Author Topic: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings  (Read 15139 times)

Offline FaithnTrust

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2017, 10:06:33 PM »
They are a complete rip off!

PLEASE - Create a new user name, and call any adviser that you believe to be honest and accurate, or have a friend do it and listen in, and ask about a fictitious person, and see what they say. This will open your eyes.

Offline Hopfullness

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2017, 10:28:43 PM »
Two things, somewhat contradictory:

1) If you try and deceive a psychic by misleading them about your story, I think it's a lot to ask for them to challenge what you're saying. They already have only limited knowledge of your situation so if you try and influence that by claiming something untrue isn't, then how can you expect them to read you? It's asking to much if you ask me.

2) However, having said that, I have called Lady P recently insisting that POI had moved on. They left my life briefly. They literally went underground. I told her I felt sure they'd met someone but she said she wasn't getting that at all. She felt they were taking time out due to feeling low. Well POI is back from dead. Lol. So in this instance trying to sway a psychic to prove their limited powers didn't even work.

Offline Love-33

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2017, 10:32:14 PM »
Conclusions: they rip us off.

I disagree.

God knows I have my issues with many psychics on Keen, but I never felt as though they're intention was to "rip us off".

None of them have super powers. Most of them are gifted to one degree or another. Most of them are insufferable flakes. But I never got the feeling any of people I called were in it just for the money or were intentionally conning, or taking advantage of, people.

Keen has it's share of bad apples, but they are easily spotted.

It's up to you to believe what they say.
In my experience-and I spoke to the ones who were supposed to be the best ones, were so wrong too.
How long has it been since you started readings online? What's your conclusion, is your life any better now? Did the outcome happen? Or is it close to happennning? Have you seen an evolution or seen things becoming better?

Offline Love-33

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2017, 10:36:54 PM »
Two things, somewhat contradictory:

1) If you try and deceive a psychic by misleading them about your story, I think it's a lot to ask for them to challenge what you're saying. They already have only limited knowledge of your situation so if you try and influence that by claiming something untrue isn't, then how can you expect them to read you? It's asking to much if you ask me.

2) However, having said that, I have called Lady P recently insisting that POI had moved on. They left my life briefly. They literally went underground. I told her I felt sure they'd met someone but she said she wasn't getting that at all. She felt they were taking time out due to feeling low. Well POI is back from dead. Lol. So in this instance trying to sway a psychic to prove their limited powers didn't even work.

She told me the same thing when I told her that my ex was seeing someone else a while ago.
But I was right, he texted me to tell me he was seeing someone else. And today they are still together lol.
The thing is: they venture themselves saying something and they have 50% chance  of being right / 50% chance of being wrong. Which is why for some people they are "the real deal" and for others they are "wrong ones". Do you understand? We all could do what they do

Offline Hopfullness

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2017, 10:59:58 PM »
I don't know, Love-33. I hope this isn't what's happening. Time will tell.

No doubt about it though, Lady P has got me through some hard ass times. Like impossible.
I really needed to talk to someone when I was going through crap with this person and she
was so wonderful. A lot of what she has said has been so right. I've spoken to many though
who weren't so I'm not saying all psychics are right.


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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2017, 11:09:30 PM »

I hear you 100%, I'm the same way.  I've let go of friends, even toxic family members, without much thought but love interests are hard for me.  Probably something I could figure out in therapy if I ever go LOLL!

I remember a guy I dated for about four years on and off.  Ultimate mind games, back and forth, hot and cold, just a headcase.  Never got readings on the dude, EXCEPT ONE, I didn't believe in them then, the lady was on point.  tarot reader who is no longer doing it (local lady)..told me "run this guy only cares about himself".  she was 100% right, of course didn't want to hear at the time.

I wanted to be in a relationship with him so bad and we were for a while, but it was just a bad one for the most part.  I hung on for SO long, hoping it would turn into something it just wasn't meant to be. 

I finally let go completely (as painful as it was) and just ignored his last call to me, when I would have always returned it.  Then I met someone ten times better like six months down the line and totally forgot about this jerk.

