Hello everyone
Hope you are all well

I'm here because - like you - I was kind of addicted to readings on keen.com or bitwine for nearly 2 years.
My conclusion is: none of them are right or psychic. Seriously, none.
I read many topics here and when you say that a "psychic" got your situation right or that a prediction happened... come on open your eyes my dear. Anybody could have guessed it. That's why for some people they are 'the real deal" and for others they are "frauds" lol. Because they tell you something that seem logical to them that's pretty much all.
I had some psychic who predicted a correct outcome and other got it wrong.
So then I went back to those who I thought were correct but, they ended up being very wrong in regards to my new concerns. So that's when I started to realize that all of this was BS and that they just answer random things. Sometimes they will seem accurate but really trust me, re-read your transcript, and look how anyone could have guessed the same.
I also worked on myself and at the end of the day, WHY the hell would we want to know everything about a situation or the future? Just open your eyes and see for yourself!
I recently met a new guy. I went on keen and bitwine and started to ask about him. ALL of them said that:
" he will want to take it slow", "he is not going to be ready straight away" etc...
don't they always say the same to you when you tell them you met someone? Have any of you ever heard "yes he will be so interested and things will develop fast"?
I was done and decided to completely stop readings.
Truth is, they were all wrong again. That man didn't want to take it slow at all, and is actually the one who told me: why wait when something can be done today.
Just don't listen to them. They are nothing! Stop relying on someone, open your eyes, live your life and pay attention to words and actions!
Your POI ignores you? Never contacts you to catch up? He is obviously not interested ! No psychic needed, it will give you false hope and drive you crazy and you will get even more addicted!
I have never ever been happier than I am today. Just living my life without worrying about what he feels or thinks... if I do worry, I'll simply talk to him!
But believe me, actions speak. If one day I see that he becomes distant or starts ignoring me, well, I'll do the same, period.
Wake up people!!!! Keep your money to enjoy life!!!