Author Topic: How has getting readings changed you?  (Read 8779 times)


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How has getting readings changed you?
« on: April 07, 2017, 07:45:43 PM »
For me it turned me from someone who went out and made things happen, into someone who spent too much time waiting for things to happen.

Offline Joy2U

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2017, 07:50:09 PM »
Credit card debt for sure.
I plan to get a calendar and mark an X on every day I don't use an psychic.
Use the same approach as no contact for breakups. See if this works.

Offline bstalling

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2017, 08:00:09 PM »
I've actually grown through readings, when I assess everything. It has made me more discerning about what people say, why they say it, and schooled me on metaphysics. I also realized quite a few things about myself that were not apparent at the time.

When I was a bit addicted, I also realized that it is possible to just let your life slip away by being passive. That isnt good.

I still believe in them and will always be intrigued by gifted readers, but I realize all of what they say can be unreliable. And what they don't say is just as
important as what they do say.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2017, 08:49:50 PM »
Wow, interesting question.  I've grown as well through readings and good advisors, but have also given up my own power and became "weak" and miserable with too many readings.  And of course, the money spent....we won't talk about that :)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2017, 08:58:37 PM »
I've actually grown through readings, when I assess everything. It has made me more discerning about what people say, why they say it, and schooled me on metaphysics. I also realized quite a few things about myself that were not apparent at the time.

I still believe in them and will always be intrigued by gifted readers, but I realize all of what they say can be unreliable. And what they don't say is just as
important as what they do say.

Yes, completely agree and it's one of the reasons (especially the unreliable part) as to why some people look at me in a bizarre way if I let it slip I've gotten a reading before.
I'm also no longer in awe of their gifts and I gauge the feedback more comprehensibly, along with the negative when I choose a reader now.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2017, 09:08:45 PM »
Interesting it's made some people passive; for me it's the opposite. It's made me more active and dynamic. For example, thanks to a psychic I used to use exclusively before I knew about Keen, I uprooted and moved cross-country. The idea to do so was mine, I was unsure of how to do it or what would happen. She really helped me move, even saw the place I would be living and that they would accept dogs. She gave me three possibilities for timing for the big move. One made no sense to either one of us but guess what, that is when I moved. Psychics really help me with my anxiety.

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2017, 10:16:20 PM »
Readings are a double-edged sword for sure.

On one hand, they have actually really proven to me that real psychic talent exists, which must mean there is more to life than what we see and understand in 3D. It's brought me to meditation, to finding other ways to address issues and calm myself when I can remember to do things that way.

But on the other hand, at times I was calming myself THROUGH readings and that's a terrible habit to form. Also, of course, the money. I make a good salary and am fortunate at that (I work my butt off!) but, I could be so much further than I am right now financially, and I'm just not. Ah well, we all have our lessons to learn!

In a way it's brought me much closer to God because I needed to believe in something myself/bigger than me to get me to stop depending on it to get through complicated relationship times, and although that's easier said than done I'm slowly but surely getting there.

It's shown me exactly where I don't have faith in my life, and where I need to work on believing not only do I deserve good things in relationships but that I can have them. A lot of people say it's because you don't believe it. I didn't agree with that part - I didn't necessarily think I would get it.

I explored a LOT of the metaphysical world beliefs and such, and didn't really find myself psychic much but I do use and rely on my intuition now, and I'm not afraid to say "crazy" things or tell people dreams I have because I can sense when I'm supposed to say/tell a message,

It stopped me from making active changes in my life because I knew what was "going" to happen, and actually I would wait on it and not pay attention to other areas of my life because I wanted that one thing to happen so much. I figured once that happened, THEN I'd decide on other parts of my life.

Now, I have let go and gotten to the no-fks-given point (partially because he did a major 180 on me) and have decided to move across country and actually made steps in all areas of my life to make that happen.

And I recently started sponsoring kids through World Vision and Compassion International - 2 at each organization - which some people are like, that's kind of a dent on the wallet - but for me, $~40/kid/month - $160 a month to literally change their entire lives and give them a solid chance to break out of poverty -- not only am I like "hah, I blew that in the span of a few hours on readings before" to myself, but it also helps me care more about how I spend my money. Because now, I am these kids/these family's lifeline.  And it's not money going down the drain about some guy who is in love but can't tell up from down as far as me.

I know how four kids who will know my name and life all over the world - Sri Lanka, Columbia, Indonesia, and Senegal. And that's due to the psychic readings, which eventually led me to God, which led me to church group and some amazing ladies who are now my friends, which led me to listen to Christian music, which led me to a concert of an artist I love (Kari Jobe), which led me to World Vision/sponsorship.

I has led me to start a support site/thread like this for those battling psychic ..dependency, even though I stopped being active with it because I was fighting it myself, I will revive it and give it a few months to see if it gains any traction.

Readings changed me in that I stopped communicating "hard stuff" with the guys I was dating or interested in because I would rather get the inside view from a reader and get the leverage on the situation. So it hurt my communication skills. I had to re-learn it and get my sense of confidence back in that, but maybe I never had it to begin with unless I was in a secure relationship.