He reached out like five years later on FB and I seriously was like wtf did I want this dude for.  Same issues, different day....and I was looking thru his pictures like wtf did I ever see in him??? LOLL

This is me right now!! I am hanging on to this guy, I know he is not good for me, very selfish and always treats me unfair, the funny thing is I can see all this but deep down I still want him and hope for him to change.. LOL! Even many readers have told me that he is not worth it, he will come back but will always be hot and cold. Thankfully, I realize this, have stopped readings for a while, especially about this guys, but I just can't let go!! When I think about 'letting go' my heart starts to sink and eyes well up! It's so weird! I am usually the cold one in relationship, even when my 5 year relationship and engagement broke I was not this sad.. but this guy is making me go crazy!! I pray daily for a miracle for all the feelings to vanish and go away. I need that Doctor from movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind who would erase memories!! LOL..
I sooo want to be where you guys are right now- not give a crap about my POI! I mean I know he is a jerk, I don't talk to him.. but I want to feel good and genuinely be at a IDGAD about you place!
« Last Edit: April 20, 2017, 11:17:18 PM by moonlight412 »

Offline Mememe

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2017, 11:20:11 PM »
I think it really depends. I hear you. Sometimes I get so angry at myself for allowing someone to tell me info that changes my behavior or mood for that day or for that situation.  When it turns out the way it was predicted, im happy. When it doesn't, Im mad.  But guess what, I made the choice to ask for advice. 

Some psychics I have connected with and they HAVE told me things that have come to pass or they've mentioned info about whoever I was calling about, that they COULDN'T have guessed. 

Then, there have been other "psychics" who have fed me nothing but B.S or fluffy fairy tales.

Not everyone is a real psychic, but there are some on keen who are legit i believe, others are just scamming.

I guess eventually you do reach a point of frustration, and you give up. I did last year for almost a year.  I just recently started calling back.  When you are in a vulnurable situation where you want things to work out in a certain way, and its not going that way, we become anxious and fearful and WANT to know the outcome or what is going to happen.  We get sucked in.

Sooner or later we have to realize, it is what it is. What's meant for you will always be for you. That's it.

Offline Love-33

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2017, 11:28:52 PM »
" Sooner or later we have to realize, it is what it is. What's meant for you will always be for you. That's it."

Exactly Mememe.
I feel disgusted by readings, it's so much money. I decided to just live without worrying about the outcome of a situation. I have eyes, I have guts, and I'll do with that. All the other people are fine living like that so why would we need psychic readings, we are the weak ones lol.(joking).
Plus, my friend who is Christian said that it's forbidden in religion to call psychics.
If one day I decide to talk to a psychic again, then I would go to a real one, face to face. I don't trust phones psychics or chats etc...

Offline verb18

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2017, 11:59:14 PM »
" Sooner or later we have to realize, it is what it is. What's meant for you will always be for you. That's it."

Exactly Mememe.
I feel disgusted by readings, it's so much money. I decided to just live without worrying about the outcome of a situation. I have eyes, I have guts, and I'll do with that. All the other people are fine living like that so why would we need psychic readings, we are the weak ones lol.(joking).
Plus, my friend who is Christian said that it's forbidden in religion to call psychics.
If one day I decide to talk to a psychic again, then I would go to a real one, face to face. I don't trust phones psychics or chats etc...

Love-33 -
I understand the point you are trying to make, but idk, I find this thread to be a bit problematic. I really think that it truly depends on everyone's individual situations - just because you had bad experiences where nothing came to pass doesn't mean everyone else should be "warned". I don't know you nor the circumstances of your situation - but I have had a completely opposite experience reading with psychics. Firstly, I never attach myself to any outcomes or worry about timelines. To me, that is completely senseless. That being said, I have definitely been through my fair share of fraudulent or not-so-gifted readers, and it took some money (unfortunately) and time for me to weed these ones out. I have since found a few very trusted advisors who's predictions have consistently come to pass for me - and I mean consistently. I have been in a situation with my ex now for about 6 months, and a few of my advisors predicted what would happen and it is unfolding exactly how they said it would. We are officially back in contact and talking about reconciling, in the exact month my readers predicted. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones - but I also don't treat readings as my end all be all, nor do I expect them to unfold exactly the way readers say. Also, in retrospect, there were some things readers predicted for me that never came to pass as well - it has happened to all of us. Even my most trusted advisors don't get EVERYTHING right. But when I look back on the things that didn't come to pass that I wanted to happen so badly, it was absolutely for the best, without a doubt.
Just like @Mememe said - Whats meant for you will always be for you, thats it. However, I don't think these threads on this forum warning people with negativity is helpful at all. It just sucks people into questioning the validity of their readings, even if they resonate with them.

