Author Topic: Has anyone ever...  (Read 7939 times)

Offline SunshineChick22

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Has anyone ever...
« on: April 20, 2017, 11:21:54 PM »
Had a few readings with an advisor who seems accurate, positive readings. You have a fight with your POI/significant other, and just tell the reader you had a fight, still got a positive prediction, call the reader the next day and explain the fight statements made by your POI/significant other to a friend while in anger, etc and then the reader change their reading/prediction to something negative and then in their follow up email, was making statements about the POI/significant other that aren't true?

If so, which turned out to be the correct prediction - the positive or the negative? Nothing happened in the last 24 hours except that I gave a lot of details :/

Offline Mememe

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2017, 11:25:31 PM »
Thats why you should never over compensate with info. Could bite you in the bum ! lol

but no I dont give details, try to keep as vague as possible

Offline SunshineChick22

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2017, 11:28:23 PM »
I usually don't either but I was mad lol I think she thinks he's a jerk and wants me to move on because she thinks I deserve better lol


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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2017, 11:43:39 PM »
Sunshinechick22, I don't know you personally, but from what I get, from other posts, I can see that you are panicking right now.. as a friend I would like to tell you just breathe and take a step back. Don't call psychics, because as they say when you are stressed they are not able to read you anyway.. so just take a break and see if you can call your POI or somehow talk to him or send him a message..

Just blame it on someone else ( I know it's not morally right but just make up something--- 'that one of my friend says she is an empath and she said you might be talking to your ex, and I panicked and I am sorry')... I know lame but do what you can!

I understand what you are going through right now, maybe you are feeling helpless and hopeless, which is making you go on a psychic calling spree, but deep down you know it won't help right now.. try to calm your mind, and think how you can talk to your poi.. I know just saying 'let it go' doesn't do anything, maybe you can try something else to divert your mind, some visualization or something or an actual plan to contact him.. I don't know how close you guys are, but just show up on his door and tell him that you want to talk to him!

In last week or so of not calling psychics I have realized, that if it's meant to be then it will be, plus I don't want a relationship where I always have some fear and I need to call psychics to know what he is thinking, when will he talk to me.. it's too much work!! Plus I see so many effortless relationships around me, where a guy and a girl are equally dedicated to make it work, and I want that.. not where I have to do all the work!

I guess, instead of asking them when will he come back, try asking different question- if they see a long term for you guys, etc..

I am sorry, I am not trying to be negative or preach and I can be completely wrong, but I read your post and it resonated with how I was feeling two months back... and just felt like sharing this with you

« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 12:00:03 AM by moonlight412 »

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2017, 05:24:09 AM »
I've had many times where i was in a very stressful, panicky situation and went on psychic sprees and i would get 4 positive readings and maybe 1 negative reading that would just send me in a spiral, making me call even more psychics for re-assurance! It can be a very dangerous and emotional trap. A very expensive trap too. you have to take your emotions and focus them into a more healthy form of coping.

Offline SunshineChick22

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2017, 11:35:28 AM »
I've had many times where i was in a very stressful, panicky situation and went on psychic sprees and i would get 4 positive readings and maybe 1 negative reading that would just send me in a spiral, making me call even more psychics for re-assurance! It can be a very dangerous and emotional trap. A very expensive trap too. you have to take your emotions and focus them into a more healthy form of coping.

I haven't called anyone else. I only talked to her. Just irritates me to waste money on a call where I feel like she interjected her own personal thoughts as to what she thinks is best for me because she thinks I deserve better. I emailed her and asked why her reasons the night before was different than what she told me after I gave her the details of what was said, etc and she didn't even respond. She said things about him that weren't even true.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2017, 01:05:22 PM »
I've had many times where i was in a very stressful, panicky situation and went on psychic sprees and i would get 4 positive readings and maybe 1 negative reading that would just send me in a spiral, making me call even more psychics for re-assurance! It can be a very dangerous and emotional trap. A very expensive trap too. you have to take your emotions and focus them into a more healthy form of coping.

I haven't called anyone else. I only talked to her. Just irritates me to waste money on a call where I feel like she interjected her own personal thoughts as to what she thinks is best for me because she thinks I deserve better. I emailed her and asked why her reasons the night before was different than what she told me after I gave her the details of what was said, etc and she didn't even respond. She said things about him that weren't even true.

are you talking about angelic dream?  I felt the same way after she gave me conflicting info etc.

Offline SunshineChick22

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2017, 04:53:19 PM »
I've had many times where i was in a very stressful, panicky situation and went on psychic sprees and i would get 4 positive readings and maybe 1 negative reading that would just send me in a spiral, making me call even more psychics for re-assurance! It can be a very dangerous and emotional trap. A very expensive trap too. you have to take your emotions and focus them into a more healthy form of coping.

I haven't called anyone else. I only talked to her. Just irritates me to waste money on a call where I feel like she interjected her own personal thoughts as to what she thinks is best for me because she thinks I deserve better. I emailed her and asked why her reasons the night before was different than what she told me after I gave her the details of what was said, etc and she didn't even respond. She said things about him that weren't even true.

are you talking about angelic dream?  I felt the same way after she gave me conflicting info etc.

No, I tried seafiremoon.  That was my third or fourth time talking to her over the last few weeks.  But she made statements that I knew she was making based on personal opinion - she had only asked the cards one question in the 7 minutes I was on the phone with her, and her response had nothing to do with the question I asked, and was completely different from what she read for me the night before.  When I e-mailed her to clarify the contradiction (I wasn't about to waste $4.40 a minute to get clarification when I had only asked one question as it was and didn't even get a clear answer on that before giving details), she didn't even respond. 