So in a way, going down the wrong path - never bringing it up, never asking directly and instead asking psychics and waiting, waiting, waiting - led me to a place where I now know I don't have time to waste on guys who can't tell me / talk to me about what's going on, and if I have to ask directly then so be it. If it ends things, so be it. If it's meant to be and what God wants for me, it will come back to my life when the guy is ready.


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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2017, 11:13:52 PM »
That my own insights, predictions and intuition has been  correct so far and none of theirs has. I learned that I am my own psychic and therefore no longer depend on them.

and I have read with about 36 psychics raging from 13.99 to 1.99. None of them to date have been correct. But I have.

Offline Cooper28

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2017, 01:33:30 AM »
Amazing post sunshineluv!

I agree that waiting for predictions has made me more passive and less likely to take an active step forward in case I mess up the path to the prediction. It completely separates me from my own power to effect the change I want to see.

I've also recently started meditating after reading Joe Dispenza's book Breaking the habit of being yourself. It ties in with the Law of Attraction, and brings science into the picture by explaining how the quantum field works and why we attract the situations we do in our lives. He's got some great explanations on YouTube, and there are also people giving testimonials on how chronic illnesses have resolved themselves after aligning with healthier possibilities and changing their DNA structure.

I don't see why this can't apply to other areas in life, including the relationships I attract, so am working on changing myself so I can attract something much better. And it's all through a daily practice in guided meditation.

Still working on it. . .
« Last Edit: April 08, 2017, 01:35:26 AM by Cooper28 »

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2017, 02:44:46 AM »
Thanks you guys.

I've read that book. Hehe. It was recommended to me.

By a psychic.

Who I later found out from other psychics I became much closer with that is not psychic at all as she admits on a private, readers-only forum, and she mainly works as a psychic to try to empower women in bad relationships to examine themselves and eventually move out of the relationship.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2017, 05:34:39 AM »
That my own insights, predictions and intuition has been  correct so far and none of theirs has. I learned that I am my own psychic and therefore no longer depend on them.

and I have read with about 36 psychics raging from 13.99 to 1.99. None of them to date have been correct. But I have.

This has happened to me a few times, that I insisted on something that all of them kept telling me no or I was wrong - and I was right. It's really irritating when they don't take you seriously too. It's like, really? I know the man and I know what it feels like when my intuition is telling me something.

Offline Cooper28

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2017, 06:32:21 AM »
Dr Joe believes that alternate lines of time exist simultaneously and by switching from one to another we can change our genetic destiny.

Maybe psychics who see a particular outcome are attuning to a possible line of time that may or may not happen depending on choices we (and our genes at any particular time) make.

He explains it better than I do in this short video:

I find this way of thinking is much more empowering, enabling us to influence outcomes in the way we want by focusing on and changing ourselves.

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2017, 03:13:35 PM »
Great question..psychic readings have made me more patient towards people and their BS lol
I have also become more intune with myself a lot of soul searching to figure out what I want and need in various aspects of my life
But moreso my go to is a man and needless to say he has become more of a life coach and friend with time.He is a big cheerleader gives me the push and boosted my self esteem when I was down be it work or relationships.i am blessed to have someone like him.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2017, 04:00:18 PM »
Dr Joe believes that alternate lines of time exist simultaneously and by switching from one to another we can change our genetic destiny.

Maybe psychics who see a particular outcome are attuning to a possible line of time that may or may not happen depending on choices we (and our genes at any particular time) make.

He explains it better than I do in this short video:

I find this way of thinking is much more empowering, enabling us to influence outcomes in the way we want by focusing on and changing ourselves.
Yes, changing ourselves is very empowering, but what is this referring to exactly...time travel/out of body experience? "And by switching from one to another, we can change our genetic destiny." Nope. Don't think so.


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Re: How has getting readings changed you?
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2017, 03:37:02 PM »
Getting readings from keen has been an overall bad experience for me from a change perspective; because I was doing binge readings at one point in time and wasted ton of money on it- and in return, only got fairytales except from 1-2 (out of 50-70+ others) in years.
99% of these psychics are there only to make money and do not think about our interests; the fact that they dont mind us keep calling shows just that- they are there for their bread and butter, their rent, and to feed their children. In general I feel like keen should have a maximum monthly spending amount for each person like another psychic hotline from UK I used to use long time ago.
When we have already lost our hard earned money on these people, and understand that their readings give nothing but heart break in the end for the most part, we realise - the hard way. I have realised it before and still went on another binge months ago. Why. Because of lack of self control and self confidence.
Moreover, this is not just about money. It is also about the fact that we are invoking the "supernatural" like tarot, spirit guides every time we take a reading from a psychic, and from someone who uses tarot cards and there are so many negative energies that can get tapped through these readings and may interfere in the outcome in a negative way. I dont know why but whenever I have taken crazy multiple readings from keen, the outcome was almost always never what I wanted.
I do know from personal experience that the more I have read using tarot cards to look into an outcome for myself, the more negative the outcome has been in those cases. Thats why I threw my own cards long time ago.
I may read again but only if most predictions happen and not before that and only once every 3 months (and once a year when things are fine). I will rely on my own spirituality to divert my mind till then. I have sent a deactivation request here as well as from keen too.
Anyway, I just wanted to create some awareness on this; hope someone gets benefitted.

