re: Wendy Jenae
« Reply #44 on: December 27, 2018, 03:38:33 AM »
You dam right peoples have the right to be angry. They paid good moneys. Look at the reviews on Keen they all said can’t wait for the prediction to come to pass but they never come back to to said if there prediction come true or not mostly like it didn’t and they have move on.

You’re angry on every post in this forum. Everyone gets it. But take some responsibility. No one forced you against your will to read or spend your money. Do you go to the casino and yell at them when you lose all your money? No. It’s the gamble you took. I’m sorry nothing transpired for you but people really need to take accountability for the role they played in the dynamic.