I am sorry for everyone who has had negative experiences on Keen or with any psychics whatsoever - I have as well - We all have....but this forum was made to review individual psychics - not to rant on post after post about how all psychics are frauds because of our own negative experiences. It honestly just spreads negativity and keeps you in a box of feeling negative, and bringing others down with you. Sorry if anyone disagrees, but it's true. Thread after thread is becoming negative rants, when this was made to review readers and readers only.


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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2017, 12:11:12 AM »

I am sorry for everyone who has had negative experiences on Keen or with any psychics whatsoever - I have as well - We all have....but this forum was made to review individual psychics - not to rant on post after post about how all psychics are frauds because of our own negative experiences. It honestly just spreads negativity and keeps you in a box of feeling negative, and bringing others down with you. Sorry if anyone disagrees, but it's true. Thread after thread is becoming negative rants, when this was made to review readers and readers only.


Even if all readers are fake, and readings are wrong, I can say personally it has helped me reach a point where I am not obsessing over my POI, or anything for that matter, my questions have changed..and most good readers don't encourage you to read too often anyway.. I have come to accept so many things, and it has been like a therapy for me. I can't do face to face, so chatting or call works best for me, I don't know if they are right or wrong, but just talking to them have helped me so much..because I believe that they can 'see' the future, so if I get a positive read, then I am happy my mindset changes and I am more positive.. if I get a negative read then I come to accept how things are and that I can't do anything about it so I have to work on myself.. I think readings work differently for everyone and we shouldn't be questioning other people's choices and beliefs..

'Sharing a negative review/experience' and 'ridiculing a reader/each other and questioning their ability' are two different things!
I completely see that one is trying to warn others of what they have been through, I do that too, I don't want my friends to go through any bad experience I have been through, but over time I have learnt that everyone learns their lesson in their own way.. but too much negativity takes away other person's hope! and maybe that little hope is what they need right now, and in time they will be able to let go...
We need to be more considerate towards each other.

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2017, 12:12:17 AM »
Thank you!! But apparently I am Lotus so my opinion doesnt matter!! Looks like we get bashed if readers work for us too!!

This was all I was trying to sayyyy!!!!!!!!

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2017, 02:04:31 AM »
Trust me you are far far worse off going to an in person psychic.  Unless you want to get scammed. =)  and yes in the Bible it says don't go diving the future.  Why? Because that's God's territory. Also don't read any astrology based horoscopes.  Oh wait,  he gave the gift of prophecy to people in the Bible.. And talks about how in the end times more and more people will have the gift of prophecy. And oh wait poeple followed stars to figure out where Jesus was born.

Huh strange!

-a bible loving FOLLOWER of Jesus ❤️😊

The Bible also says very clearly the two above all else rules are these:Love God  love people.  The end

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2017, 02:06:59 AM »
How did you break the cycle? I'm so sick of calling psychics after 9 months of silence with my POI, I wish I could just stop but they all keep giving me hope and saying he's coming back. I know I'm not really living my life, I do want to let go. I admire you posting this...any advice? It really is addicting... :(

She didn't break the cycle.. She met a guy that doesnt leave her wondering.  Trust me it's easy to stop when I hat happens... Been there.  Wait until a break up and see what happens.

Offline Love-33

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2017, 02:27:16 AM »
How did you break the cycle? I'm so sick of calling psychics after 9 months of silence with my POI, I wish I could just stop but they all keep giving me hope and saying he's coming back. I know I'm not really living my life, I do want to let go. I admire you posting this...any advice? It really is addicting... :(

She didn't break the cycle.. She met a guy that doesnt leave her wondering.  Trust me it's easy to stop when I hat happens... Been there.  Wait until a break up and see what happens.

Hello miss
Nope, before settling with the current one I went through a couple of break ups (not from long term relationships but short ones), still fine lol, still didn't feel the need to get a reading

Offline Mememe

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Re: My review and conclusion after 2 years of readings
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2017, 02:29:58 AM »
How did you break the cycle? I'm so sick of calling psychics after 9 months of silence with my POI, I wish I could just stop but they all keep giving me hope and saying he's coming back. I know I'm not really living my life, I do want to let go. I admire you posting this...any advice? It really is addicting... :(

She didn't break the cycle.. She met a guy that doesnt leave her wondering.  Trust me it's easy to stop when I hat happens... Been there.  Wait until a break up and see what happens.

Hello miss
Nope, before settling with the current one I went through a couple of break ups (not from long term relationships but short ones), still fine lol, still didn't feel the need to get a reading