Offline SunshineChick22

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2017, 08:47:24 PM »
Sunshinechick22, I don't know you personally, but from what I get, from other posts, I can see that you are panicking right now.. as a friend I would like to tell you just breathe and take a step back. Don't call psychics, because as they say when you are stressed they are not able to read you anyway.. so just take a break and see if you can call your POI or somehow talk to him or send him a message..

Just blame it on someone else ( I know it's not morally right but just make up something--- 'that one of my friend says she is an empath and she said you might be talking to your ex, and I panicked and I am sorry')... I know lame but do what you can!

I understand what you are going through right now, maybe you are feeling helpless and hopeless, which is making you go on a psychic calling spree, but deep down you know it won't help right now.. try to calm your mind, and think how you can talk to your poi.. I know just saying 'let it go' doesn't do anything, maybe you can try something else to divert your mind, some visualization or something or an actual plan to contact him.. I don't know how close you guys are, but just show up on his door and tell him that you want to talk to him!

In last week or so of not calling psychics I have realized, that if it's meant to be then it will be, plus I don't want a relationship where I always have some fear and I need to call psychics to know what he is thinking, when will he talk to me.. it's too much work!! Plus I see so many effortless relationships around me, where a guy and a girl are equally dedicated to make it work, and I want that.. not where I have to do all the work!

I guess, instead of asking them when will he come back, try asking different question- if they see a long term for you guys, etc..

I am sorry, I am not trying to be negative or preach and I can be completely wrong, but I read your post and it resonated with how I was feeling two months back... and just felt like sharing this with you

Was just looking for a clear answer - what's the point of getting a reading if you ask a question, they tell you one thing, then they ask what happens, you tell them, and they completely change it :/  It makes it frustrating.  It would be ok if she said the same thing before they knew what was going on - it's not that it's negative, I'd rather be told something negative than to be lied to, but now I dwell on which one it is and why did it change?  It would've been courteous for her to at least respond to the follow-up.  Since she didn't it only leads me to believe that she did what she's done with others, which is pass non-intuitive judgment.  My gut tells me that she feels, personally, that I should not be in the situation I am in and flip flopped around and contradicted herself and gave a confusion message based on that bias.  At $5 per minute, that's just not fair.  Literally the few hours before she said "When you guys get back together, there won't ever be a break up again, it'll lead to marriage" (not a question I asked, she just mentioned that).  Then in the second call she says "Even if he comes back, it won't ever be long term."  Nothing happened between him and I in the few hours between the readings, everything had happened days before.  I'm afraid to ask for a refund from her because I've never done that for any reader and I'm afraid I'll have bad karma or something LOL


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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2017, 10:58:47 PM »
I get it, Angelic Dream kind of did this to me, and I think that's what made me annoyed and shy from calling any more readers.. because she has such good reputation here and has worked for so many..but for me, in same reading her prediction and everything changed as I gave her some more info.. Ugh! For this reason I feel I don't like tarot readers anymore.. but ya you should go ahead and ask for a refund and write a review too.. the way I see it is, that it is a good karma since you are helping other people by letting them know your true experience.. I mean if from within you don't feel you are cheating anyone by asking for a refund then you should, they have satisfaction guarantee for a reason!

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2017, 01:38:35 AM »
I feel I don't like tarot readers anymore..


Offline verb18

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2017, 02:22:44 PM »
I get it, Angelic Dream kind of did this to me, and I think that's what made me annoyed and shy from calling any more readers.. because she has such good reputation here and has worked for so many..but for me, in same reading her prediction and everything changed as I gave her some more info.. Ugh! For this reason I feel I don't like tarot readers anymore.. but ya you should go ahead and ask for a refund and write a review too.. the way I see it is, that it is a good karma since you are helping other people by letting them know your true experience.. I mean if from within you don't feel you are cheating anyone by asking for a refund then you should, they have satisfaction guarantee for a reason!

Moonlight - you're not alone. Angelic Dream flip flopped for me in a matter of minutes. TBH tho, her timing for me was pretty on point with 1 thing - but other than that, I didn't vibe with her insight. Nothing made much sense to me. And she interjected too much personal opinion and I hate that lol

Offline SunshineChick22

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Re: Has anyone ever...
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2017, 03:06:11 PM »
I get it, Angelic Dream kind of did this to me, and I think that's what made me annoyed and shy from calling any more readers.. because she has such good reputation here and has worked for so many..but for me, in same reading her prediction and everything changed as I gave her some more info.. Ugh! For this reason I feel I don't like tarot readers anymore.. but ya you should go ahead and ask for a refund and write a review too.. the way I see it is, that it is a good karma since you are helping other people by letting them know your true experience.. I mean if from within you don't feel you are cheating anyone by asking for a refund then you should, they have satisfaction guarantee for a reason!

Moonlight - you're not alone. Angelic Dream flip flopped for me in a matter of minutes. TBH tho, her timing for me was pretty on point with 1 thing - but other than that, I didn't vibe with her insight. Nothing made much sense to me. And she interjected too much personal opinion and I hate that lol

I had the same experience with Angelic Dream.  Talked to her a handful of times but then she did that - it caused a falling out for me :(  I won't talk to her anymore because of that.  You can't say you're 100% certain of something.  I shouldn't have acted/reacted based on what she said knowing it wasn't true, but I began to over think it and well, that led me to the situation I'm in now.

